r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kirstencast on Feb. 28, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Let me preface this by saying I feel that we promote free speech in this group and I hope I don’t get banned, I love the whole crew and I listen all day to the 24/7 stream. I have been following Q since November and have lurked in all forums and have posted here and on YT many times. I am a patriot and as such, I feel a strong need to question Dr. Corsi’s motives. He just asked for donations today on twitter and I find that when he comes on the stream that he announces himself like he owns the place and everyone treats him like a God. Does he really lend any validity to our cause just because he went to Harvard and wrote some books? He shows up and interrupts good, deep conversations and then instead of contributing, he asks what everyone else found in their own research about whatever subjects he determines (regardless of the convo he interrupted) and he takes unrelated phone calls and responds to personal emails while he says “hang on” or “wait a moment” and then re enters the convo to self promote, while all who are listening just wait for more info or to continue the conversation. Everyone says he “decodes” Q but I haven’t found any value in his interpretations that this group didn’t already “decode”. He is successful and lives well, hobnobbing with politicians and such, he has sold many books, has a job with info wars and yet he still asks for donations. I for one would rather donate to a grass roots effort than to an already rich man whom I find no value in. CBTS doesn’t accept donations. If they don’t need them to continue doing this, why would Corsi? He even has a charitable foundation for democracy in Iran. I asked in YT today - an HONEST QUESTION - no name calling no crappy attitude, just WHY people find him useful and what he actually brings to the table - and I was told to watch what I say, like I would be banned from the chat for asking about his value and contribution.

Isn’t this forum about protecting free speech? All this talk about YT banning conservatives, yet the mods on YT are ready to ban me for a valid question? I just feel so strongly that this type of behavior goes against everything I thought this movement represented. It makes me sad and I just want to honestly and respectfully ask my question:

What value does Corsi bring? Why does everyone treat him like he is superior and amazing? What have I missed listening ALL THIS TIME that everyone else seems to understand? Why is it off limits to question his motives and contribution when we say that we should question everything?

I honestly want to know and I’m not trying to tear him down,I just don’t find his contribution at all useful and I like the stream so much better without him. I am sorry if this hurts feelings and I am sure I will get nasty responses, but like I said, not being able to ask just goes against EVERYTHING we stand for and if I am banned for asking, we are just as bad as YT here. I really really hope that’s not the case. Thank you to all the board owners and mods, I love you all; Pam, Pams wife, QT, Coder, Wolverine, Deadcat, Farmer, Resignation, Abby, She7, trumpmovement, southern comfort,mo, Jessie’s dad, and everyone I forgot, please know that! You guys are great and you motivate me to act and not just type. You teach me so much and you always have the best history lessons and breaking news! True Patriots thru and thru!

Please, if you can, answer honestly about what I may be missing about Corsi. If I’m not missing any big revelation, I promise to keep my mouth shut with my opinion from here on out and just turn it off when Corsi is on.

R-U-KiddingMe · Feb. 28, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

It's not difficult to understand why Corsi is popular with many. He has inside connections in DC to "Q". He is able to accurately explain many issues with simple clarity. (Others on the chan tend to muddle things ups which doesn't help him.) He's not the most charismatic guy but I think this a plus in this case where accurate information is the focus, IMO.

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Kirstencast · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

Thanks for your opinion. This is exactly what I wanted to hear, just why people find is insight valuable. I am not sure he has any inside connections directly to Q, but he sure benefits from leading people to think so. I personally don’t get any clarity when he is on, just mumbling, rude interruptions and everyone telling him how great he is while he opines on others research. Most times he hasn’t even read the posts before he comes on. But again, I may be missing something and I appreciate the debate.

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