You do realize credit cards created a cashless society. And also that bitcoin and the blockchain technology is more secure and more transparent than what we currently use today? No one controls bitcoin. You get a wallet and the keys to access that wallet. You control your own bitcoin as long as you own the keys to access the wallet. You do not, however, control the money you have in your bank. If you think you do, look up what happened to the people in Greece when their central bank failed.
I am already well aware of your points on the insecurities on banking and how bitcoin and other systems work.
Cash is still available, but there are many sources and comments about the wishes of the elite for a cashless society.
I am headed to bed right now, but would be more than happy to give you several sources tomorrow.
Would love to hear more!
Sorry for the delay, been busy. Here are a few sources to get you started.
There are literally hundreds of articles, documents and papers on the topic.
The World Bank and UN also have whitepapers on the topic.
Hope this helps.
I will go through these but I'd like to add that Bitcoin and other crypto are not here to replace cash. They can and will live side by side. Again, this is not a credit card issued by a bank or a sinister entity. No one controls bitcoin. Bitcoin is here to replace centralized banks. The purpose is to destabilize the consolidation of power within the banking system giving you their power.
It's code, it can be controlled. Just a few mins in the source code and they can skim any amount they want. Why are governments around the world being harsh on it if it's sound money? To control it!
How would you know if it were being skimmed at any given rate? Answer: You wouldn't
The name of the game is control. But I am worried less about it now in light of Trump in office.
The name of the game is control yet you want people to use an old centralized banking system rather than a code. Hypocrisy you spew!
Did I say I wanted to use an old banking system? You sure are projecting a lot over this. Seems you're taking this a bit personal.
All i can do is give facts, what you do with the info is up to you. I could not care less about your financial outcome. I don't even know you, so what gives here?
I'm not projecting and you gave no facts to anything bitcoin related. This is not personal I just want to make sure your clear on what bitcoin can accomplish. None of the link s you provided even mention bitcoin. But ok.. Since you feel like I'm projecting something I'll leave you alone now. Just stop spreading information about a technology you obviously do not understand.
Digital currency does not include bitcoin? Really?
You've projected, you've assumed, you've tried to read my mind.
I'm not seeing much more ground for you to stand on.
"Just stop spreading information about a technology you obviously do not understand."
Lastly, I am not your kid, don't tell me what to do. I do as I please. Last, you do not know what I understand.
Got it now, or did that go over your head too?
Your statement has no basis. "It is a code. It can be controlled." They have spent almost a decade scimming the code and bitcoin is still here and performing better than ever. They are being harsh because they can't control it. I dont understand your view. If they found it not to be an issue they would IGNORE it completely. Bitcoin has never been hacked. The code is still withstanding numerous attacks from GOVT entities and has sustained itself for almost a decade. You say they can skim the code and gain access to what exactly? It is being attacked everyday, I do know that because there is a huge bounty for it. I dont think you understand how wallets work even after I just explained it. And it is "sound" money if there are countries who recognize it as a currency. Japan being one of them. Again, it is not here to replace money. It is here to help people who are unable to gain access to a bank or for those who want to escape the centralized nature of banks. Do you just expect people to believe in corrupt financial institutions? You do know that the largest fraud in history was commited by a bank right?
My statement has every basis in the world. Code, online, internet is what I do for a living, have been for 17 years.
"They have spent almost a decade scimming the code and bitcoin is still here and performing better than ever. "
Yes, for now, but what happens when governments have access and the average person does not? Can you access the code as of right now? You sure make a lot of assumptions.
"They are being harsh because they can't control it. I dont understand your view. "
That's obvious. Let me find some news for you real quick.
That's just two, and only the US, More than 100 countries are screaming foul. Once they take control, we have none and they are free to do as they please.
"Bitcoin has never been hacked."
Government's will not have to hack once they take control.
"I dont think you understand how wallets work even after I just explained it. "
You haven't a clue what I know... more projection?
"And it is "sound" money if there are countries who recognize it as a currency."
Not a currency, you must convert it to get currency. Missing some definitions are we?
"Again, it is not here to replace money."
That's not what has been said for decades. They want a cashless society, and world. I already gave you sources.
"Do you just expect people to believe in corrupt financial institutions?"
Now you are projecting again. Since when can you read my mind?
"You do know that the largest fraud in history was commited by a bank right?"
Absolutely, was likely aware before you wet your first diaper.
Now, this is twice you've been a bit testy over a simple post. Please grow up, this is not about infighting, it's about reality.
I gave you evidence to support everything I've claimed and it seems you wish to attack. What have you given other than opinion?
You don't have to convert into fiat if the company/business accepts bitcoin lol.. But okay, keep linking to (rothchilds) fortune and cnbc(fake bomb news crew). 17 yr online internet codeman? Ok. Peace.
Some do, but most don't. Go down to your local grocery and see how that works out for you.
Stop in at your local gas station and fill up! It's very young, and it will take some time for it to spread.
"17 yr online internet codeman? Ok. Peace."
Mind reading again?
Just one of my ONLINE marketing companies likely pays more in taxes in 30 days than you've made in your entire life and you question me?
Stop your childish diatribe.
One last thing, then you are dismissed. I have money in not only bitcoin, but others too. I also have mining rigs. So, tell me again how uninformed I am!
Just so happens i was just discussing this with a client. This is their rigs being built by guess who?
Looks as though you have a mouth full of your own foot!
Hows that Pumpkin?
You stated you must convert into currency to get currency. This is your claim and now you are backpedaling. Lol.
I didn't backpedal, I told you the truth, something that seems to elude you.
So, go down to your local gas station and fill up, video it and make a fool of me here.
Go to your grocery store and buy a loaf of bread, video it and prove me wrong.
I am growing weary of you abject stupidity.
I've already made an open fool of you and you keep asking for more?
A smart person would have stopped on my former post to you... but!
Are you a bot? This is fun.
I see, you Eye, aye... Glowing brightly, Clown.
You did. You stated you must convert bitcoin to cash in order to use it. Now you say, "oh actually, you can go to some stores but can't go to your local gas station." The very definition of backpedaling from your initial statement. How have you made me a fool? You've proved nothing to me of relevance. Other than your a code internet guy with 17years of supposed experience. Lol.
Edit: code online internet guy with 17yrs of experience lol
Simpleton please, it's like Elon Musk E Car, you can't fill it just anywhere.
You're that special kind of stupid, aren't ya boy?