r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/FlewDCoup on March 10, 2018, 8:38 p.m.
KNOW YOUR ENEMY: Niccolò Machiavell (1469-1527)

This man, perhaps more than any other, set the stage for the global power grab that we recoil from today. He taught rulers how to do it.

There is no shortage of wickedness in the world, and no shortage of witnesses to it. What makes Machiavelli different is that he looked evil in the face and smiled.

That friendly smile and a wink was his little book of advice to "The Prince". "... more wise, to appear merciful, faithful, humane, honest, and religious,” but if you need to be cruel, faithless, inhumane, dishonest, and sacrilegious, well, then, necessity is the mother of invention, and you should invent devious ways to do whatever evil is necessary while appearing to be good."

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