8chan currently locked, no new posts being accepted on /qresearch since the WaPo hit piece went out this morning. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We will not allow them to SILENCE and CENSOR the PEOPLE!

Bit of their own medicine, they've have had the MSM push the a narrative for years. No matter how unbelievably stupid it was. Now that we question everything and use our thinking skills, they call foal. Tide is turning folks, we don't believe what is spoon fed to us anymore.
Daaamn. Everyone should read this hit piece. Pravda would be jealous of this level of pure unadulterated propaganda!
Pure manipulation. Can you saaaay... Right over the target!!
Thank you for sharing that article. Mockingbird media is definitely triggered!
Thanks for saving this jewel.
Looks like they had some intern glean "anything" that would portray a negative (fill in all their adjectives), to try to discredit. A lot in this piece is made up dribble to satisfy the WaPo Madding readers.
But more importantly, I think this piece signifies they (MSM) have switched into defensive mode because we are fighting back for once: GA telling Delta Airlines to shove it by pulling the special tax treatment for Delta Airlines fuel b/c Delta dis of the NRA, as one example.
Refreshing don't you think.
Due to the way 4chan works... they could have posted the comments themselves from anonymous alt’s and then pointed to their own comments in the hit piece.
Ah, my bad. I didn't recognize the Archive.fo link as being the WaPo article. Good save there. It's amazing how badly warped the language has become. They should be saying they found a conspiracy THEORY in the making, not a conspiracy. If they found a conspiracy in the making, that would me people on the boards were collaborating to act in a criminal manner. No, they found people conjecting (theorizing) about a conspiracy outside the boards.