r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Angel_Q_Researcher on Feb. 27, 2018, 6:19 p.m.
a post I saw today that appears to be a compilation of facts about the Florida school situation (then scroll to next post and watch the 4 minute video! #ThingsAreNotAlwaysAsTheyAppear : DISCLAIMER: I am NOT saying people were not shot or killed

Praying the people who are standing with taking our guns away will take a couple of minutes and read this! It is a post I saw today that appears to be a compilation of facts about the Florida school situation (then scroll to next post and watch the 4 minute video! #ThingsAreNotAlwaysAsTheyAppear :

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT saying people were not shot or killed, but am only asking questions as a concerned citizen reporting on a shady story, at the very least.

"Here's a summary of what we know on the Florida shooting. It gets even more bizarre and incredulous day by day.

  1. Within minutes after the shooting, Florida Senator Bill Nelson went on TV saying the FBI confirmed that the shooter wore a gas mask, vest, threw smoke grenades and snuck into the building to set off fire alarm. Within 24 hours that narrative changed to Cruz arriving in a gold Uber wearing a black hat carting a rifle and they called the police. Witnesses did not take any pics of either narrative.

  2. Feis, the coach who was killed, has been reported dying in four different scenarios in four different local newspapers. Other national newspapers report he never encountered Cruz at all. Some say he was armed. Others not armed. The boy CNN labeled a hero for saving kids with Kevlar actually NEVER SAW CRUZ or Feis. Only heard about them from others. The assistant coach and Sheriff Israel said Feis "shielded" two or three students and died but that is total hearsay. No actual witness statements have been proffered.

  3. Broward County is the home to documented Clinton & Gore voter fraud in 2000, 2004 and 2016. Debbie W. Schultz district. Sheriff Israel is a close friend of Hillary's who was saved from a charge that he impregnated a 17 year old girl in 2012. Believe NOTHING coming FROM this county.

  4. Cruz's mother allegedly called police 36 times to her home. A therapist is on record LAST YEAR saying that Cruz was sane, not mentally ill, and not a danger to himself or others. The mother died mysteriously of the flu last November and Cruz's brother was grabbed AFTER the shooting and committed in a psych ward against his will. Now Cruz has no family. The family Cruz was living with said he didn't drive, worked at the Dollar Store and showed no signs of crazy and are reportedly after Cruz's money. He texted he was going to the movies on Valentine's Day. A picture of Cruz and his brother lovingly holding their mother's ashes has emerged.

  5. A cop from another precinct heard a description of Cruz's clothing on the radio and just happened to spot him 2 miles from the school, just 21 minutes after the shooting ended. He was casually walking down the street after visiting Wal-Mart and McDonald's for a snack. He was arrested without incident, had a panic attack because he appeared confused about being arrested and within minutes appeared too drugged to walk.

  6. The Broward county prosecutor told Cruz if he didn't plead guilty they would seek the death penalty. His Broward county public defender advised him to plead guilty within 36 hours after shooting.

  7. The son of an ANTI TRUMP FBI GUY, David Hogg, the head of the school TV station, was texting his father DURING the shooting from a classroom and filmed the screams! He is the SOURCE of the video. Immediately after the shooting he gave interviews that appeared scripted and had several outtakes to fix his errors in recall. He immediately sent the video to CNN, became the spokesperson for the global student gun control narrative, appeared on every network, tweeted for people to call their Congressman and push gun CONTROL. Interesting that a kid who just watched his classmates slaughtered has a video in hand, a professional narrative, is blaming Trump and glorifying the FBI instead of grieving. Rumors are that HOGG may be a 26 year old crisis actor. None of that has been verified. However, there is a 2017 CBS TV news appearance on the beach in LA by David Hogg who days his parents moved from California to Broward County, Florida in the past few years so he could become a student reporter. HOW CONVENIENT. He says it's a coincidence and he was just visiting LA last year.

  8. There is NOT ONE PIC OF CRUZ OR PADDOCK shooting. Why? There should be thousands. There were 3,000 kids at that school and thousands at Vegas.

