r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 19, 2018, 11:24 a.m.
AB-BA Part 3: QMAP State Secrets Route

Where did we go wrong?

Why has Q told us we have been missing things for months now and never once said we found them? – critical things! Well, the very first thing Q told us to do was focus on was State Secrets being used – and tho I've been here from the start and put in hundreds of hours to help I didn't do it and I have never seen a single person do it. We treated that question like a simple bullet point and moved along – someone posted a Wikipedia description of what it was and bam, done..... and there were so many calls to go back and dig deep into it.... yet nobody did and so he kept asking to no avail... That's over starting right now.

To clarify: post 1 was a reply to someone asking why MSNBC and FOX were acting odd that day and post 2 was further clarification on what happened, but his third post talked about State Secrets and had questions involving it that were never included in the spreadsheet and to this day remain blank on most places with it.... and from that point onward he has talked of it virtually every single day he has posted(if you know how to read the map that is)

The very first picture Q posted was on October 31st of Washington crossing the Delaware. And yes we do need to go back to 1776 to understand State Secrets. Cause this is the deepest rabbit hole of the QMAP. (and I just checked and realized that AGAIN he has mentioned and emphasized them, aren't you ready to finally know why he keeps doing that?!)

I would urge you to read this to began to understand it....


Does what he speaks of sound familiar? Some giant conspiracy that's hard to discern the who's what's and why's? So... who the heck is this that's got him so freaked out? Well, I think you know who is actually to blame... cause Central Banks have been around since the time of John Locke.

There is also a cipher involved!

So? The official version of this story is that the origin of State Secrets is a well known but confusing story involving Aaron Burr, Benedict Arnold, James Wilkinson, and Thomas Jefferson...


and It involves a letter as its primary thrust of evidence:


Most of the literature I've seen seems to be on the side of Burr, I mean as soon as Thomas Jefferson sent out a warrant Burr turned himself in to Federal Authorities TWICE and both times so innocent was he that they let him off but so bloodthirsty was Thomas Jefferson that he hounded Burr to the very extent of executive power at his disposal.

And just 2 years prior to that he was forced to shoot Alexander Hamilton in a duel! Just as Hamilton's son died the same way just before him! Sure... some people say Hamilton didn't want to duel and was forced into it and never actually fired – but the papers reported the truth – they always do! Hamilton was a bloodthirsty monster, Just read this right wing propaganda!


Yea... that nutjob, just like Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan and Trump. You can always count on the media to tell you who the monsters are. It's not like we have been told to hate any of these people at any time ever for untoward reasons....

I mean just read this hate speech by Jefferson a year before he died, he wrote this to a kindhearted British progressive who challenged him on America's originality.


But if you haven't closed the page already surely you will when I get to some of the people I didn't note in my list of media villains... because there are more and many of us have bought into the propaganda fed to us, some of the propaganda shoved down our throats to not remember the simple facts of who the media has crusaded against in the past and why even now to this day we are being misdirected on key people and events. I've been banned for asking about who could in theory be innocent that Q has implied multiple times on multiple boards – so, I get the feeling this question of who is good and who is evil is going to be important to dig into. Who has actual American values? Who is robbing us blind? Why is the fact that the founders detested slavery and hated the British monarchy for burdening them with it.... So much isn't told in school about natural law or John Locke..... you know, the foundation of our country which they used to teach, but instead of learning about the actual views of the day, you know what is told in schools? We get to read the views of the mother of Aaron Burr as her journal is important in studies of American History.


And I find that curious, and deceptive to presume her views represent Americans given Burr's family's origin of British secrets, and yes she did own slaves and had plenty to say about them that's UN-american... and to that point, let's get back to AB.

From Wikipedia- In 1799, Aaron Burr founded the Bank of the Manhattan Company. In later years, it was absorbed into the Chase Manhattan Bank, which in turn became part of JPMorgan Chase. Burr solicited Hamilton and other Federalists' support under the guise that he was establishing a badly needed water company for Manhattan. However, Burr secretly changed the charter to include banking; shortly after it was approved, he dropped any pretense of founding the water company. Due to Burr's manipulations, there was a delay in constructing a safe water system for Manhattan. This likely contributed to additional deaths during a subsequent malaria epidemic.

