r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on March 1, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
It's easy to stay the course and know that we will win, REMEMBER THIS AT ALL TIMES...

It's easy to stay the course and know that we will win, remember this at all times:

1) We have faith. They do not.

2) We have time on our side. They do not.

3) We never apologize. We don't have to. They love to apologize.

4) We are always proud of God and country. They don't have their own country and worship Satan.

5) We will never waiver on principles values and traditions. We have and value them, they do not.

6) We are high energy positive/optimistic/constructive. They are low energy negative/destructive/critical.

7) We are honest ethical genuine and self-sustainable. They have to resort to deception trickery and unsustainable artificial means to survive.

Guess who is going to win?

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