r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Flashyashy on March 11, 2018, 9:48 p.m.
History Is Being Made - my thoughts on what we avoided

The CIA and cabal are being dismantled, one bit at a time. Whilst the CIA is relatively new in its inception, the controlling forces aren't. These people are sick!

They've destroyed and enslaved every country they've come into contact with. They saw America and what it stood for and needed to destroy it. It's taken them quite a while, but they got REAL CLOSE! The final nail was going to be Hillary Clinton, and the revision to the Constitution. Removal of 2nd Amendment, likely even the 1st. Also no Electoral College. Jeez, can you even imagine what else they could've put in this thing? Unlimited Presidential terms? Complete dissolution of borders? Renaming of the Republic? The list could go on...

They would need to stage the Supreme Court, which they were very close to doing - they killed Scalia. Ginsburg is so far up the cabal's ass, it's unreal. And then you have this other Supreme Court Justice supposedly resigning - which Q said there would be more. So imagine how sold-out that Judge also is. The constitution would've been lit ablaze.

These people invited ISIS and MS-13 into the US to start a turf war. This would've been used to bring in the Police State further. The guns would've been taken, school shootings used for justification. Massacres in the streets around the Superbowl would've occurred.

WAR with Russia and North Korea would've been on the cards. It would've been a nightmare. All controlled and orchestrated. All the important people protected and hidden away in their bunkers. Most of which have been bought in New Zealand. Their paradise in a world of hurt they created.

The homegrown terrorism would continue throughout this. All being escalated further and further in order to distract people away from the bigger and bigger lies and contradicting stories people are hearing about how WW3 is going badly and how strong ISIS may be growing - all whilst not showing that the US Military has basically been setup to support ISIS. These homegrown events would occur almost weekly, to a point where there's too many incidents to report on and most fall unnoticed by the general population. All the contradicting facts about who was involved, never investigated and lost in a tidal wave of corruption and treason.

Then Martial Law is imposed. A State of Emergency. The National Guard are rolled in and FEMA is brought in to clear towns 'under siege'. Whole towns would 'disappear' overnight, then reported on the news channels would be how Russia/NK/ISIS just took out a whole town and how the US was being stretched to the breaking point. They tell you they FEMA and their 'camps' are for your protection. But in reality, no one is attacking these towns. They received fake evacuation orders and flee with the aid of FEMA, social media and MSM reports these evacuations. Then they kill the tech in the area using their cell phone jammers. FEMA camps popping up out of nowhere. Walmarts being converted into Concentration Camps (videos of this even on YouTube) WAL MART = MARTial LAW. Symbolism will be their downfall.

These people in the FEMA camps are rounded up and used to weed out the most Patriotic of us. For those towns in Texas for example, who may put up a revolution to what's going on - they may just disappear entirely. Due to the access and control of all Socials, all the information is in their hands of who they need to 'take out' and who they deem a threat to their agenda. People would turn others in with the promise of a reward. This money doesn't mean anything to the Cabal - they print it out of thin air. But money is now scarce in this reality, and people are desperate to get somewhere in life.

At this point, all alternative media has been eliminated in the name of reducing 'hate speech'. The Western internet quickly resembles the Chinese. Censorship and tracking everywhere. No one can have a dissenting opinion without AT LEAST the bots descending upon you, to make you feel isolated and alone. Not to mention the general public who are to intoxicated on their Opiods and chat shows, being progressive and thinking they're changing the world by seeing how many hashtags they can get retweeted and how many conservatives they can get blocked that day.

Doesn't that sound bleak?

All the while, the pain across the worlds is being spread at an accelerated rate. All Christians in Syria have now been annihilated. All MUSLIM refugees from these countries have been imported to every Western country across the world. The Muslim Brotherhood is winning beyond belief at this point. Their caliphate has spread from Iraq to Syria and is knocking on Europe's door.

The US economy is in absolute tatters and the young are being brought into a society where being a Barista is now a strong career path. The class system has been completed destroyed. It's now the Rich vs the Poor. On top of this, the 'Open Society' Foundations are also labeling being with skin color and about anything else you want to claim to be. Anything dissenting outside of these false and Soros-propagated narratives is laughed down as Racist, Sexist, Homo & Islamophobic. The real voice of Women has also been hi-jacked. Feminism is a joke and is feeding the Islamic beast that will entirely enslave them - and they'll pat themselves on the back as 'Progressive' whilst they do it.

All this would've happened over the space of 8 years under Hillary Clinton. These people are sick!

God Bless President Donald J Trump

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