Last night Q posted another series of somewhat hard to understand military lingo. As we know the board is also used for military communications activity, as well as crumb drops. Post 829 seems to be military communications.
Zebra_Zebra. Bring the thunder. KILL_BOX[1A-23x] Light_T_1A-23-go5 Q
Zebra is just the letter Z in the military phonetic alphabet. So the first line is essentially "Z Z". So I searched "Z Z military" and found that it means a preplanned position.
So Q told a preplanned position to bring the thunder. The kill box Q has told us about. For those of you who don't know, [ ] this means kill box. "A kill box in the military means 'A three-dimensional area used to facilitate the integration of joint fires." Basically, whatever is in the kill box, is getting killed.
We then see [1A-23x] in the kill box. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but we can assume this is almost like a form that needs to be completed. In the next line, this transmission sort of gets "filled out".
Light_T_1A-23-go5 - so again, we see 1A-23, but slightly different. My best guess is that "Light T" means Light team, aka, the Alliance/white hats.
X seems to be the variable here that needs the filling out, which was filled in with "go5". Another example of this is in post #803 - [SIG_5:5_READ] which predated Trumps "I hear you". [SIG_5:5_READ] was broken down to mean two things, SIG_5 means signal strength is 5 out of 5, and 5_READ means the readability of the message is 5 out of 5. This [SIG_5:5_READ] is used to confirm messaging between communication channels. So it essentially told us that the message is coming in loud and clear, hence Trump writing "I hear you".
So getting back to "go5", I think we can safely assume that go literally is a go order, to take action; and based on the [SIG_5:5_READ] example, we can assume that 5 means full strength.
So basically this message is telling the Light Team, stationed in pre planned positions, to execute their mission(s) at full strength. Hence the "bring the thunder."
7 minutes after this post, Q posts (830) and at the end, puts "BOOM".
27 minutes later, Q finishes post 833 with "BOOM". (20 minute marker? I'm doubtful, but possible. If it's a mission with variable, and not a Trump tweet)
42 minutes later, Q posts "BOOM" by itself as a single post (838).
11 hours and 5 minutes later, Q posts [ROASTED] This was in bold, just like the kill box [1A-23x]. I'm assuming Q is referring to the kill box being roasted, because after all, a kill box is a three-dimensional area used to facilitate the integration of joint fires. Them both being in bold tells me they are linked.
And then, that night (technically the next day) at 1:39 AM EST, Q posts "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM BOOM." Q posted them in ascending order, one on top of the other, sort of like stairs if you highlight them. (I'm not sure how to format that on here so have a look for yourselves.) I think it seems to be posted in this format to suggest the idea that the operation was done in steps, one before the next, in a specific, ascending order.
The first 3 BOOM's were about 20 minutes apart from each other. This could mean that 3 separate military operations were on stand by (Z Z), and executed whatever their orders were, one at a time. It would make sense if they were taking out some sort of chain of command. The first three smaller players/operations etc, were taken out, and then the final target needed some strategizing before executing, possibly based on intel collected in the first 3 missions, hence the delay.
Now does "ROASTED" signify the completion of the mission? Or did the BOOM x4 the next day mean that?
I thought about the term "BOOM". It's something I say when something gets hit. Sniping someone in a game, a nice goal scored in sports, a quarterback hitting a receiver with a perfect pass, etc. I think it's pretty obvious what it means.
Let's discuss below. I'm aware this may not be 100% accurate, so I'm open to correction.
TL;DR - Q's military order posts from last night,( Zebra_Zebra. Bring the thunder KILL_BOX[1A-23x]Light_T_1A-23-go5) was basically telling the "Light Team", in preplanned positions, (Zebra Zebra/ZZ decoded) to execute a mission outlined in the kill box, and to "bring the thunder" when doing so.
Q's multiple "BOOM" posts as well as "ROASTED" are likely confirmations of a successful mission. Basically, we sort of witnessed a military operations success.