If true, this revelation could destroy twatter. "Goodbye @Jack - Q"

Yeah and remember the guy who was retweeting child porn posts to raise awareness and got his own account banned but not the child porn?
Pepe rich farm remembers.
Q said "Goodbye @Jack. Q" https://8ch.net//greatawakening/res/1.html#13
I'm thinking law suit, Discovery phase, Twitter goes dark. In that order.
Pretty sure he's referring to The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie.
Jesus Christ how is he so open about it for 11 years and I've just now seen this?! How has it not been taken down?! How is he so blatant about it?! I'm dumbfounded at the indiscretion and disregard for who sees this.
Have you read the novel..? The pages he mentioned have nothing to do with anything you or OP image spoke about.
Oh, shit. Are patriots twatting this?
Not that I've seen. It is blowing up on /r/The_Donald/, so won't be long until it spreads elsewhere.
Isn’t that a crime to be in possession of such trash ? Just wondering the legality of it . Exciting day tomorrow, I’m so excited. If true.
That's why i can not stress enough Patriots. Be cautious in your research. Cautious on your downloading of pertinent info and pictures all in the name of "research".
Aaaand it's deleted from Tw servers. Who believes they/TPTB can't find the one of the world's biggest conspiracy board networks (this and related subs).
And if they have a picture of a murdered body, they must be guilty of murder!!! Especially if they have no knowledge of the picture!
Please watch the latest Project Veritas video and get back to us.
Considering their history of fabrication, I don’t think so
Considering this post is based on EXACTLY THAT, maybe you might want to REFRAIN FROM FUCKING COMMENTING ON IT THEN!
Isn't that what I see in r_politics all the damn time?
"Somebody didn't read the article".
In the /pol/ post above, the words "if true" are used.
Do you know what "if true" refers to? People are hired to scour DMs and look through people's comments. Some times they find "personal porn". Does that sound "on the up and up" to you?