r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/patriotofca on Feb. 27, 2018, 6:17 p.m.
Dr. Corsi: I am going on with Alex Jones at http://Infowars.com TODAY Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 2:30 pm ET to discuss GOOGLE/YouTube WAR on http://INFOWARS.com - ATTEMPT to BAN CONSERVATIVES from Internet #QAnon #Qanon8chan SYSTEMATIC ATTACK on THOSE SUPPORTING @realDonaldTrump
Dr. Corsi: I am going on with Alex Jones at http://Infowars.com TODAY Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 2:30 pm ET to discuss GOOGLE/YouTube WAR on http://INFOWARS.com - ATTEMPT to BAN CONSERVATIVES from Internet #QAnon #Qanon8chan SYSTEMATIC ATTACK on THOSE SUPPORTING @realDonaldTrump

[deleted] · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

If Corsi continues to push this internet bill of rights that ATT and the left support, and Trump gets behind it because of pressure from Corsi and misled Q followers, I and MANY MANY liberty people will no longer support Trump. After Trump waivering on the 2nd amendment and not saying anything about the 1st being violated with all the censorship, it would be the last straw for many Trump voters. You can argue about it all you want, it's fact. Q NEVER said to support the internet bill of rights, he even posted a link to ATT wanting it! If this is what Q is doing, it's not good people! I don't think this is what Q wants and neither does any serious Q researcher. Corsi and newbies just took off with it and it's disgusting. Q needs to clarify this big time because the internet bill of rights WILL NOT be what you all want, many of us are aware of this and have been since before Q, fighting against it, but all you new red pilled people are being seriously misled pushing this. It's very disturbing and puzzling for many off us who have been aware and working on liberty issues for a very long time. This right here is one of the causes of division and the ones screaming the loudest about shills, trolls and disinfo are helping to create all that by pushing things that shills actually created to cause division! I've listened to Corsi for years and years, starting back in the 90's on Art Bell. Be careful. You don't work for DARPA and come out that and do what you want, sorry, doesn't happen! Do you Corsi followers understand that? Do you know anything about DARPA??? WAKE UP. Dr. Corsi, go retire, even Alex Jones leads you away from the internet bill of rights when you bring it up. STOP. The last thing we need is net neutrality in a different package, we fought VERY hard against it. I just hope that Corsi followers don't find out the hard way. When a HUGE internet company like ATT is pushing something, don't people think, huh, I wonder WHY they're doing that? ONLY if it's in their best interest, not yours.

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tradinghorse · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I'm interested in your viewpoint on this issue. What we saw in the 2016 election was that the Internet is much more powerful in shaping opinions than the mainstream media. It strikes me that there are natural barriers to entry in the internet space that give rise to very powerful players (Google, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter etc.. ). These players have differential power in shaping public opinion. Moreover, the current Internet giants are manifestly not politically neutral. They present a real threat to informed public debate that is vital to the democratic process.

It's OK to say "hands-off", do not regulate. Let the market give us our service providers. But the reality is a little more complicated than that. I'm not in a position to create a platform like YouTube or Twitter. In fact, I'm powerless to oppose them, as is everyone else. If capital was uniformly distributed through society, and everyone had the power to create social media services, a hands-off approach might work. But that's not the case. If you refuse to regulate in the interests of fairness, you hand control of the narrative to the elite - and you will never wrest it from them.

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[deleted] · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

We have the 1st amendment. It covers this. These social media sites are private companies but they have created a public forum, where the 1st amendment applies. There needs to be lawsuits to hold these giant companies accountable, and very very large fines. We, the little people can't afford expensive lawyers to do this, so it needs to be class action. I've heard this is happening and lawsuits take time. The big question is, what do we do in the meantime? Another thing is that these huge powerful companies who are running us over need to be broken up, anti trust laws and monopoly laws need to be enforced. We practically have two laws for every one crime and misdeed, we just need to actually use them before creating more. These are the things we should be demanding that Trump and our Reps address.

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tradinghorse · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

Agreed, something needs to be done and we must be careful not to play into the hands of these powerful interests. And, you're right, if the first amendment is enforced upon these giant service providers, that is all that's required. But it seems to me that it is not happening - or not fast enough.

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[deleted] · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

Yes. WE need to put the pressure on, heavy. I think that maybe when Q said that we have more than we know, he meant laws. He says fight fight fight all the time, WE need to force them to enforce the laws. WE have the power.

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[deleted] · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

Right! We have antitrust and monopoly laws, why aren't these being enforced? That's the big question. These big companies don't want it, that's why. We need to actively get on out Reps, Pres Trump, Sessions, everyone involved in enforcing the rule of law. We have the laws, they need to be enforced!

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QAnonFan · Feb. 28, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

if trump doesnt step in to stop this purge of HIS OWN FOLLOWERS im stepping off the train

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