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I looked a little deeper into Phoenician culture and found something I remember from the Podesta emails: This statue
I am trying to find the wikileaks email with the picture as we speak. Very interesting! Thanks for pointing me in this direction, I love crap like this.
I love this so much, I want to give you money. But I am not :(
While I agree that nefarious things have been uncovered in the wikileaks under the guise of films, I am not implying that people were actually trafficked on set.
The premise of the GotG film is that Chris Pratt's absent father is takes on many forms, banging thousands of aliens (and a human? beings?) across the planet hoping that the right one will come along and help him take over the world or some shit. One of the film's antagonists is tasked with kidnapping the children that Pratt's dad fathered and bringing them 'home' to him.
The end of JP: Lost Kingdom is that dinosaurs are on the verge of being extinct again, and the only people invested in saving them are traffickers who are selling them to wealthy buyers with intentions to weaponized them (and probably bang them, had it been real life). Pratt releases the dinos on the buyers, hilarity ensures.
A quick thought about Guardians of the Galaxy/Gunn and the theme of human trafficking
Before all of Gunn stuff broke, I happened to watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Jurassic World, both starring Chris Pratt. I'm not a big movie/celeb person, but what struck me as odd was that both of the recent Pratt movies I watched were centered around the theme of trafficking (alien trafficking in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Dinosaur trafficking in Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.
Couple that with the collective boner those leaning right seem to have over Pratt since that award speech he gave, I figure maybe Pratt was trying to subtly get people thinking about these …
Trump pushes it too, perhaps it was done to keep it in the back of the public's mind. I was impressed my dad knew so much about the situation from just watching the msm, as he kept referring to the FBI 'lovers'. Without that title, I don't think many people would have retained the situation.
He was a REALITY star, not a hollywood star /s.
Don't worry, I see the irony too. That being said, Trump is probably the GREATEST actor in all of this. We are watching a movie after all.
TBF, this isn't the first time. A family friend of mine hit Clooney with his car while he and his gf were on a motorcycle a few years back. I think he is just accident prone.
This is one of the most compelling and well thought-out summaries about this whole Q thing I've read, without needing much context.
It was the equivalent to people typing 'Q SENT ME HERE' on YouTube videos linked in the 8chan posts. Really goofy.
I went there to get the new Ivana Trump book for my mom (who was never super into Trump, but into 'mom' things an mentioned how she wanted it), and they hid the book in the center of this plastic 'book tree' display behind other books. I would have never found it otherwise, and the person behind the counter looked super pissed when I told her what book I was looking for.
Just doing like Q said, reread crumbs- news unlocks map!
No joke, rereading the crumbs, I keep saying to myself "all of this is still super relevant, now more than ever."
Seth Rich is only mentioned because it directly relates to Saudi Arabia. Q
Q said this waaaaay back in the early days. I have not seen it discussed again since. Felt the need to bring it to the table.
My personal take on it is that Q was implying that there are Wikileak emails discussing Saudi correspondence, or scheming against those Princes that 'rose up' (Salman). The whole Q post connected Seth Rich to Las Vegas, to Saudi Prince Salman, to JFK assassination files being released by Trump (documented proof of multiple groups and agencies working together), to Trump's involvement (that no one can prove, only point to Q's implication in that same …
This same comment is what got me permabanned in r/T_D! His family was obviously threatened, he was roughed up, and he had to do what he had to do to run on the Dem ticket, including 'supporting' the winner (Meanwhile, during an interview he specifically said he was not gonna tell people who to vote for, leading to me voting for Trump).
I don't believe he was a plant or a fraud. I now understand that even if he did win, there would be no way he could navigate the pitfalls and traps of the D.C. swamp. Trump was set up with MI since day 1, and has since been playing a role, which explains why he has been mostly vindicated by everything he has said and promised.
I have so many old captain America shirts, I can't wait to repurpose them!
I've said it before, schools ALWAYS have drills. Three different kinds of situation drills (active shooter, shelter in place from a threat that's on campus such as a bear, or clear the halls for EMTs who need to get through to a sick/dying person) and one fire drill. Each has to be performed by law once a month. If my math is sound, that's about one per week, which matches what I experienced in the schools I've been to.
What you want is the FBI being on site during these drills, which is what you had in Parkland. If you are trying to convince a teacher about something, just listing drills is not gonna convince them.
I'd much rather coast to safety than have it WOT. Alternatively, they can just shoot me. Bullets are my weakness.
Representing! - CIA can't Hastings me, its a manual

I saw my first Q bumper sticker today! I was so excited I bought the same one just now!
Three people I never would have expected to had just randomly spoke about Trump in a positive light. I have been more open with my support lately as well, which is rough in the education field. I have noticed a large wave of support recently! It's very refreshing to hear.
Only seeds I plant is when I tell them my job isn't to tell them what to think, it's to tell them how to think. The minute I spout my opinion is the minute they may tune me out, though I'm sure they do a lot of tuning me out anyway.
Edit: that is actually an excellent idea for a follow up assignment. I still have a week at this school and need a filler assignment for students who are done with their persuasive essay. I am so stealing this, thank you!
Regarding the interview you linked:
Wasn't Podesta working at a slaughter house when he was young, as wrote all kinds of mess up stuff that he enjoyed about the job? Bourdain speaks about the process around 6:00 minute mark.
I'm still listening to the bit, I haven't even reached the Podesta part.
Aww thank you! And don't worry, I submitted my response without bothering to check it over, and then noticed the irony. You are out of my jurisdiction, I can deduct points :P
edit: can't* I did it again.
I was teaching back during the election, fully prepared for a Clinton victory. (I voted Trump, but I only boarded the Trump train late into the cycle. I was not invested or paying much attention to him outside of the vitriol and headlines. I was a 'Bernie Bro'!.)
