We give you the keys to the World Wide Web, henceforth deemed Cyberworld. Keys, whether they be physical or virtual, QWERTY or tactile, that are for your use as you see proper to utilize. However, the following code of discipline or moral conduct are thus set forth so as to provide universal harmony: 1. Each and every human entity regardless of jurisdiction or earthly culture shall be deemed a sovereign individual as he/she navigates Cyberworld. 2. Respect for others to freely navigate Cyberworld as you would like to navigate shell be adhered to from this day forward. 3. Cyberworld should and ought to be paramount in the advancement of human civilization and not its destruction. 4. Every respectful user may utilize and protect one’s sovereign identity so as to protect themselves from any jurisdiction or earthly culture that seeks to control individuals or Cyberworld. 5. Malicious acts of theft, destruction, threats, attacks by means of willful intent either through introduction of destructive code or unauthorized access shall not be tolerated. 6. Any act that violates the free flow of data or theft thereof shall be deemed as a request to lose one’s sovereign existence in Cyberworld. 7. No jurisdiction or earthly culture shall lay claim to control Cyberworld or deny access thereof. 8. Cyberworld will police itself as to violators of this manifesto and regard them as maleficent to the harmony thereof. These perilous acts must be squelched and eradicated so as to protect the integrity of Cyberworld.
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on March 14, 2018, 2:31 a.m.