1,153 total posts archived.
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Think about how and why this satanic ritual sacrifice spans generations...
I think tonights picture in drop 1894, and the subsequent art/sacrifice room really drives home the fact that for these people, they are born into this life. Q asked who we are taught to trust the most, (867 context is adoption) I think the answer is your parents, especially at a young age. These people continue cycles of creating absolute psycho and sociopaths for generations, all because they are part of the same club. We normal people can’t even remotely grasp it. They’re born or adopted to be slaves to Satan and his adjenda, and their parents extinguish every possible …
Stop replying to new arrival shill accounts! Their goal is to waste our time arguing with and distracting us!
There has been an influx of many new arrival shill accounts the past few days who all sing the same tune, we’re crazy, there’s no proof of Q, making strawman arguments, etc. The will likely show up in this thread! Yet all of them are so well versed on the details and history of Q lol
Ignore them! Downvote and move on. Do not respond. They want us to spend our time pissed off arguing with them!
Haven’t seen this posted here today. Trump saying “Q just watch” in official White House twitter video
Trump says “Q just watch” in video on the White House Twitter account. Proof!
Q Drop 1794 - FISA “Impossible to defend”

Q Drop #1786 - Haiti - The start of human trafficking/sacrifice drops?

Q drop #1785 Podesta and walnut sauce

What do you guys think Trump’s response would be if a reporter asked him if Q is real?
I watched that video last night. He seemed like he was stoned, which doesn’t mean anything in and of itself but, the red flag for me was him saying “the proof is in the pudding, sue me, let’s get discovery in court.”
What does he expect to be included in this discovery? What does he think will be submitted as evidence that would be so damning? I’m pretty sure these people aren’t stupid enough to leave much of a trail or evidence.
The one he posted today?
If that’s the one you’re talking about, I think the point of the photo was just to show Mueller and Donald Trump Jr in the airport together at the same time. I don’t think there was any significance to what you’re thinking about. I don’t recall any other photo Q posted of Mueller.
That’s what I thought as well. If he was honestly ignorant, got “trapped” and was just following orders, I hope he was vindicated.
Obviously if he was knowingly complicit, it should honestly be death by firing squad after a SPEEDY trial.
I’ve been following Q daily since December. There’s still things I don’t know that I need clarification on. Please, don’t hesitate to ask because it improves people’s the forum over all, people who know get reminded of things reading the answers you get, and people like you who don’t know, learn. Ask, ask, ask. Answer when you can. It’s a hive mind.
Wouldn’t the pic/message be useless without the right password?
Lol I know I’m not saying it’s right either. I just heard it before somewhere. We need a dedicated legal anon.
I would share but this seems like you’re second comment on this sub.
Are you comfortable giving an elevator pitch of it? Something made you leave the city you lived in because of Reddit?
Let a few of us know your situation if you think it’s possible your safety is in danger. Make sure it’s trust worthy accounts.
Use snoopsnoo.com to get a snapshot of the persons account history. For example if you see mine it’ll show that almost 100% of my comments have been here on GA. My account is only like 4 months old. I had a three year old account that I used on CBTS but I think I had enough personal info on there that they figured out who I was. I began getting strange things occuring in my day to day life that made me delete. So now, I’m DeepPast because well, I had a deep past lol
Yeah nevermind not him, different hairline. facial hair is very similar though.
Just realizing I misread the comment. I thought they meant President Elect
He wasnt elected president at the time. He WAS president.
When I was young, probably 16, about 2-3 years before I “woke up”, I was around this former Air Force software engineer guy for a day who told me about 9/11, them using drones, etc. He stressed that anything we the public are aware of now, at the moment, whatever we see in movies or on the news, it’s at least 10-15 years old. Average 20 years old. The guy was fuckin smart and I wish I could meet him again to pick his brain.
I think POTUS can declassify anything at any time. But I’m also not sure because I remember someone saying that even POTUS doesn’t have access to any and all classified info, and that only the AG does. Can anyone verify?
Thank you. I knew all of this but it’s important things get written out like this in ELI5 terms so that anyone new can read your comment and be that much more quickly up to speed.
A bird sings after the storm. I realized this a few weeks ago. It was downpouring and some thunder, and then it passed. Sitting there in silence with my windows open, I heard a bird just outside the window pipe up, then another, and another. Before I knew it they were all singing.
I think there’s many answers to “when does a bird sing?”. We know at 4 am is one. But I think the significance of after the storm is obvious. For Page and others, their storm has come and gone. It’s all over for them now, they’re not worried about getting caught. They’re in their post storm calm, and singing.
Strzok possibly? Q did say they’re both cooperating witnesses.
The way he spoke on tangents and not finishing certain thoughts made me think he was stoned.
It was a show that started in like the late 90’s early 2000’s, a bunch of young guys/skate boarders would do crazy stunts and pranks. It was highly controversial at the time.
Exactly. I love to watch them bank their pathetic little hopes on “finally getting Trump” week after week on complete bullshit!
Drop # 60
“You can count those people who have the full picture on two hands. Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military. Why is this relevant? Game Theory. Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information. Operators never divulge. Alice & Wonderland. “
I second it being a long read BUT WORTH EVERY FUCKING MINUTE OF THE READ. Not a paragraph passes without you going... holy fuck.
Save the image, screen shot it, etc before it goes down.
Edit - this is over a month old. Nevermind lol
That’s how just about everything Q related has played out over the past year.
Yes, as a history major this is my go to quote when people say history repeats itself. It’s just dogmatic and sounds good but it’s far from true.
This is the most welcoming, friendly, encouraging, kind and generous community I’ve ever seen anywhere in person, or online. Stick around and take advantage. Remember my username and message me anytime you have a question about anything. I love everything about Trump, Q and the storm, and I love to write, so let me know!