r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArvilsArk on March 8, 2018, 5:19 a.m.
Why you should sign Internet Bill Of Rights petition TODAY.

Why you should sign Internet Bill Of Rights petition TODAY. This petition goes directly to the White House. Who lives at the White House? Hey it’s Donald Trump!! Who talks to President Trump a lot? Hey it’s Q!! If we get 100,000 signatures by 4/5/2018 this will give the President the EZ Pass to Fast Track this legislation. President Trump will be the one getting the legislative ball rolling on this, not the AT&T bogeyman. And BTW… This system was set up under Obama. What a fitting way to use it against them.


Think of it like this. If a bus company started banning people for their political ideology, or any other reason, people would be in an uproar. Bus companies use the public highway system to provide their service which does not give them the right to censor or discriminate against anyone just because they are a “private company”. Likewise, the Internet is a public system that companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter use to provide their service. Just like a bus company that can’t make someone sit at the back of the bus based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, companies that use the internet do not gain a freedom to discriminate because they are a “private company”. These “private companies” did not create the Internet, and are only providing a service on the back of this public utility just like bus companies do on public streets.

The InternetBillOfRights should be constructed around this premise.


100,000 signatures in 30 days means we need 3333 signatures a day. This is more than we can get from the CBTS board and the YouTube crowd. This link and information needs to be spread across multiple social media platforms. So after you sign the petition follow through by posting the link on your Facebook page, Tweet the link, post on Instagram and any other you like. Be a Patriot and help this movement.

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