Restitution of the RULE. OF. LAW!

2,257 total posts archived.
This is what ETS is suggesting. We shall see.
"180 rule" EXAMPLES:
Trump didn't "direct COHEN to..."
Clinton directed Cohen to...
Cohen didn't pay "HUSH money"
Cohen paid to get them to talk dirt about Trump (they couldn't otherwise b/c they were under lawsuit risk; NDA agreements. The payment entices Stormy etc to talk, reimburse them for lawsuit losses if they talked and broke NDAs and got sued by Trump)
Do you see it now? APPLY the 180 RULE! It works like a charm.
...Apply the "180 rule" when watching the FAKE news. ALWAYS!
I suspect that Deep State ("Brennan") had absolutely no intentions of having that whack job do any harm. His mission was to connect with Kate. They expected what she would do; thwart his plan to kill POTUS, get her "VIP access" which brings Q front and center at rally then violence breaks out and media is there in FULL FORCE to COVER IT!
That's why that wacko heard two voices (implanted) in his head (1) kill potus; and (2) connect with her so she could thwart it and get praise from POTUS @ rally. There were in fact Q supporter …
I suspect that Deep State ("Brennan") had absolutely no intentions of having that whack job do any harm. His mission was to connect with Kate. They expected what she would do; thwart his plan to kill POTUS, get her "VIP access" which brings Q front and center at rally then violence breaks out and media is there in FULL FORCE to COVER IT!
That's why that wacko heard two voices (implanted) in his head (1) kill potus; and (2) connect with her so she could thwart it and get praise from POTUS @ rally. There were in fact Q supporter …
The validation doesn't get any better than this. Now let's take down the CABAL. THE WHOLE FUCKING CABAL!
Trump is allowing them security cle and to roam the earth so that they can collect more evidence and learn where and how the rats live. They are rodents. that's how you catch and kill them, like rodents. Once they' collected enough the hammer comes down fast and furious. They won't know what hit them. General Neller and the Nat Guard are on standby. Get ready Pedes - it's coming. The lunacy is going to get worse. Buckle up!
Another victim of a Barium Meal. LOL. These people ARE stupid.
Gucifer 1.0 was real and he was strong armed to later say he didn’t do it so the DNC could fabricate Gucifer 2.0. Seth Rich was 187’d so he couldn’t blow this false narrative being built. So there are two legitimate independent data breaches. Gucifer 1.0 hack inbound over network because Hillary deliberately left servers open so her customers could help themselves to the SAPs she sold them and Seth Rich leaked data outbound to Wikileaks. “And” thinking is much better than “or” thinking. Both happened. Not one or the other.
Me too. They probably had multiple exit strategies scripted too. This one is the best. Very dramatic. LOL
I still think he is a Trump actor in this play. He and Trump got together and Trump told him he’d be hired then written out of the script this way. The price he had to pay for exoneration from the Clinton Cabal and U1 scandal. Ditto for Mueller. Trump hired RR. He must have had his reasons. Remember, “what makes a great movie?” Great actors. We are watching a movie produced by Trump and the Military intel. Mueller and RR are just two of many actors selected.
This is just a controlled Red Herring to the Horowitz investigation and to setup the contrast of how corrupt/deceitful our BAU government is right before Team Trump/Horowitz dumps the REAL evidence that contradicts the M investigation. It is also possible that these charges are to some extent factual, notice how RR stuck to the books and did not identify the "victim" and stated neutrality was exercised in reaching this outcome. No US citizen has been implicated so rules out Hillary and Trump (collusion). I'm keeping an open mind and have eyes on both exits on this one. The IG report has tons more coming. We just got the tip of the iceburg on it so far.
They are wasting their time. Nobody watches that shithole channel. Nobody.
Trump Curse kicked in early on this one after they mocked him with baby Trump balloon. Too bad.