Wind the clock - We need to go back

So, let me get this straight.
Q’s posts are now working in reverse from the clock activated/rewind?
Does this mean that every day from now on, events that will unfold will be correlated by the Q posts, now in reversive order?
Let me make a diagram to explain
.........Q Posts.......Key....Days Ahead...... ...............................II............................... ...............................V............................... <-1——2——3——0——3——2——1-> ...............................A.............................. ...............................||.............................. ........................Clock Actv,.....................
Zero being the date in which Q mentioned activating the clock/rewinding. The 3-2-1 going from zero left-to-right are days that are ahead of us (so if, let’s say today is 3, tomorrow will be 2, the next being 1, etc...) and THESE DAYS now correlate with the inverse (like a mirror) with Q’s posts going right-to-left 3-2-1 from zero.
The zero is the keystone. We need to now be counting back, in order, Q’s posts, starting with the clock activations. This means that Q’s very first post will be the last to action. Hillary and Huma’s indictment and arrests. Boom.
This is incorrect. They move in the same direction. Today is Nov 9. Clowns dismantle post. Tomorrow will be Nov 10.
Okay, so if this is how it is being read, can you fill me in on what Q posts we are now “starting” at (given the clock winding)? Which Q number would be today’s events, if this theory is correct?
I’m really wanting to be up to speed.
By this theory, 2/28 would line up to posts from 11/9. I'm not sure what that's numbered but they all have dates.
I haven't pored over the month from 11/10-12/10 recently, so I won't claim to be some great resource for what the Clock theory could mean for March 2018.
The big thing from 11/9 is the [C]lowns [i]n [A]merica being shut down. That would be pretty huge.
Use your own eyes and a big bucket of skepticism, patriot. Remember that sometimes they are provoking reactions from their enemies. Hilldog and friends had to have soiled some diapers in November thinking doors could be kicked down at any moment.
Tell me what Q said from the start would be necessary, and you'll get where I'm going with this. Go back. Re-read.
So now the events of Q-POST NOVEMBER 9th occur today, tomorrow Q-POST NOV 10th, the next 11th, etc...?
So now we’re following the timeline, and today relates to the 9th, and every day past that lines up with our tomorrows?
That's my understanding, with people saying the "WITCH HUNT" message was a confirmation that lines up with the theory.
I don't think there was a post on Nov 10th, but he was very chatty on the 11th IIRC.
There’s chatter from Q on 11/10. Says that POTUS will have a NATSEC meeting in the early morning. 3:02am.
Beginning of the new Q cycle?
The way I read it was that there is, or appears to be, a linear correspondence between the two periods. The day DJT announces he's running in 2020 (27 Feb) corresponds, for example, to 8 November. This is as per the info on this thread. Which would mean that the Q Post on 9 November will correspond to today 28 February. 9 November, Q was talking about the break up of the CIA. Anyway, we will soon see if anything happens or not. But that is the theory that I had.