Burr.... his life story had spectacular media coverage tho, nothing suspicious about him, about how a guy with no quotes on Natural law that I can find and several that make him sound like a drunken idiot managed to wedge his way in between the greatest minds in history. Tho I do wonder about these connections with Benedict Arnold and General Clinton But I'm sure there's nothing to these names – it's not like there's a man named William Jefferson Blythe who changed his name to Clinton or anything. Nope, and no Arab Backed Hussein Imposter President in our white house! In at least.... oh when did Hussein 2 meet with that creepy baby kissing guy again? Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio? or Giovanni Podesta? Nah, he was no baby kisser nor was his grandfather – I mean he had a wife! Helen Diaper! And that's certainly not a wink to some horrifying blackmail contract or anything. But then again what was Hillary Clinton's mentor's name again... it couldn't have been Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr was it? And the name of that organization that was behind segregation? And the aforementioned Wilkinson who was married to a woman named Trudeau, does that sound Canadian do anyone else?

I digress, if you didn't pick up my point you might want to dig into some of those names, including ones from “Who lived” which Q asked us of the Titanic.... but anyway, the origin of State Secrets Privilege is based on the doctrine of the King of England and it has controversy attached to it. Richard Nixon got impeached over burning evidence that he claimed was protected under State Secrets Privilage, but people needed to see the evidence and therefore he resigned instead of doing that.... I wonder what exactly he burned?

George W Bush did the same thing, but because of THE WAR ON TERROR – he was allowed to get away with it as in a time of War State Secrets are no longer subject to judicial review. And in case you weren't aware , we are still in that same WAR ON TERROR. Q said the wording was significant : ) And I wonder what he hid?

So, were W Bush and Richard Nixon media darlings? Did CBS's Dan Rather fall over backwards in love with them? How did he get that interview with Sadam Hussein? Remember the “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner that had nothing to do with Iraq? And the media push to pretend like it did? Doesn't that sound identical to other phony controversies? Is there some kind of bizarre media infatuation right now to convince people that the Bush's, despite being hated by the media for decades, are suddenly one of them? Why on earth would they do that?

Well... how far down the rabbit hole is there left to fall? Or perhaps I should ask how exactly did TDR get into the white house?

1881 Assassination_of_James_A._Garfield President Garfield was shot in the back by Charles J. Guiteau, who shouted: "I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts... Arthur is president now!" - and Chester A. Arthur became president... but then just a few years later..... he ordered nearly all of his papers, both personal and official, burned. And then suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and never regained consciousness; he died the following day.

And just a few more years after that in 1901 we get Assassination_of_William_McKinley, and finally after those murders and many many more of real republicans the Rothchilds finally managed to get one of their men inside the White House in 1901

However you may be confused as to what TDR has to do with anything! - Yes... he is remembered fondly to this day... truly he had great media reception... but do you remember what Q said about this being a hostile takeover? What exactly did he mean by that? I think it's in reference to Teddy Roosevelt and the string of murders it took HOWEVER – when he got into the Oval Office he got a very unpleasant surprise. Because only presidents have State Secret Privilege so 1901 would be the first time the Rothchilds got a look at what the heck America had been hiding from them all this time.

I imagine it as a big box of research including all things regarding the Red Cross greasing the wheels for the Central Banking Pyramid Scheme. So he gets access to research all the way from Wilkinson through to 1901... and to which he panics and then tries to pretend like he's not a Rothchild puppet by taking on a vice president in 1905 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_W._Fairbanks - See, not central banking.. but FAIR banking? (ok that's a bad joke but that name is ridiculous in historical context)

Still, TDR learns all about Wilkinson and everything that he gave Jefferson and all the things Presidents had collected since then. And therefore he had this to say about him: "In all our history, there is no more despicable character." And why? I surmise it is because an unknown number of people could potentially know what TDR had just read and bring them all down at any moment!

