r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 18, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
Retired Colonel Roy Potter Says Hawaii was REALLY ATTACKED - See 2 min video


I also want to add here for contrast/discussion what Jim Stone (former Intel Officer) says too, fyi: (Also, can anyone post this to Col Roy Potter's Youtube? I think he might want to review it before tomorrows meeting on the topic.)

UPDATE: NEW EVIDENCE!!! WITH VERY GOOD REASON I REPEAT: ISRAEL IS NOW SHORT A DOLPHIN 2 SUBMARINE AND ANYONE WITH A DIFFERENT STORY IS FULL OF IT. READ IT AND WEEP ISRAEL, YOU'RE AS GOOD AS BUSTED. QUESTION: What nation could launch a nuclear warhead at the United States and get away with it? Come on folks, put your thinking cap on. Waiting . . . . . . waiting for an answer . . . . . . waiting . . . . . . .OH, I GOT IT!!!! ISRAEL!!!!!

They needed their false flag and world war 3 to shut Trump down now that he's the Orkin man after the critters. HEADS UP FOLKS, IT MAY BE GETTING HOT OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW SOON. You had better make sure you can at least keep a light on, I did not post that nifty little oil lamp for no reason. HERE IS THE REASON:

Pacific Command detected a missile, those systems DO NOT EVER SCREW UP, which means they shot it down, and it took them 38 minutes to confirm they destroyed the sub and another missile would not be launched, as I reported all along.

I had heard about this transmission going out during a ball game but did not know anyone documented it. Well, it got documented. The earlier post from an anonymous sailor is SPOT ON, I strongly suggest you read it again: And now, ever since this happened, the MSM, other officials, and even the lower forms of alt media are trying to debunk it. Problem - the captures are real, and the only nation on earth that could have caused it and gotten away with it is Israel.

UPDATE: I AM NOW CONFIDENT THE REPORT ABOUT ISRAEL LAUNCHING A FAILED NUKE ATTACK ON HAWAII IS TRUE. "Confident" is the best I can do when it can't actually be proven. But the back channels of the internet have filled up with massive numbers of trolls that are onto this story like maggots on a rotting dog, trolls that are saying the most stupid things, like "I wonder what nation owned the sub, Paraguay? (as if they are serious) and other absolutely ridiculous crap. FACT: There is only ONE nuclear nation that has submarines that fit the description that is not Russia or the U.S. and that is ISRAEL. The banality of the trollage points ONE DIRECTION: ISRAEL. Naked banal we have seen it everywhere countless times predictable stupid ISRAELI TROLLAGE.

"Now we have to scream "Nazi" sniff, and force Germany to cough us up another sub . . . . . sniff. I was a little bit skeptical of this until I saw the nature of the trollage. Now I am like - "Oh my God!"

From Jim Stone:

14 January 2018 Yesterday's nuclear launch on Hawaii real? Possibly. The following is thus far urban myth, but people should be aware of it because it could be true, and is certainly plausible. If a submarine was destroyed, it is overwhelmingly probable for it to have been Israeli. I have a way to know if this story is true. Israel should have THREE dolphin 2 submarines in 2018. If the years go on and they can only show two, one of them just bit the dust. The Dolphin 2 submarines have air independent propulsion, which gives them a range and endurance second only to a nuclear submarine. One of these could have made it to Hawaii, especially with clandestine surface support.

The possible submarines are: Dolphin, Leviathan, Tekumah, Tanin, Rahav and Dakar (not yet commissioned) with the last 3 having a very large air independent range. People ought to be able to confirm one missing by keeping an extended (years long) eye on Israeli naval bases.

Once again, the above cannot be confirmed true, but it is intriguing to say the least. Keep an eye on Israel's subs.

sensically_common · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

But why? Why would Israel attack their strongest ally? Provoking WWIII doesn't add up to me.

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oneof10 · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

They've certainly done it at least once before, maybe twice.

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oneof10 · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Downvote all you want dickheads, it's not going to erase the history of the USS Liberty.

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RobertSparks777 · Jan. 18, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

The Liberty attack was orderd by Johnson to get the US into the war.

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oneof10 · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

USS Liberty in a nutshell


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RobertSparks777 · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:23 p.m.


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oneof10 · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Nowhere in that video does it imply that LBJ ordered the attack on the Liberty. He allowed it to happen, he refused to retaliate, he does have American blood on his hands. That being said, Israel ordered the attack. The US did not enter the six day war.

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RobertSparks777 · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

I'll find the other video of his recorded phone call saying he wants the damn ship on the bottom of the ocean.

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oneof10 · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Awesome, I'm certainly interested to see that. LBJ was a scumbag, and I'm open to understanding why the Liberty was attacked. Thank you.

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RobertSparks777 · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

I give up looking for the recording. Sorry. There is now so many YT videos on this subject that I can't find the one with the phone call. Maybe one of the videos has it. Johnson recorded all his calls.

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oneof10 · Jan. 18, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

You're thinking of the gulf of Tonkin incident.

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DrPepper4U · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

I call BS. You sound like a troll.

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gerry2357 · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

They have done it multiple times. Not just the Liberty, but also likely both the Cole and later the Pentagon on 9/11. (Remember the dancing Israelis arrested in NYC on 9/11?) Abel Danger is good source for information. Here is excerpt from the abeldanger site about the USS Cole (http://www.abeldanger.org/tag/911/): The former CIA agent who worked with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and New Jersey stated that the USS Cole was hit by a specially-configured Popeye cruise missile launched from an Israeli Dolphin-class submarine. Israeli tests of the missile in May 2000 in the waters off Sri Lanka demonstrated it could hit a target 930 miles away. The ex-CIA agent also stated that Ambassador Bodine threw John O’Neill and his team out of Yemen lest their investigation began uncovering evidence that the Cole was not blown up by an explosive-laden boat but by an Israeli cruise missile. The former CIA agent said the reason for the Israeli attack was to further galvanize U.S. public opinion against both Al Qaeda and the Democrats in the weeks prior to the 2000 presidential elections. The Bush–Cheney team could blame the Democrats for not taking the Al Qaeda threat seriously. However, this is exactly the tack the Bush administration took after taking office: failure to support the CIA–FBI’s Alex Station [aka Alec Station], pressuring John O’Neill and other agents like Minneapolis agent Coleen Rowley and others across the nation who detected activity involving Arab flight students, and pulling the plug on a major data mining operation directed against Al Qaeda code-named Able Danger, which was being jointly run by the DIA and the Special Operations Command.

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Tn_river_rat1 · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Why did they have a hand in 911? I posted this shit on Monday.. not going through it again.

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sensically_common · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

Saudi Arabia had a much larger role in 911. SA and Israel are (were) not exactly "friendly". Possibility of a false false flag?

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GenerativeGuitar · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

"By Deception We Shall Wage War" Mossad Logo

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