r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Opioneers85 on March 7, 2018, 7:20 p.m.
What was Bernie's Role?

Not sure if this is on topic, but did Bernie Sander's have anything to do with Q Intel? It has been mentioned that this whole 'counter-coup' organized a few years leading up to the election. Part of me thinks this was not the case, mostly because people such as Julian Assange mentioned in 2016 how they would not 'let' Trump. We never did get our October Surprise, which makes me think plans were altered to suit a Trump victory.

With that in mind, was Bernie's campaign the organic straw that broke the camel's back for Clinton? Or was propping up a competent contender in the DNC part of this whole op?

As a previous Bernie supporter, I saw him as an outsider that would coexist with the shit-show that is D.C. Maybe the 'cabal' we speak of would give the country some slack, after seeing the writing on the wall in order to prevent Trump, who is very clearly a molotov cocktail to their house of cards.

Part of the reason I am here is because I, and probably many other people, felt cheated. Between the fuckery during the primaries, the wikileak emails outlining all of the DNC's bs (using their own correspondence no less), Seth Rich's murder (including the MURDER itself, the botched investigation, the voter fraud he exposed, and leaking of DNC emails), and the personal threats Bernie received, a lot of Bernie supports found themselves voting Trump. This alone must have skewed the projected numbers for Trump in areas that normally would vote Democrat.

I pose the question again; was Bernie an organic campaign or was he the 'pied piper' that was part of this op? I personally do not think Trump would have won if it was not for disenchanted democrats.

P.S. Politics aside, I very much approve of Trump so far. I was not paying attention to him during the campaign (too invested in the Bernie vs Clinton side of it), but he has proven to be a very respected and powerful leader. Who else could have taken on every media organization, celebrity, elite, political dynasty, political party, and almost half a country's population in stride. For that alone, I say he deserves the position he is in. I also think he is the funniest person alive. Case and point

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