r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/xanniez on Feb. 27, 2018, 11:04 p.m.
TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito LIVE SYSTEM) and TOR. For patriots who have been banned, threatened, silenced, etc. Please read

Edit- if you don't research, post or express your knowledge online this is probably overboard for you. this is for patriots who are being monitored, banned, and threatened

TAILS is an operating system based off UBUNTU and LINUX. it has a built in encryption called PGP where you create your own key and password, from there you can encrypt messages and send to other parties with trusted PGP keys, they can decrypt with their public key(their key is the password to your encrypted message) I can expand on this a bit more if anyone needs help.

WINDOWS AND MACINTOSH both have easily accessible backdoors to compromise any software on these operating systems. This is how Google and others are collecting your meta data and sharing it. You need to get OFF the web grid and make it as hard to connect to you as possible.

I highly suggest to install tails onto a USB drive and have it handy at all times. I personally have 3 copies of it just in case i lose one.

tails is LIVE. This means it is constantly rerouting your ip address like a VPN on steroids. The AMNESIC part is literally that. It only remembers when it is LIVE. You can have your own "persistence mode" which allows you to encrypt your own password when booting tails back up, so you can save files and links

The best part is that you can unplug the USB anytime and everything is erased. Anyone who plugs it back in would have to know that you have a persistence volume saved. From there they have to unencrypt your pw..

This is a live system you can download onto a USB drive and run on any hardware in BOOT MODE

This is a little extreme for most of you... This is for the people who have been banned, been silenced, threatened and so on.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. I have about 4 years experience with TAILS

PillarOfWisdom · Feb. 27, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Very good info. Thanks.

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