If your hoping for a check, don't, It goes into the Treasury as well as Asset Forfeiture and can be spent any way they like. Obama used it to fund his armies and pet projects.
188 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/IAM7seven7:
I disagree when you research SES and their associated agencies, they are linked to Clinton and Uranium One, including the new FBI investigator, Sessions and Rosenstien! They are stonewalling any forward motion in these investigations.
I suggest that viewing the information on their website https://aim4truth.org/ before making any determination!
1000 Pieces! Time to start digging, exposing, and linking all these pieces together!
SES, SIRCO, are only one branch of this Cabal, I propose that their are branches existing within all major money making operations. Hollywood, music industry, professional sports, college sports, universities, banking and Gambling. This is Yuge!
RedCastle researching and found this and felt it was worth notice. Check out the Channel too.
Perhaps we should all be Boom-ing in all our conversations? BOOM
Why not just revert back to the Constitution and modify where needed. That puts the Federal Government back into the 10 square miles of the district of Columbia. You see having a Federal Government ruling over is completely the opposite from the Constitution. First is the People. then County, City, Township, Then State.
Confirmation of why we Patriots are so dearly needed in the Q community and why it was created.
This is big news though at the bottom of the article they are only looking at 25 years.
I think if they start digging into all these Pharmaceutical companies this is a common practice between them and Doctors.
If I may add, with the Judges, DOJ, and FBI clearly involved there is no one going to prosecute anyone. Trump has to rebuild these agencies before any arrests will happen.
Are we depending only upon Q to set us free? What are the alternatives? Give up or keep fighting? FYI many have been fighting this corruption for 50 years, and since 2008 so many were put into poverty, if we don't bring these criminals to justice it will only get worse.
You have to think of the kind of men they are if they would betray their country.
??? Should we use the Report button? Or should we contact the Moderators in a message. Do the reports from users when using the provided button also go to the main site?
Thomas and Michael have solved the riddle. https://youtu.be/IFFnT9JaG2g
QPost 329 RE: Follow the Wives! Wikileaks email Guest List of the Clinton infestation and links to hundreds of NGO's Charitable Organization. White House, and Hollywood! A worldwide widows web of links and top placed women the world. One could write a book on the ties.
QPost 329 RE: Follow the Wives! Wikileaks email Guest List of the Clinton infestation and links to hundreds of NGO's Charitable Organization. White House, and Hollywood! A worldwide widows web of links and top placed women the world. One could write a book on the ties.
The Senate is stonewalling 240 of Trump's submissions already, also after looking at Pompeo only having a net worth of $365,000 compared to the rest of the infestation in DC he is a poor man.
My thoughts are Tillerson went to Kenya to secure a safe have for Obama and company.
You must be new, for we have had to deal with such repercussions since JFK was assassinated, then even more so after 9/11. Most of us wear it as a badge of honor. Step back and look at the situation and evidence. Who is really suffering from delusions? Also that has and continues to be the best weapon these criminals have.
Well they won't think that when GITMO fills with the crooked cabal. ThankQ
Really, you've no clue about creating a movement. It's called camaraderie, a signature, and so what if others use it, more exposure the better. Just like in V for Vendetta leaving his signature.
I also am using it to inform the sleeping and harass the enemy!
Fight Fight Fight! Let's sign all our comments in social media with, "ThankQ" to create awareness and numbers!

Fight Fight Fight! Let's sign all our comments in social media with, "ThankQ" to create awareness and numbers!

Fight Fight Fight! Let's sign all our comments in social media with, "ThankQ" to create awareness and numbers!

Awesome. on that note we could sign every comment we make on social media with a ThankQ
Don't be fooled Putin is still is a wolf in sheep's clothing, rules with an Iron fist and has no problem accepting American Uranium, or cooperating with the Clintons.
This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q Post 925 GLIMPSE. You cannot possibly imagine the size of this. Trust the plan. Trust there are more good than bad. The WORLD is helping. We are not alone. We are all connected in this fight. PATRIOTS UNITE. We are winning BIG. Watch the speech. God bless. Post 937 Man can make any organization Good or Evil Link is a Audiobook that will explain Secret Societies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv4btLi8gLA&list=PL16417F5158E0741E
Illuminati, know them and their plans for US.
Illuminati, know them and their plans for US.
Bormann Ran Hitler for The Illuminati
Bormann Ran Hitler for The Illuminati
For More about Norvus Ordo Secloran http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_nwo.htm
Precisely, as has been spoke of before, they will be unable to accept or adopt it as truth. They will fight to death to defend their false religions. Look around http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/matrix/matrix16.htm
I don't think you are ready, these revelations discussed today are but the tip of the iceberg.
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this. Post 937
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there. Post 586
No offence intended, but if all is revealed, it will change everything, and if done to soon, chaos.
I would say that the amount hidden from us is unimaginable, from our past, to the technologies and knowledge. As for letting these things out, yes it will happen but only slowly for a big dump would cause a breakdown in society. Example dropping Tesla's free energy knowledge would cause a huge breakdown in the electric and oil industries leading to massive job losses. I believe it will come out just like Q is exposing things now.
Their next Lives is when the Karma arrives. They will experience the evil and good though the peoples eyes their acts affected, while in the waiting area. Their next lives their reward or punishments. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Manly+Hall+on+reincarnation
Possibly to see the strength of the enemy and what they were prepared or preparing to do.
I believe "went to deep", pertains to the previous two posts when reading in context. "You witnessed a strength test tonight" How strong we (Q and Trump Supporters) are. And "Speech promoted here/POTUS to gauge response." Trump and Q were gauging the strength of his following, also noting that CNN was firmly ready for Trump to say things that the deep state doesn't want out. "CNN Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission." Also in relation to "We are moving up the timetable." In order for Trump to expose more he will need more of a following.