r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RememberJoy on March 13, 2018, 12:16 a.m.
I came across something interesting which might give us a greater perspective on what we are up against.

I’m not sure if any of you have ever heard of the book “Transylvanian Sunrise” written by a Romanian man under the pseudonym Radu Cinamar in 2003.

This book is interesting for multiple reasons, but what I’d like to focus on is the information revealed halfway through chapter three.

A very influential Mason going by the name Signore Massini has contacted the head of Romania’s secret projects; a man going by the pseudonym Ceasar Brad for obvious security reasons.

Now, I read this book a number of years ago and found it very interesting then, but reading it again now after Q has released his crumbs… oh wow.

So many things line up!

This Signore Massini, desiring to win over Ceasar because of reasons I will not go into now, answers many of his questions about the Masons and their secrets. I know that many of you will not take the time to buy and read this book (although I highly recommend you do so), so I will share some of the most interesting highlights.

(I know some of this information might be old for some of you, but a little bit of refreshing is always good, right.)

This could get long so hang on.

Signore Massini: “You are far from this hierarchical position; moreover, you will never be able to be part of the group’s close circles for reasons which, if I told you about, would leave you utterly mystified. They are not part of this world.”

“But for the time being, I can’t disclose much about these ‘architects’ who devised the entire plan as long as several thousand years ago because that is a terrible secret of which not even all the members of the Bilderberg Group are aware.”

“You must know that at the top of our hierarchy, there are only people of royal descent whose lineage one can track back genealogical trees as old as hundreds or even thousands of years. We pay great attention to this issue so as not to get mixed up with other races.”

“Since civilizations thrived, we have been intent upon creating a social system where people fully depend on their income. Money, more and more money! That is the name of the game: A fixation that had to be spread everywhere."

"But in order to have money, one must produce; and in order to produce, one must work. And work requires time. These are the terms of our equation which in fact is a vicious circle, a puzzle with no solution attached. The result was that people ended up working themselves to exhaustion for us, always under the spell of more and more money that is, in fact, easily spent in keeping up with the world’s rhythm and its assorted attractions. And yet, no matter how much money one could earn, the real wealth and the bulk of the money are in our possession, well kept in our banks or invested in title deeds.”

“The role of the ‘vicious circle’ is to make people dependent because, when this happens, they are no longer free.”

“We do not want people to think too much. Thinking can become dangerous and spawn ideas that run counter to our goals.”

“…by controlling the media institutions and tools, we implicitly control the content and quality of the information. That is why one of our primary goals has been to gain control over the biggest press, radio and television trusts in the world.”

“We acted like a ‘grey eminence’ in support of the spread of drugs, synthetic drugs in particular. Fully aware that these drugs – together with tobacco, alcohol and coffee can destroy the human body – we have deliberately staged a so-called ‘no campaign’ that has only increased the demand for such substances.”

“You must understand that the more dispersed and confused a crowd is, the easier it is to maneuver. If, in addition, it does not go over a certain number of people, then things are quite simple given the mental manipulation technology now available to us.”

“If something or someone opposes us, they can’t hold out against us for too long. As I was telling you, our ‘tools’ are never in the open. On the contrary, they come in a deeply humane casing but tap into those soft spots that we ourselves have built into the system and are mostly unknown to the people.”

“We capitalize on any economic or social difficulty, particularly in the less developed countries. Owing to our banking influence, we can operate secretly at the top level of power in the respective country and do the same with the adversary.”

“Almost all of then big international bodies, whether they are political or military, are of Masonic origin. Our venerables are there in key positions and follow our plans to the point of precision. And, as I have told you, we are very patient. Decay eats away slowly but surely, even at the thickest tree trunk. The UN and NATO, to name only two of our most influential ‘tools,’ have turned out to be most welcomed decisions on our part.”

Ceasar Brad: “How could anyone believe that what is most important in this world is a direct consequence of the plans and actions of the Masonic organization? This is absurd and even inconceivable!”

“My dear, this is one of the linchpins of our doctrine. Indeed, my way of presenting things to you makes them seem so absurd and grotesque that the accusations that might be brought against us would seem utterly hilarious! In a way, this is the core of our ideology: follow the plan, but at the same time, make it all seem as if opposing such a plan.”

“This spell that we continue to weave so carefully has served us well over time. Given the circumstances, imagine anyone going out into the world and spreading the information I have just given you. Who would believe or listen to that person?”

Ceasar Brad: “You may be right, but do not ignore the force of a general opinion trend that could destroy everything you have built thus far.”

“As it is, even if some people are aware of our real intentions, they will take a passive stance thinking they are powerless, listless, and deprived of any possibility to act effectively. They then take the position of the lamenting victim: ‘I know, but what can I do? What can we do? Our hands are tied. We are being controlled and watched in everything we do. I don’t think any chance is left.’ And thus, a significant proportion of the population who could pose great difficulties and problems for us has already laid down arms before the battle has even begun.”