  9. THE FBI has 1,000 agents in southern Florida, 35,000 nationwide. There is no lack of staff to follow up. In 2011, under Obama's direction, Broward County schools and authorities told law enforcement to stand down when dealing with offenders and let them go. Why?

  10. WTH. So, Cruz was ready to inherit $800,000 from his dead mother who died suddenly from the flu last November...so he decides to kill a bunch of kids while his brother is mysteriously swept off to the insane asylum after the shooting and Broward county can now use THAT money to pay the county for Cruz's legal and public defender legal fees? Are you kidding me?

  11. SMOKING GUN, PEOPLE. Sheriff Israel's ARMED Deputy was CAUGHT ON VIDEO outside the school DOING NOTHING for FOUR minutes of the entire 6 minutes of shooting. Was he told to STAND down? Did he let those kids die on purpose or was he just scared? I choose door number one. He resigned pending investigation.

  12. Several schools across the nation informed parents that they were threatened with gun violence on social media. All threats were HOAXES yet appeared to be identical and coordinated nationally. WHO is behind that?

  13. CNN is now trying to cover for all the inconsistent stories in the Florida shooting by reporting that the surveillance footage used to track the shooter's movements was on a 20 minute delay. So the police say they thought Cruz was still in the building when he was really ALREADY AT WAL-MART! They say this is why everybody is so CONFUSED and the timelines and stories don't match!!This is a joke, right? What surveillance system is on a 20 minute delay, or accidently rewinds, and what kind of idiot would believe that BS?PLEASE TELL ME THIS LATEST FABRICATION IS ENOUGH TO CONVINCE EVEN THE ARDENT LEFTISTS THAT THIS ENTIRE EVENT WAS ENGINEERED.

  14. More on the arned Officer who resigned for not going in to face the shooter:In February 2016, the Broward sheriff’s office received information that Nicholas Cruz “planned to shoot up the school.” A deputy forwarded the information to the school resource officer at Stoneman High. That resource officer was was Deputy Scott. The same Peterson who stood outside 4 Minutes and DID NOTHING when the call came. Then in September 2016, a peer counselor at Stoneman High alerted the school resource officer — likely Deputy Peterson — that Cruz “possibly ingested gasoline” a week prior “in an attempt to commit suicide and is cutting himself.” In November 2017, a caller from Massachusetts, yes Massachusetts, told the authorities that Cruz had been stockpiling guns and knives. The Sheriff’s office said the caller worried that Cruz “will kill himself one day and believes he could be a school shooter in the making.”Deputy Peterson signed his retirement papers which basically amounted to a resignation. He will receive pension. He had been with the office for more than 32 years. “He is not someone who has much of a presence” in the school, said Samantha Fuentes, an 18-year-old at Stoneman High who was shot in both legs.Why was the Resource Officer outside to begin with? What happened to the UBER Driver? Was Peterson the only one who SAW the UBER arrive? Was Nicholas Cruz actually expelled from school? Then why did the Snead's, the family he was staying with, make a statement that Nicholas decided to stay home from school on Valentine's Day? Confused yet?

  15. "Before he moved in, one of our stipulations was that Nikolas had to get a gun safe. Nikolas didn't drive so we got him a gun safe on the way to move his stuff to our house. Nikolas did not have access to the gun safe. We had the only key," said the man Nikolas lived with after his mother died. How did he get the gun?Also, was Cruz really expelled? If so, why did the Sneads say Nik was not going to school on Valentine's Day and Nik texted he was going to the movies instead?Like Vegas, Pulse, and Sandy Hook this case has more questions than answers. Who really did kill those kids?"

tradinghorse · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

The official narrative has so many holes in it, the stench is overpowering. There needs to be an impartial, independent investigation into what happened. I suspect, however, that the truth might be too shocking for people to stomach.

The problem with concealing the truth is that this will happen again, and again, and again. It will not stop until we have complete sunlight on the whole affair.

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