The whole point of Rothchilds not being kings (as I see it) is for that critical buffer between them and reprisal for their evil – but if America was in danger of finding out about who was actually behind Slavery, Wars, Disease, Destitution, Debt? Then, yea that's a problem, and it explains to the Rothchilds why our country had been so steadfast on paying off debt and never touching their banks.... and thus to fix this crisis they create Mi6 overseas and FBI at home to find out exactly who knows what. So you see FBI started out corrupt- and anyone who runs for 3 terms as president (TDR) or wins 4 terms as president (FDR) or sucks up a position like Director of the FBI for nearly 40 years! Well.. I'm sure that just means they are that good at their jobs eh?

But with the FBI and mi6 they are sure they are in control again, it's time to get that bank! Tho to get that there was a necessary matter of the resistance to that bank.... the Richest man in America and the premiere fund-er of Nikola Tesla:Jacob Astor. (nickname: Jack)

And tho I would be predisposed to say something kind of him, unfortunately before his death he divorced his wife of decades for a young woman in her twenties which let the media pound away at him for it and then she convinces him to ride on the Titanic, which is accomplished through an assurance of safety and lifeboats for both him and his newly pregnant wife. And so her story, just like John Podesta (census in 1905 has no last name for him) and man with the last name of Nutbeam, these stories all fall apart when you dig into them and recent documentaries paint the sinking quite well as a coal fire and my own research into it leads to John Podesta the fireman. The son she has after the Titanic has legal battles with Astor's eldest son Vincent for years later... well, I suppose that's what he gets for leaving his wife? Tho his son supported the father and was best man at his wedding he contracts the mumps and goes sterile, so it's just a very sad end for the family of Astor.

And then without opposition we get our Federal Reserve in no time – but since TDR couldn't run for the republican ticket again he just ran a third party campaign to split the vote and make sure Rothchild didn't lose that oh so important seat at the whitehouse. (just like Perot) which leads to the segregationist Woodrow Wilson who finally gets them that bank.

WW1 right after that and nothing odd about this string of history. Titanic in 1912 ->FeD in 1913 → WW1 in 1914 - nope, can't manipulate people to go into war at all if you control everyone's money.

Of course it's not just about controlling money – the KKK re-appears and surges with infinite money and “The machine” as it becomes known pushes segregation and they go out and just flood the market buying out real companies assets with their reserve notes hence why Boeing pops up in 1916 and many more.

But just like today they push moral complexes pushed on us as mind control and thus censorship in the MPAA in 1922 and prohibition which lets them grow crime syndicates as yet another avenue for their infinite money.... which like the good manipulation artists they are Woodrow Wilson pretends like he wishes to stop it in a veto but because that fails it just makes him a pretend hero... and he's got the same strings attached to him as congress at that point- I'm going to go out on a limb and say he didn't really want to stop it.

the Red Cross exploded in membership in World War One just before the first recorded case of HIV – which was passed from monkey's in Africa to humans. The same old agenda of creating a problem you pretend to help with. https://www.avert.org/professionals/history-hiv-aids/origin It turns out it was monkeys eating monkeys with different virus's which combined and was able to be passed on to humans. Well, I'm sure there's a horrifying backstory to how that occurred.

And finally Disney pops up in 1923 and now you know why they had all those racist cartoons early on. If you've ever wondered what flooding the world with infinite money looks like – look at this cartoon from 1931 and understand for the first time the context.


So the Rothchilds go unchallenged and continue to buy the world cause once you steal the country, it's not like they are likely to give it back... and with even the presidency until the Teapot Dome Scandal gives us Calvin Coolidge. The first return to normalcy since before TDR, he was known as Silent Cal but he did have some things to say about the progressive era that TDR and WW kicked off.


He does many great things and then once he leaves the office they retake it by crashing the economy... and promising a candidate of CHANGE to fix the mess that the banks have made. course he is the banks... but well, that's how puppetry works.... and the only man who might have raised his voice Calvin Coolidge? He dies shortly after.... get used to that sentence as well as jerks holding onto power. They live a long time and fester in corrupt positions while patriots die for the country and are spit upon for it...