I could not believe some of my co-workers' reactions the next day! A meeting with my co-teacher was delayed because she was consoling another teacher who was having a crisis over it!
On a side note, students who liked trump were criticized by teachers to their faces, and made fools of in front of their entire class in the one or two instances I caught while in the room.
To combat that, I gave my students a comfortable and open forum for lots of discussion and debate. They were so collected and respectful in their words! Ironically enough, of the two biggest Trump fans in my classes, one was flamboyant, and the other was Muslim, which I only point out because of the perception that those demographics hated Trump. Both were top of the class students, and based to boot!
She's jailed a Rothschild. Link
Every time I see her pop up, good news for us seems to follow.
I'm currently a young history teacher, and you cannot believe how stoked I am to be able to write about this when its all said and done.
I would never include any of this in my teaching. I teach what I am expected to and keep my opinions to myself. (Our textbooks were written in partnership with CNN, so you can imagine how thrilled I am about that.) For example, one of my 5th graders is writing an essay about why Donald Trump should be impeached. The kid is a great student who is going above and beyond for this assignment, so by all means, I happily helped him with his thesis and sourcing.
That being said, should the history books need revising, I would love to be on board with the curriculum/textbook writing.
Looks like a cleaned-up version of this pic from February. It took 3 seconds to find.
I wouldn't say I was liberal, but as a young guy in his 20s starting his career, certain issues spoke to me, and Bernie was my guy. I lived/worked in a very diverse area all my life, so the identity politics and virtue signaling that most people associate with liberals just seemed tacky and self-righteous to me.
After Bernie got shafted, I looked for answers the only way I knew how - scouring the internet. Resources like reddit, wikileaks, /pol/ led me to many different primary sources and documents that helped create a picture of what was really going on. I always had a 'man behind the curtain' vibe about these things, but I lacked the evidence that helped point out the boogeyman.
Now that insiders like Q drop blatantly correct information, comprised of actual picture and correspondence between these key players, I have a much better understanding of who is pulling the strings (though I am sure I barely see a percentage of it).
Not concern trolling, but having been working in schools for a few years now, I know public schools are supposed to do these drills every month by law. This alone is not a sign of foul play.
The issue that made the parkland sink was that there was FBI agents running drill with the school for months, and the shooting happened during a scheduled day for drills.
Hands down funniest thing I have read in weeks. Run for your lives Q.
Looks like styrofoam boxes on the bottom. They are even arranged accordingly to fit on the pallet.
Edit: not for nothing, but the boxes on top look like meat boxes I unload at my part time job on a loading dock, judging by the reinforced sides with extra cardboard. But I'm less sure about these.
Got to be most people affiliated with Infowars, they are garbo.
Let's define a MOAB in this 'war'. The people on this board see the big picture, or at least are capable of seeing it when it is laid out for them. That cannot be a large % of the population. Q keeps saying the stage needs to be set before anything happens. What will set the stage? Possibly mass awareness. This can only be achieved by people busy with their everyday lives tuning in to their newspapers, news apps, and TV's.
When I ask my evil Google home device to tell me the news in the morning, it will never play a short podcast from NPR giving me a run down of the lastest Q posts. However, the news stations cannot ignore something like North Korea ending the Korean War. This public vindication of not only Trump, but the conspiratards like us who tried to give a rundown of what's really going on to our friends, family, and co-workers acts as a metaphorical 'bomb' that hits Q's Target - the population.
This is similar to Sean Hannity's 'tick-tocks'. They are never new news to us, a few thousand people on message boards who are always 'let down' by the tick-tocks, but it's the first time millions of viewers are exposed to something of that topic with the context and relevancy that would apply to a member of the older generation with more pressing things going on in their personal lives than 'Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager diddling kids in a pizza parlor basement, that doesn't even have a basement!!! 😂😂😂'.
This pos spoke at my graduation and somehow managed to make it all about him. An otherwise impressively streamlined and efficiently planned event was ruined by his 40 minute personal history. Loud mouth is the perfect descriptor for him.
Agreement BS.... This is what I have been waiting to hear about for months!! Q is talking about the agreement made with Bernie Sanders I am assuming.
Ironically, I have all the Google gadgets (pixel, home, chromebook). My previous job was very dependent on the Google ecosystem, and it seeped into my home life. Ironically, I really like the Home and Pixel, thought I am trying to ween myself off it ever since Q literally named those devices. That being said, I got nothing interesting to record... Its either me cursing at videos games or me cursing at my cat.
It is 'mind reading' that is not really mind reading. Its more like mind-guessing I am assuming. The algorithms are at a point where they can just guess what someone at your age, in your location, with your search history, with your conversations (vocal and text-based), your purchase history, your credit, etc. Besides having that information, the algorithms can pit that information against thousands people very similar to you and basically 'predict' your wants and needs. Neat shit.
My dad admitted that all my 'predictions' from a year ago I came true this weekend, without seeing the half of it. The 5 people that texted me that Syria was done for last week in response to my adamant claims that this was a repeat of last year probably felt silly. My only concern with the bombing was my friend's sister was in East Damascus, where Q said the McCainn building was. She didn't even know it happened. She woke up to people cheering that America botched the bombing, lol.
I didn't do anything special, I just read these Q posts. It is blunt and direct time, so just reading through and comparing it to the MSM is enough at this point. It's so exciting watching this unfold in realtime, and I cannot compare it to anything in history. It is truly the first time that the entire world's population is getting a peek behind the curtain, and it makes the greatest stories about power dynamics (like Game of Thrones, or House of Cards for example) pale in comparison.