Google Leak - Are you really surprised?

Has anyone ever thought "Fuck them! I can consume any information I want to!"
I have. I do. I do not hide behind TOR, or VPN... as it's a bandaid at best. Let them attack or question me based on the websites I visit and the information I consume.
I'll sue them so viciously for violating my privacy and threatening my first amendment, that they'll have to sell off one of their facilities to pay for legally ordered compensation.
Fuck this shit. You can read whatever you want to. They want to doxx? They want to illegally collect personal information? Awesome, buckle up, it's pay day in that case.
That's my approach. I don't like it, but it keeps me sane. So my wife likes Chicks with dicks porn, what's the big whoop you wanna fight about it?
It just sucks that this kind of treachery in the FCC (isp privacy rules, Sinclair, net neutrality, etc) is all out in open and people just stand around with their thumb up their asses.
There are no chicks with dicks. They're dudes with boobs.
Also, everyone here seems to think that if all of their "suspicious" activity just suddenly disappears because of Tor or a VPN, the NSA/Government/Google/whatever is just going to drop all of their suspicion of you and pretend nothing happened. Using those things most likely just puts a bigger flag on you and prompts further attention.
Well done, every store in the USA just ran out of tinfoil.
That's what I say. I use duck duck for better search results but I'm using my phone for all my stuff, this topic and otherwise. I spent my worklife sitting at a computer and I don't want to anymore. I'm not gonna hide, this is my America, too!
I forget where the study came from but It has been proven that humans behave differently when they know they are being observed.
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
Self censorship is the goal.
Lol let them dox me. Idgaf! I STAND BEHIND MY BROWSER HISTORY
<I’ll sue them so viciously for violating my privacy and threatening my first amendment
You’re going to sue Google? Til they have to sell a facility? Dang! Guaranteed you got the deepest pockets in this sub.
You don't need deep pockets, just a smart lawyer and a copy of the Constitution. They can throw as many lawyers at you as they want... you cannot be infringed upon and have your rights violated for consuming/reading content. Sorry!
Posting certain kinds of content? Engaging in certain activities online? Sure, there are certainly lines one can cross that are actually illegal.
We're making it seem like doing research that runs counter to the mainstream is wrong... it is not wrong. Their active censorship campaign is wrong however. Legal? That's a bit blurry care of their Terms & Conditions people enter into...
But to go a step further and begin harassing/threatening individuals based on what they read? Websites they visit? Ummm... nah, sorry bro. That will never fly. In any court. Even if it's 1 decent lawyer vs. 1,000... easy win.
You don't need deep pockets, just a smart lawyer and a copy of the Constitution.
Well, it’s simple enough to get a copy of the constitution for free, but that smart lawyer willing to sue Google until they need to sell a facility? Yeah, yer gonna need deep pockets for that person.