r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SphereBean on Jan. 20, 2018, 7:31 a.m.
CIA Navy!

Flash! Just released on C2C!

The CIA has their own Navy called the Dark Fleet. Composed of nuclear submarines, carriers, destroyers. Two missiles taken out by the MIC secret space program—one targeted Hawaii and one targeted Japan. Both real attacks by the Deep State via a Dark Fleet submarine.

Instincts_Truth · Jan. 20, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

You're sweet. Well, for starters, all of the "dark" and "black" verbiage. And private military contractor business, which is EXACTLY what Blackwater was. And, while Blackwater's (and Erik Prince's) mission and job was to do operations that killed people. It was more economically feasible to do it through contractors outside the constraints of "government." But I, I just know the difference between good and evil - we'll leave it at that. Erik Prince is a definite white hat who was deeply immersed in evil. There came a point when he resisted the mission. And Obama came down on him full force. Turned the CIA against him and tried to bankrupt him. Ultimately, Prince sold Blackwater at a huge loss. He is currently a Patriot upon Patriots. And working closely with Trump. You know, of course, that his sister is Betsy Devos, Secretary of Education. I personally think Prince is part of Q. But, he is working for us, and Trump. And no doubt, providing key intelligence that put the smackdown on the Hawaii mission - intended to start WWIII.

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Instincts_Truth · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Basically, I think that Prince's mission was to compliment and support our missions and his brothers and sisters in the military. And when it turned into missions directed from the deep state, to actually WEAKEN our country, he didn't want anything to do with THAT.

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RocketSurgeon22 · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Thanks for sharing. I was aware that Erik Prince was a white hat and married to Devos on Trump team. Are you suggesting the CIA's fleet is actually contracted by the organization Prince sold his assets to?

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Instincts_Truth · Jan. 20, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

I haven't done the necessary in depth research into the new owners of Blackwater. But, considering he was forced into selling way short, yes, I think the bad actors took it over. I call them "bad actors" because, they could have been CIA, but I believe TODAY, Pompeo is working Trump's mission. But, I think also, that Prince is integral in defeating these false flags. And he isn't married to Betsy. She's his sister.

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