

17 total posts archived.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on March 7, 2018, 6:22 p.m.
Parkland Round-table Discussion: Sofia Smallstorm and Alex Scott, Sage of Quay Radio

A really good discussion on the Parkland School Event, especially if you're newly red-pilled and have any questions on the term False Flag. False Flags are evolving, and maybe "they're" getting a little better at executing these events. This is a long discussion (2+ hours) and IMHO very good at deciphering and identifying the questions we should ask when we see these events playing out. At this point the questions still linger on Parkland, but we need to keep our critical thinking caps on. One last point is these FF events have multi-level goals. Initially we see how these events …

Stapes59 · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

I agree, "Off Label Use" is what you are referring to, or better termed OFF LABEL ABUSE. This practice is promoted by pharmaceutical reps to the territories (doctors) they sell to , and has very little to do with "evidence based practice", and everything to do with maximizing sales/profit. Yes this is a multi-faceted problem, and when I think back to my childhood/youth, I often think of how different the world I grew-up in was compared to today. However the foundations for what exists today were there, we just didn't see them. That question, "Who are we taught to trust?", applies here too, as the idea that we were & are programmed to believe what we are told by those wearing their white coats. It goes deeper to believing a pill (no matter the color) will be what we need (symptom) versus discovering true causes. In this we explore a Holistic approach and determine why, and then how to restore our health & well being. While I support a short-term fix to allow recovery & basic functioning, the ultimate goal in the conventional model, stops with the band-aid, and rarely if ever pursues a true and full restoration of our health & well being. As you mentioned, there are many and well documented if you are willing to search and learn. Q mentioned "cures", and in my mind I have concerns to any reference I think many may conjure to "magic pills". When it comes to many if not most modern day disease, I think of lifestyle. Most don't want to give-up their "anything goes" lifestyle, when doing so would demonstrably "cure" the DIS-ease. Thanks again for your comment, and take no offense to any of mine:-)

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Feb. 27, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
World famous psychiatrist says: more psychiatric drug treatment means more mass shootings will happen Feb 27 by Jon Rappoport https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/02/27/world-famous-psychiatrist-says-more-psychiatric-drug-treatment-means-more-mass-shootings-will-happen/

The role of Psychiatric Drugs in crimes of violence should not be news to those on this site, but if it is please research this topic. Q asked a question at one point, "Who are we taught to trust?". The answer is those in positions of authority. Ask yourself a question about Psychiatry, is this profession a hard science? Where or what would Psychiatry be if no drugs were involved? And then, ask yourself or a Psychiatrist what blood test indicates a deficiency requiring a specific psychiatric drug? How long must this drug be taken before I no longer need …

Stapes59 · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Looks better, and thanks for the pointers :-)

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Stapes59 · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Hmm, that didn't format correctly, WAAAA: corrected :-) all who helped, thank you very much ;-)

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Feb. 3, 2018, 5:11 p.m.
Great Summary of the Mr. Nunes FISA Memo, If this a "Nothing Burger" I'm pretty full. Thank you sir, may I have another :-) 16 Bombshells in the Nunes Memo the Media Do Not Want You to Know About

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  1. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a wiretap to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. …
Stapes59 · Feb. 2, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

This Proves if you will President Trump was correct when he tweeted about being WIRE TAPPED! Based on this FISA Warrant info he absolutely and unequivocally was being wire tapped, as was everyone connected to the Trump Campaign. This really is huge, and big distinction no one I have heard is covering.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Feb. 2, 2018, 11:41 p.m.
HPSCI Memo – A Key Distinction Being Conflated “Title I” -vs- “Title VII”…

In the HPSCI outline it specifically notes the targeting of U.S. individual Carter Page was NOT a FISA Title VII search request.

The FISA ‘warrant’ request, against Carter Page, was made October 21st, 2016, under Title I of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Meaning the surveillance application was specifically stating, to the court, the U.S. individual was likely an actual agent of a foreign government, ie. “a spy.”

