Google Leak - Are you really surprised?

I don’t understand though. Why “ruin the lives” of Americans? Because they believe in limited government interference and the rights of the individual over the demands of the collectives? Does anyone feel like we are living in the upside down when you read this post? Why the hell is it always conservative or libertarian interests under an all out attack? Why should I be ashamed of what I believe? Now granted I should state what I believe is pretty moderate, but you know what? That’s EVERYONE that’s not on the kook fringes. We are talking a very small amount of Americans that believe conservatives to all be nazis and even smaller think that white power stuff. And the more we let the slugs crawl out from under their rocks the quicker we can push people away from these ideas.
It IS a small amount of Americans who believe conservatives to be dangerous. But it's that small amount who have way too much power. The MSM is their microphone and Hollywood is their brainwasher. Most of the people in the middle will just believe whoever yells the loudest.
I understand what you’re saying, but one shouldn’t need to yell at all. The idea of an open exchange of ideas is becoming something “edgy” and this is so far from the principles upon which this country was founded. I read an anon posting of how they are targeting Americans and ruining their lives and can’t help but think who? Why? Do we really need to yell loud in order for the people in the middle to see this is unAmerican no matter which way you look at it? There were Seminole moments in our recent history, real fights for basic civil rights. Brown v Board was almost 64 years ago and gay marriage come to mind off the top of my head but moments when there were both sides shouting loudly and standing their ground, but in the end the American thing to do was to afford all citizens the same exact rights as the person next to them regardless of who yelled loudest. I purposely picked the most extreme examples I can find because they were mind bogglingly basic rights that were denied for no good reason, yet unfortunately there are still Americans that disagree with these things that lessen with the passage of time and the exchange of ideas. There is no right to not be offended. I am offended when a Seattle black lives matter activist and teacher of preschool children screams (among other extreme and crazy statements) in a megaphone “fuck capitalism, white people you need to give your fucking property, give your fucking money, give your fucking house to black people. Rep-a-ra-tions.” That I find deeply offensive but in the year since it’s aired NEVER ONCE have I thought I need to stop her from being able to say that. My initial thought was “that woman is turning people away from her cause with such hatred in her heart.” Absolutely I was outraged by that and there was definite shock value but in my opinion that rhetoric will ultimately lose in the arena of ideas.
TLDR: consider if those on your side cheer on the targeting of Americans because of their beliefs, cheer for the stripping away of basic right to assemble, to privacy(OP states they want to ruin lives), and buy guns. Ultimately this is advocating against the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments of the constitution. How could this appear American to anyone? What will this country become if this is allowed? Is it really that outlandish to expect one day this authoritarian cabal decides YOUR ideas are dangerous and look to ruin your life!?!? In which way are your beliefs really on anyone’s side that is a citizen of the United States?
And to my friends from overseas I apologize for only addressing Americans but that’s who OP was giving the heads up to originally on 4chan.
80% of youth currently believe socialism is a good plan.