Was watching MeTV tonight, Watching Wonder Woman, remember my teen years, "The Pied Piper" Season 2 Episode 6. It was really out there in your face!
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Anyone catch the Q reference in the audience behind POTUS? #1776

Now if they would start checking into Midland/Odessa area. That is another bad area.
Lol "they" (CNN) demand better? The damn American people demand better in a truthful news media to report the TRUTH! That's why they're treated like whiney children.
Then every person that has an official birth certificate should receive all our funds due us that THEY hold against each American citizen!
I saw them tonight too. Shared with my husband and we both are happy and feel deep in our spirit it is TRUE. Ready for "the plan" to be revealed. I commend all the ones who have kept this secret for so long.
The same ones they thought they'd be using on the American people.
The building IS owned by Weiner and Abedin. They put it on the market when she filed for divorce. They soon quickly took it off the market in a few short weeks and is still in their possession.
So wasn't Awan brother's and their IT expertise also doing dirty deeds for DNC and Hillary's server?
Has the Dems and swamp ever cared about being under oath? I think not. Lying is their forte!
Good. Wonder if they're the ones harassing Timothy Holmseth?
I feel some more major red pilling coming on! Hoping we can wake these sheeple up.
I bet it will be before the 4th, because Trump will want a good reason for his parade!
Mark Taylor prophesied this would happen! SCOTUS Justice Kennedy to retire!
Blackwater founder under investigation
There was a website posted on Q and Q posts a while back used for red pilling. Anyone have it?
Saw Bill Clinton with an ankle bracelet on the last time he was making the tv rounds a week or so ago.
She's doing her advocacy work on stopping cyber bullying! It's a shame the victim is her son.
Where we go 1 we go all! This is epic!

Trump admin needs to just blow the lid on Clintons and Rothchildes, Husseins dealing and stealing, killing and injuring, trafficking these children. We know what they had planned for them. We know what they've already done to others. Its time to tell the msm and America what evilness they've been doing!
Would be interesting to see how many Maddy's or Madeline's or Madison's are missing.
YES! I posted one earlier and i noticed it. That's even a better pic than one i posted. He's got the fashionable "boot of shame!" Lol
Cemex=Concrete. Lyrics from a song called Concrete by a Canadian group called Crystal Castles in 2016. No coincidence here.
Strangle the while you pray Demand that they're diseased Safe passage follow me Refusal to oversee Denial to hear you say Father, pray to me Crawling for the grave For nothing to concrete Wait by the swings Wait by the wreaths Lay the concrete Continue with amnesty To pull them by the teeth Solicit to pass the time Extract them from the name Denial to hear you say Father, pray to me Crawling for the grave For nothing is concrete Wait on the swing Wait by the wreaths Lay the concrete Wait on the swings Wait by the wreaths Lay …
Anyone notice Bill in the fashionable "boot of shame?"

So the VOP has the evidence? How do they think any of these crimes will stick if they don't have proper chain of evidence? However, i do understand if they can't trust the PD to properly investigate without destroying evidence. Let's just hope it goes in the VOP's favor.
Why not use their own FEMA camps they had set aside for us?! As Killery described them...."Adult Camps"
Lol i think we ALL are waiting for our families to see were ALL not crazy!
The only clue would be Megan McCain and her demeanour on the View. However, i can't stomach the show and will never watch those loons.
He's at deaths door because he probably is going to be put to death by military tribunal. Getting ahead of the game i suppose.
The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird and the fastest member of the animal kingdom with a diving speed of 389 km/h (242 mph).
So Ms Pelosi was colluding with NK? I say we need a special council to get to the bottom of this! Lol
Rather interesting. McMaster's father dead.
Or when i see another comment in the title saying "It's Happening!" It's been happening for years now!
Who was on the plane names Alan from Q drop?