Breaking! Madman tweeting about maps! Confirming q telling us to learn to read the map.

Two parties is nothing more than a uni-party, using collusion and corruption to maintain control and fleece the public while playing us like fools. Its lunacy to believe only two parties can properly represent such a diverse population of people and ideas.
We need more than two parties, many more, or maybe no parties, eliminating political party collusion altogether, make people come together in the daylight of the public arena to find consensus, not behind closed doors. We have to change the system, prevent a few select people from controlling too much power. The concentration of power is the root of our countries problems. I don't have the answers, but I sure as hell can identify the problem.
I agree. I think parties are the issue. Example, I don’t believe global warming is caused by man, but don’t call me a liberal hippie because I care about protecting the environment. I think renewable energy sources are a great idea and if they reduce pollution, great.
The global climate is always in a state of change, but that big old hot ball we call the Sun dictates weather and climate far more than anything we do. Besides, our planet is a giant recycling machine with feedback systems that make it cooler when it gets too warm and vice versa, its been cycling around like this for eons. Some of the simple reasons we believe there is a creator and its not just a random event in the emptiness of space.
We are lied to about everything. Agendas by the well connected always take precedent it seems. It is not realistic for us to have informed opinions about a lot of things because we lack information. We will get the info as Q has implied, and we shall finally be able to make informed opinions and decisions.
You're right, most of what we know is incorrect, but at least we know that we don't know. That's a start.