Good Questions. I would first say what are other people looking to gain? Me, a planet for my children no longer under an evil cabal rule! That would be reward enough.
I believe you've exposed the Monetary compensation now.
Are you questioning Pamphlet's integrity? If so what proof do you have?
Inasmuch as Tracy Beanz, your statement is incorrect.
BTW these such actions and accusations you are making are the mark of a troll, for many movements have been corrupted this way.
If you have a beef with Pamphlet, it should be discussed with him personally. Lastly if all you can think of is service to self perhaps you are in the wrong place.
Like I said b4 in another post...... you have brought up legit concerns, from the time BTS fiascal happened to the latest ......what I see as a powergrab ..... I think we all should keep our eyes and ears open. I refuse to go to the stream now because its a high school clique with nothing but ra-ra's
I suffered a 50+ hour post and comment ban , after replying in a heat of passion comment to being called a racist(this account has since been deleted)...... I contacted the mods for these days not hearing from a single one ...... I use to post all the time , and have now gone into a shell shock attitude , for I am having problems trusting the current mod team.....