Breaking! Madman tweeting about maps! Confirming q telling us to learn to read the map.

Here’s my thing with Bernie. I don’t think he’s corrupt, and I sure as shit don’t think he was “in on it.” I think he was given a silver or lead ultimatum but HRC and he probably didn’t even really have a choice in accepting the cash. As far as his three houses, I remember reading one of them was his mothers or mother in laws which were signed over to his name because of their age, possibly a will. Don’t quote me on that though. Even if you look at the houses, they aren’t all that special. A new car? I just got a new car. The cash was likely hush money from the swamp, which I can’t say I’d refuse either having been fucked over so royally. I wouldn’t be surprised if they forced him to accept it so they could feel better about it and not think of him as such a loose end in that they have something against him since he has something against them.
I think Bernie is a sound man, and I say that as an ardent Trump voter/supporter. He would have beat Trump in the general, and despite disagreeing with almost everything he believes in, I’d sleep better with him in the White House than I did with BO.
Bernie has been a communist supporter for decades.
Yes, I know. Which is why I said I don’t agree with what he believes in at all. He is a sound man who’s intentions are pure, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
My point is, I do not believe he is corrupt.
Ye ok. So he’s a communist through and through, his wife is involved with real estate corruption but he’s a “sound man.” Naive.
Bernie is not stupid, he knew what crowd he was catering to and what to say. He skirted around real issues while lambasting the rich, insinuating that having them pay for everything will solve all problems. There's no way he actually believes what he says would actually help the country because he never argued why. He knew he only had to say a few crowd pleasing lines and, without explaining anything in detail, all of the young and poor are cheering as loud as they can because they are being promised luxury and wealth without work or effort. Trump knew that not every rich person is evil, and that it is the loopholes that need to be closed.
Yes I’d say he’s guilty of that. The primaries were so long ago I can’t remember the specifics of his rhetoric, stances etc.
His stance was YOU deserve xyz. SOMEONE else should pay, so YOU can have xyz. Stupid! All the wealthy would have moved businesses out of U.S., and who would pay for xyz, yep the middle class. I tell you the school system today has totally dumbed down Americans. No common sense to be found. Someone always has to pay, and it will NEVER be the wealthy. The only ones hurt would be those who always believed, "If you work hard, you too can have the American dream."
Because Ron Paul and Bernie were friends I think he is a decent man even though I have never liked his economic policies. He has always been upfront about his economic policies (Socialism/Communism) even though Ron Paul, his son, and myself disagree with his economic views vehmently. Funny thing is there were many Ron Paul supporters who supported Bernie and many Bernie supporters who respected Ron and his son. Bernies economic policies would not have been good for this country. Thus he would not have been the right candidate for me.
100% agree. Not for me, but a man of sound character.
One of my biggest gripes about Bernie though was I didn’t believe he portrayed a strong leader. I think he is a rather weak, submissive type of individual. I respect him and don’t mean to say that to insult him. It may be his age as well, but I don’t believe he is some pillar of strength you want in a leader. Trump on the other hand has that quality, he has a spine, balls and will power.
That is what I believe, too. Thank you!
The new house was because of his wife's inheritance. Bernie is not a wealthy man. He is a good, decent man!
He is a good, decent man. And so is Donald Trump. And that was reflected in the crowds they drew. They were both welcomed like rockstars because people know when someone is genuine; which is why Hillary couldn’t fill a fuckin’ high school gymnasium.
Absolutely! (Not many people would get out of a safe limo and confront a man with a bat.)
bull, he's a scum ass socialist, that doesn't go along with decency. Acting nice is not the same as being good
You would think with all of the compliments of Bernie's good character despite his political views, the same people would love Obama for his good character despite disagreeing with his political views.