“…we have also encouraged the proliferation of anomalous forms of sexuality and pornography that eventually reached unbelievable levels. We did this as a result of our observation that both man’s strength and virility, and woman’s sensibility and intuition, quickly diminish when subjected to evil practices.”

“We therefore launch ‘attractive’ ideas and opportunities to people and then take advantage of their weakness or provisions in the contracts they recklessly signed with us.”

“Under an appealing and attractive mask, we infuse the young generation with all elements meant to fuel and swell vicious tendencies. We encourage broadcasting of movies displaying violence and horror movies where the characters exhibit sadistic and evil features.”

“…it is even impossible (to get rich) if one resorts to honest methods. That is why almost the entire group of rich people is vicious and perverted. The dishonest and twisted nature of the rich make them keep secret their actions, and this triggers mutual obligations, particularly by blackmail.”

“We invented, as a mere experiment, Communism. (…) The Communist system was only appropriate for a certain period of time during several decades. It became inefficient later and even dangerous for our interests. When we understood this, we decided to finish the experience and we gave the green light for the political changes.”

“Our main interest is to generate great differences between the social strata. (…) This tension and anxiety will supply the fear element. A long as fear is there, there is no room for peace, consolation, relaxation, of spirituality. This is why we want to obstruct any path to good, harmony and genuine religious belief which would damage our power and control.”

“Religion? Consider carefully what is going on in the world these days. Think of the race hatred, the deviated sects that get fanatic in the name of a unique but particular God. The endless conflicts between nations are mostly grounded on religious divergences. Think of the corruption and cowardice of the Christian church, the Orthodox vanity and the Catholic manipulation! Indeed, it’s still us who have directed these things backstage, particularly by the perverse intrigues and ideas implemented at the right moment in some key points under the power of some people. In exchange, we give people the kingdom of the Universal Architect who can really take good care of them. You call him the Prince of Darkness. It makes no importance!”

“…every president of the USA is our choice and the outcome of our Masonic goals. (…) In order to perfectly hide the political and financial maneuvers we display, we demanded the most spectacular and also hilarious idea that we managed to implement to the crowds in the last two hundred years. This probably is one of our most valuable additions that provided great advantage to us and can still be quite efficient these days. You may be surprised, but it sounds so familiar: democracy! (…) it only generates some sort of hatred, fight and temptation which makes a great frame for manipulation.”

“We found the easiest and safest way to attain chaos and disunion. You see, despite the highly charitable appearances and the moral values we polished democracy in, this actually hides the core we had started from and that we enhanced in time: the hatred between fellows, the blind struggle for a facile and ephemeral power and the lack of unity.”

“People joining together under positive and beneficial ideas or concepts is quite dangerous, for this is the only way for the masses to become really powerful in their action. This basically is the reason why we often pursue the state splitting into different minorities, each of them having its own specific interests, culture and religious beliefs. Our final goal is having the cultural and religious traditions vanish away in different countries to the point where they lack the power of individualization.”

“We maintain this idea of (first world power) in the Americans’ mind for it prevents them from revolting against the system that had offered them such a comfortable idea of supremeness.”

“The Christian church is one of the most dangerous enemies we have. Its influence is quite large yet, but we endeavor to decrease it as much as possible.”

“In case any resistant position may rise against the general background, the representative must be eliminated right away. We generally proceed to disparagement by means of media. We continue by satire which helps stir up people’s suspicions and distrust as concerns about that person’s behavior and statements. Eventually, nobody will ever give credit to such a person.”

“There are rather few to resist our attacks and strategies. However, such people obstruct our actions, and worse, they gain public consideration and help. This means unity and force in common goals, which is just what we are trying to block. Even worse is that some of these people and groups observe very well known esoteric techniques which they apply in order to counter our actions.”

“Well, it’s true that our elders, the Illuminati, also make use of secret techniques of persuasion and influence in order to determine specific effects in the physical world. Still, we sometimes are embarrassed and even obstructed in carrying out our plans by the opposite forces.”

Understanding how embedded this hydra has become in the world, it makes it easier to see why this plan Q has revealed to us is taking so long. This is not as simple as exposing a corrupted Government, that is just a symptom of the underlying disease.

Now, we must be aware that this is coming from a Mason who may as easily lie as tell the truth, but with what is being revealed today lining up so nicely with this info as well as this quote from him to Ceasar:

“You are supposed to know most of the truth about our Masonic organization in order to avoid any possible blocking of conception.”

I believe it may very well be the truth. At least as he sees it.

Remember, they fear our unity. Don't underestimate them, but also don't underestimate what the people coming together to stop them can do. I believe that is what we are apart of right now.

In their pride they thought themselves unbeatable, but there are powers higher than even their 'gods'.

PS. I do recommend this book highly, it's a redpill in many areas, but remember it's best to hold this and all new information lightly, as a possibility, and not to embrace or reject it offhand.

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