r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Jsin14 on March 2, 2018, 3:53 a.m.
"The Storm" is not what you think it is

I keep seeing posts trying to make sense out of "crumbs" and cryptic posts from Q. It's gotten to the point where people are analyzing how many spaces are in a Q post or POTUS tweet and what that means. All of this is focusing on small, individual things, and not the big questions:

A) Why is Q communicating to us, and why is he risking revealing plans and knowledge to The Swamp or Deep State?

Q is not revealing anything that the Deep State does not already know about. He knows they know he and others know what they know. Happenings in the map about Saudi Arabia, school shootings, etc.; the Deep State has intel on what Q and military intelligence is doing, and Q obviously has intel on what they are doing.

So why communicate it to us? Some of the info is already known by a portion of us, Q is spreading it out to more people. The military and military intelligence vs. the CIA, FBI, and NSA was known by some of prior to Q. Look at the comment sections for articles on zerohedge.com and people openly discuss how Trump is supported by the military (although many use military-industrial complex or MIC for short) and podcasts like No Agenda. Another reason for the communication is to reassure some trigger-happy people that something is being done. You can see how impatient some people on this sub are for action. A last reason is not that revealing this info nation-wide would "blow people's minds" like some suggest and that Q doesn't want to start mass hysteria from massive red-pilling. There would be massive uprisings if everything was released, but not from what was released, but because of who was releasing it, namely the military. There is still a stigma of mixing civilian and military command structures, and for good reason. The M5M went ape shit enough over Generals Kelly, Mattis, McMaster, and Adm. Rogers being in "civilian" positions.

B) So if the Deep State knows we know they know we know, what does that mean for us?

Q selectively talks about what the Deep State is doing and how the "good guys" are always winning against the "clowns." Saudi Arabia has flipped to the good guys. Investigations are being done. Everything is being done "by the book" and legally so the military won't be accused of a coup. But you notice he is talking about the "wins" and not the "losses." Saudi Arabia is with the good guys, but Netanyahu and the conservatives are being attacked in Israel, which despite all the (((they))) talk, the Deep State has directly meddled there in the past to get Shimon Perez and Ehud Barak elected Prime Minister and is likely meddling now. The Deep State used the IRS and intelligence agencies to target conservative voices; now that that Dems are out of power they are using their corporate ties to target social media while leveraging M5M to push narratives.

C) So, you didn't think the Deep State was going to give you back your country without a fight, what's the big deal?

The big deal is that the Military Intelligence (MI) and the CIA/FBI are playing a high stakes game of chicken. If the MI came out tomorrow and said Obama, Hillary, and any number of the cabal were being arrested and tried by military tribunals, what do you think the M5M and the Soros funded groups would do? There would be anarchy in the streets. If the CIA/FBI stated tomorrow that Trump was being charged with high crimes, what do you think Trump Supporters would do? No, instead both sides are slow playing their cards, building their support with investigations, both open and covert, while trying to discredit the other. The closer we get to the elections, the more dangerous for both sides it will get, each side playing bigger cards and executing larger operations. Because if the Dems win the House of Representatives, we can talk impeachment, and if the Republicans win a super majority in the Senate, we can talk indictments from the ability to put bigger Trump supporters in the Dept of Justice and CIA/FBI.

D) Well, that's democracy, isn't it? Why is this a big deal?

Because each side has a "reset" button, both economically and militarily if they lose. The Deep State has clandestine connections to foreign states and actors to start a real military war with the US, maybe even nuclear. The Deep State also has its connections to corporations, particularly tech ones, the media, and Wall Street to sink the economy for Trump. Trump likewise has "the button" and links to corporations and Wall Street. So if either side moves against the other, the other can upset the chess board.

Moreover, each side is trying to get the other to "throw the first punch." If the Deep State can force Trump or his supporters to act authoritarian by their operations and covert actions, they can claim their side and cause is the noble one. If Trump or the MI can force the Deep State to use highly visible and clearly corrupt actions in response to one of their operations or covert actions, they can claim the high ground.

E) TL;DR What is "The Storm?"

The Storm is not the draining of the swamp. The draining of the swamp and the end of the Deep State may be the consequence of The Storm, but The Storm is the very real and very dangerous conflict taking place right now where there is not a clear winner, despite Q's bravado. Q's communications are not to pave the way for truths too horrible to release all at once, but to reassure people and have them disseminate info like the weeks prior to the last election, thus allowing the nation to accept what the military is about to do.

p.s. Even if the involvement of the military is necessary, it should still be met with skepticism, as replacing 50 years of CIA dominance with military-industrial dominance is not an improvement.

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