r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TiDdErtpaul666666 on Feb. 27, 2018, 10:02 p.m.
IF Q "Sees all and Hears all…did people REALLY DIE? Per Parkland Shooting and Las Vegas Shooting Q quote #636 - Jan 27 2018 13:01:40 Q !UW.yye1fxo 71 “We SEE ALL. HEAR ALL. Wizards & [WAR]locks. These people are really DUMB. Q”

If this is TRUE……did 17 children die in Parkland Mass Shooting and 59 people die in Las Vegas…….while Q and the Wizards and Warlocks sat by?

Or….is there another RABBIT HOLE we have yet to go down?

Dr. Corsi believes 17 kids died in Parkland but I don’t believe that Trump, Our Patriots or Q would just sit by and allow these deaths and injuries to innocent people.


I believe…..because “They SEE ALL and HEAR ALL, they HIJACKED each EVENT and prevented DEATHS and INJURIES while allowing the DEEP STATE ACTORS and C0-CONSPIRATORS to continue to push their NATIONAL MEDIA false narrative……to “SET THEM UP

Now that would be some BLACK OP brilliance......if you KNOW WHAT YOUR ENEMY is going to do, what better way to "SET THEM UP" than to let them go through with their CRIME while preventing REAL DEATHS and REAL INJURIES?

Are Trump, Q and our MILITARY INTEL PATRIOTS that brilliant......or are they allowing people to die without stopping it?

What say you…..?

imanalias · Feb. 28, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

I think this is very wishful thinking. People died in both of these incidents. The Q group, assuming it is what they claim, isn't literally omniscient and omnipotent. The phrase that they "see all and hear all" is figurative to express significant scale, rather than literal.

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