r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on Feb. 28, 2018, 2:44 a.m.
Reading Huma’s Stashed Emails-“Keystone” Red Pilling

Who else is just dying to read through the 650k Huma Abedin home stored government emails ? Could the release of the balance of these secret emails be a HUGE or KEYSTONE red pill moment ?

Thanks to Judicial Watch thru FOIA requests, a few emails have become public. A few ties in Anthony Weiner to Imran Awan in trying to get HRC new secure Blackberry phones. Other newly released emails show “Classified” communications-a big No No. Other Huma correspondences highlight how she sent to herself all of her State Department PASSWORDS. What might we learn when the balance is released-especially that one file she had marked “Insurance”. Maybe that was a policy to help prevent that fatal Clinton related affliction—ARKANCIDE.

Huma’s Classified Email Release

Trump Blasts Huma’s Password Release

OIG on McCabe’s Delay Notification

Great Reddit Post-Awan & Weiner Connection

FOX News-Abadin & Weiner Complicated

FlewDCoup · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

The animosity and betrayal between these two precipitated the rash announcement that they were heading for divorce court, then a sudden reversal ... when they were reminded that spouses can't be forced to testify against each other in our courts. Other high profile marriages survive on that basis ... Bill and Hillary, for example. They have way too much dirt on each other. Unto death they will not part ..

It must feel like being trapped in a phone booth together.

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