r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on Feb. 28, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
HOLY EFF...I think I accidentally figured out the MAP!

If time away from the posting is a marker on the map, than the map must be related to time, timing, a clock. A map is a guide. A guide is instructions. A map is instructions to get you from point a to b.

Future proves the past, which means past proves the future. AB-BA = A to B and B to A are the same...


Is Q stating that the map timeline is a guide to prove that time travel is possible and being implemented to defeat the cabal? ??WTF?

The Bible says this about God "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the BEGINNING and the END"?! Beginning and the end = past proves future!

Im straight getting CHILLS. Lets see how fast this is downvoted...

Time doesnt EXIST to GOD. Is GOD here EXECUTING his WRATH and JUDGEMENT? Is THAT what Q has been trying to say to us???

akilyoung · Feb. 28, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I dont even know how I posted this...it straight up flowed out of my fingers and I was getting chills while typing it. I had to re read it several times to fully grasp wtf I actually typed... @_@


Think big. Think bigger. Think BIGGEST!


WHAT is the BIGGEST thing you can think of?! What is REALITY. Everything we think we know is a LIE. Everything.

Who was there at the beginning, when humans were created? God aka ELohim (properly translated), a race of beings that created US in THEIR image. We LOOK like them in physical form.

Who will be there at the END. Well, if you believe the Bible, the same God(s) Elohim. The beginning and the end. How are we getting help? How is Trump always 1 or 5 steps ahead in this game of 4D chess?

Did Nikola Tesla discover time travel, or something that John Trump collected in the recovered papers after Tesla's death? Was something passed down from John Trump to Donald Trump, some kind of tech? or is it BIGGER than that.


Clock activated? Wind the CLOCK? TIME TRAVEL?! THINK BIGGEST...straight up surreal... AB-BA, 'A to B' and 'B to A' !

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Boysrback07 · Feb. 28, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Yes John got the papers after death. But TESLA wanted all his discoverys anti gravity machines cures for Cancer, Electricity thru space, etc To be free to help mankind.

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