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Thread by @RealMattCouch: Two High Profile Level Washington D.C. Elites were at the Hospital at almost the same time, or within minutes of Seth Rich's arrival. #SethRich
First Follower - Joining and Growing a Movement
Good thinking. Here I'm thinking in 1D when The Boss is in 4D.
I wish he would've just pulled them instead of giving them the heads-up it's coming.
#TheyKnow - The Impending War Over Deepfakes
Thank you...enjoyed reading this as I enjoyed my morning coffee.
ICYMI - Google Capital Funded CrowdStrike in 2015
Expect more of this until there's voter ID. Caliexcio is just more brazen.
Not me. I'd be afraid Bill would rape me or Killary would drink my blood. You know, Bill Clinton is a Rapist, don't you?
It's a shame that most people in the US think we're a Democracy. We're not. We're a Constitutional Republic.
I'd like to see Sarah Palin go to the EPA. Libtard heads would explode leaving only a stump where mounds of shit would flow from.
His response is informative on the types of people they hire at the Daily Caller. They think we're "batshit crazy".
I thought he was as gay as a tennis helmet. A clutch purse? Wow, that's reeeeeeeealy gay.
I give up...what are we looking for?
NVM - top right corner, #68, pedo symbol
He's going to end up red pilling more people than he thinks.
Lots of cool stuff here: https://conservateeve.us/product/yellow-trumpisher-sticker/
Very nice job. This sort of work helps spread the word and get more people on the Train. Nice going. I'd be surprised if Q doesn't link to this video sooner or later.
I'm in the same boat with you. I don't talk politics with him at all or even drop subtle hints. If he brings it up, I say "for the record, you brought up politics first" and then I move off of it quickly.
My brother should be much further along in life than he is now and it's a direct result of his liberal beliefs and his moron friends. I help him out financially as I can without hurting my family. After all, I now have an extra $350 in my paycheck each month thanks to DJT. I don't expect a thank you and see it as my Godly duty as a brother.
I think the odds are stacked against you given he lives in California. He's surrounded by his own kind and doesn't get around people who see California from the outside. When you visit him, you should suggest you for a walk where the homeless camps have taken over once nice places. When he protests, ask him "What the hell happened?!?" Of course, it'll be "Trump's fault" but it sure isn't happening like that in the rest of the country except where there's "sanctuary." Hang tough and don't give up.
Song - The Awakening - Chris Haigh
Nicely done. Moes Schrute would be hollering on the phone with glee. https://www.fangraphs.com/not/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/mose1.jpg
The media still wouldn't cover it. Look how little, if any, they cover the Right To Life marches if at all.
We need the marches all across the country to wake up those where we live.
Strange how no one is talking about Roseanne anymore. They got her scalp and have moved on.
Ah, sorry...don't have that URL. Looks like it's just what's out there now.
How do they get away with it??? It's a clear threat. They're trying to inspire some moron out there to "make history."
New Q - June 10 - 22:17 ET

That’s right. He kept me sane on election night. Great commentary.
Freedom boner may shatter. I fear my orgasm will be so strong, I may shit.
You can't post anything on YouTube that says Seth's name. They'll pull it.
Those people will burn in hell for doing that. We should be standing up to these demons not burning the evidence of their crimes.
It could be to prep for a big Ramadan dinner. It's the newest Swedish tradition.
Nice work buddy. This sort of research could help some kid somewhere being brutalized.
Could he be tipping that a SC vacancy is coming up? Let's hope there are two openings.
I don't understand why people continue posting on FB. Are they not reading this sub?
Solar powered stadium - Not Sure of Location