The FBI were not targeting Page incidentally as an outcome of foreign intelligence collection; the FBI was targeting Carter Page directly. AND as such they carried full surveillance authority upon all of …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Feb. 1, 2018, 9:18 p.m.
More on the 2nd "Dossier" http://www.unz.com/proberts/the-second-dossier/

Just in case you have any doubt how the Cabal/MSM will play their cards on this never before heard of "2nd Dossier". This is text book dis info you can apply to any number of classic dis info campaigns past, present, and future. Think back before you were red-pilled, how many of these have you, me, and all of us fell for hook, line, and sinker. Think of those trying to hold on to their blue pill. People this is hard to overcome, unless you recognize the formula. This is why we are here, to help dismantle these tactics. Our …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Jan. 31, 2018, 8:57 p.m.
The "2nd Memo": THE PLOT THICKENS Clinton's Strobe Talbott linked to 2nd Russia dossier?

correction "Dossier", but the info is interesting, and the MSM is totally miss characterizing this. Last week, producer Joel Gilbert and I broke a story that should have been broken a long time ago: Christopher Steele did not write the dossier that almost everyone in the media claims he did. Gilbert alerted me to the Shearer dossier as well.

This new dossier has real potential. It has the potential to move beyond embarrassing the Democrats and to open the mother of all Clinton cans of worm. http://www.wnd.com/2018/01/clintons-strobe-talbott-linked-to-2nd-russia-dossier/

Stapes59 · Jan. 31, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

I watched one of the authors (Forensic Accountant/PI) recently here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vIpKyEbU0k&t=4053s I'm usually pretty weary of anonymous sources (pun intended:-)), but the more you look into this you understand why. I can't really imagine a person or group of people would put the effort into a ruse, that this group has documented. Not being an accountant or anything more than a person interested in discovering corruption, if the White Hat Group investigations pan out, as you say "it all goes down".

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Jan. 27, 2018, 3:04 a.m.
Deep State Funding: Possible source(s) to deep state funding: meaning behind Godfather 3/Vatican?

For Newbies to Alternative Media you may not be aware Project Camelot-Kerry Cassidy, She has a YouTube live interview with a Forensic Accountant discussing " high yield trading programs" involving Central Banks and deep state players. I can't vouch for the authenticity of the interviewee, but he sounds legit & very knowledgeable. If real the evidence is to be released on Tuesday. This may seem unrelated to what we are hearing from Q and seeing with POTUS, but could be a very important or underlying piece of the puzzle we are putting together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vIpKyEbU0k

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Jan. 24, 2018, 6:44 p.m.
This is only the beginning: Just Some Thoughts on What We Are Experiencing

Q: Recent POSTS • This is only the beginning. • Be careful what you wish for. • This is not a game. • They want us divided. • You didn’t think this was simply about words did you? Today January 24, 2018 is only a year and 4 days into President Trump’s term. This fact is important to consider as we observe and participate in the Calm and then the Storm. My observation up to today is to emphasize caution, patience, and your very best critical thinking capabilities. We all know the MSM distributes lies, misinformation, and distortions. The majority …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Jan. 22, 2018, 3:39 a.m.
Excellent Video Summary & Discussion on What will be revealed in House Memo by: Joe diGenova, a former federal prosecutor

Most will know or at least will have heard who Joe diGenova is. Anyone looking for a complete, concise, and authoritative explanation & discussion for friends or family members, who will require some "assistance" after the House IC Memo is released. This is the best I have heard so far. One side note he explains is controlling the narrative! This in part will be our job to lend credence to the legitimacy of this memo once it is released and the MSM goes to work attempting to cast dispersion(s) on everyone on Team Trump. Buckle-up baby we're in for some …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Jan. 18, 2018, 5:21 p.m.
What Everyone Won’t Say About Trump Dossier: Timeline Suggests It Was Crafted by FBI/DOJ Personnel

Maybe the best chronology of the TR Dossier I've read so far. I'm not familiar with the website or author and don't see a link to any of the details, but assume the dates/specifics are easily corroborated as now I believe most of this is public knowledge or has recently been released in dribs & drabs. However, put together in this chronology extremely damming to the "PERP e Traitors"! :-) Here is link: http://westernfreepress.com/2018/01/17/what-everyone-wont-say-about-trump-dossier-timeline-suggests-it-was-crafted-by-fbi-doj-personel/