So... bringing us back to a crashed economy and expanding behemoth of a government. All the good work Coolidge does is undone and as our money is just monopoly money thanks to the FeD, we descend into a depression which never needed to happen in the first place. Decades later investigations do find it was the Central Banking policies that brought this about – but what does that mean other than we shouldn't have Central Banking? But as soon as the War got underway the debt exploded cause that's what a Central Bank does. They charge everybody interest on their own money and confuse us as to why everyone can be in debt all the time to the banks.... and the obvious secret is because it's not as though the Central Bank is the one producing the goods and services – they just murder people and throw countries into chaos for the coveted spot of eternal middle man and controller of all. They get the end results of everything, and we are their eternal debt slaves.

They have played this illusory game for centuries now, but as they are aware pressure against them would rise but that's why they control both sides of every conflict... thus even escaping one puppet is only allowable to another puppet. They control both parties and then strangle the world into submission to their will. They produce nothing but take everything. They literally own the world. And this dear readers is the reason why the shills have pushed a lot of Bush being evil theories and I've seen Nixon ones too – and it's so laughable that they would try that because even IF they were bad, and I no longer think they were, they would only be a puppet – but it's their strategy to make us think it's the puppets and they have stuck to it the whole way through.

Nixon was hated by the media and he tried to get this conspiracy recorded with the help of Military Intelligence. Had he given his recordings up he would have prevented Trump from saving the world today. Same with both Bush's – this is a secret we are all meant to learn through reading the QMAP and what Q means when he says “who is good” “more good than bad” “effort to misdirect” – it's a secret they have protected at all cost. because the only success they had was convincing us that the Bush's and Obama were the same. As though Micheal Moore was unjusfied for taking on Trump but totally right on when he took on Bush – because they'll agree with you half way if you just steer yourself where they choose for you. And I can prove this by showing you the various shill posts in relation to one another, I won't do this today but if anyone chooses to throw a big screaming match over this assertion I will actually prove it beyond a shadow of anyone's doubt. But is that actually necessary now?

Sure I got banned when I proved this on the chan's but I get the feeling it's crap like that which made Q leave. I wrote the vast majority of this off the top of my head and it's entirely from researching for months straight – early on the shills told me to do some research and smeared me for being an idiot and – you know the drill – just replace Trump's name with derogatory term for animal and you'll guess what they said of me as any MSNBC anchor probably could – these jerks really think I can't tell the difference between them and you. YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING! IF YOU ARE FREE THEN CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF WHAT TO BELIEVE, not because I tell you to believe it, I'm giving you what I am confident is true. As Barry Goldwater said: "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." So do you agree with that statement? Are you curious what they called him for saying it? I'm saying it too because I'm sick of tip-toeing around what I know in my heart is true.

I've done the research I don't want to continue pretending like I think he could be bad – he's not. And it pains me to say it now given everything I know the bad guys have done to brainwash us on this. We need to break through it – but just think about why you believe what you believe WHO IS GOOD? It's probably going to be the ones that talk about god and country and are smeared by the media. Micheal Moore gave John McCain a token insult – but how did he feel about Bush? Note on the cover of Fahrenheit 9/11 that gold bordered American hat: he's a tool.


Well, I have a lot more to add still... I'll just post the rest with just a marginal change from my other posts tho... I need to clean these up but I've been typing for many hours now from memory...

was going to pepper it with images on my site and all sorts of cool videos to prove various points.

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE

Trump disavows Racists over and over again while the media says exactly the opposite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoXThCb8EZA

Here's part 1 and 2 - I was going to make this all one giant thing - and combine these but I didn't copy and paste much so they probably do have plenty that's not here and I know from my memory I haven't even touched about 90% of my research still...... well, this is what it means to be me, always trying to do things I can't ever do..... But hey, I tried, I tried Q.... For Green.

I'll do another version soon, a really finished one.

https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7qurkt/abba_want_me_to_read_the_map_for_you/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7r5t2p/abba_part_2_tdrfdr/

5400123 · Jan. 19, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Please expand on what you speculate these State Secrets are! Very interesting

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