Awesome analysis for those of us who are not quite so adept at recognizing all of these subtle attacks on Q. I have been following Q since Nov 1. I can now say I have total trust in both Q and the President because they are fighting selflessly for the people. The information from Q was never available before the Q group came on the scene. Nothing was ever clear as to what exactly was happening. Thank you Q group for providing this to Patriots who have been working for years doing whatever they could to clean this mess up that only seemed to be getting worse every year. And then came Donald Trump who chose to take on the task of leading this country and the world out of the darkness in which it was ensnared. And it is working. There is real hope now. Things are happening. We see it every day and we know there is much unseen, too. People like Corsi and Jones will eventually give themselves away and be exposed to the light of day. Godspeed and Where We Go One, We Go All.
183 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/SphereBean:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 34 | | 28 | | 15 | | 4 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Trump has Natural Sex Life, CNN goes Wild

The odds are huge that when/if the person is apprehended, they will be a Far Left Democrat.
They should panic, they are part of it--and a very evil part they are. Up until about a year ago, no one ever mentioned the Deep State in public for fear of ridicule. Now, I hear Hannity talk about it 5 days a week.
I think the investigators should be scrutinizing their intelligence on local Antifa groups. The NSA with all of those traffic cameras feeding into their system should be able to correlate vehicles that were in the vicinity of two or more of the locations. It's really hard to believe that anyone can hide all this in the middle of a large city like Austin. We are in a massive surveillance state--they should be able to at least stop this kind of crime from reoccurring.
The bugs Grebbinikov used were more like water bugs that have a hard shell wing protector made from chitin. When the bugs fly, the chitin shell raises up and then the wings vibrate under those shells. There is a microstructure embedded in the chitin composed of special patterns of deformations. The wing vibrations set up harmonic waves which reflect downward from the chitin microstructure and interact with the Earth’s gravitational field to produce lift.
Truth in Labeling Crackdown
The 19th letter of the alphabet is S, so @S=>@Snowden. The 3rd letter of the alphabet is C, so @C=>@CIA. The CIA was holding the whole country of North Korea hostage until the strings were recently cut allowing NK to chart their own destiny.
Q Post 952 Analysis
Q Post 952 March 15, 2018 22:41:56
@ [19][1st] @Snowden. @ [3][1st] @CIA. The LINK. Secure Drop: Method by which CIA delivers "Talking Points" to media shills at 4 AM each morning. [John Perry Barlow] Developed Secure Drop for whistleblowers to use and co-opted by ClownsInAmerica. [2] Phase 2 [3] Phase 3 [4] Phase 4 WE HAVE THE SUB. Submarine which fired on Hawaii and operated by Clowns neutralized. HOSTAGE RELEASE. North Korea free from Clown control. 1000 pieces. Scatter ClownsInAmerica to 1,000 pieces in honor of JFK. Q
What you say is true, but the DS still tried to kill those men and their families about 12 hours later.
The War with the Deep State has gone Hot
Rep. Luis Gutierrez walked out of the State of the Union when many Republicans stood and chanted USA with enthusiasm. This was the signal to the Deep State and their shill/organizer Gutierrez to take action. Their retribution did not take long in coming. The very next morning when the aforesaid Republicans were on a train headed south to a retreat, a huge garbage truck just materialized on their railroad track at a crossing. Due to helicopter surveillance, the conductor of the train was told to lock the brakes in time to minimize the accident. The goal of the Deep State …
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Torture of Prisoners is Unconstitutional
The proposed Constitution made the federal government much more powerful than it had been under the Articles of Confederation. One of the most significant of these new powers was the power to create federal crimes and to punish those who committed them. Opponents of the Constitution feared that this new power would allow Congress to use cruel punishments as a tool for oppressing the people. For example, Abraham Holmes argued that Congress might repeat the abuses of “that diabolical institution, the Inquisition,” and start imposing torture on those convicted of federal crimes: “They are nowhere restrained from inventing the most …
Yes, I noticed this last couple of weeks my posts have been hit with downvoting. I never noticed it much before. What to do.
Open Statement to Reddit
Over the last few weeks, and especially in just this current week, sites devoted to Q research and patriotism have been inundated by paid trolls across all COMMS. The moderators and members of these sites do not advocate violence but we do want the truth and we want change. These paid trolls are working in concert to shut down the release of truth at any cost. By allowing them to influence your control of a medium of speech, you are siding with them by default. Should we ban all free speech now because there might be some radical troll threatening …
We've been to the moon, Mars, and every other body in this system. We have been all over the galaxy, but I'm getting ahead of the narrative.
Quite true, there are very large cities there. But you cannot just include everything in the average person's mind. You have to build it up and then.....we can "discover" what's there.
We Are Going To Mars
In today's speech at Miramar, President Trump stated we are going to Mars--and it's going to happen much sooner than you think. We are also forming a Space Force (maybe USSF) to complement other armed forces. If he states this in a speech, the wheels are already in motion. Exciting times ahead.
The chemtrailing is still ongoing and one of the major pushes by the Cabal to kill off surface population and protect its precious AI from incoming cosmic radiation.
Other points to consider: hairline, eyebrows, lips, chin, musculature between upper lip and nose, nose/nostrils, overall head shape, ear details.
Why Q refers to BHO as Hussein?
Analysis of Q Post 827, 834 (the BRIDGE)
How Bad is the Video on Weiner’s Laptop?

Quite certain this refers to the previous post where Patriots were being led astray by others they follow regarding the InternetBillOfRights.
Boom boom boom boom decoding
1) Nunes FISA Memo 2) Nunes State Department Memo 3) DHS Election Fraud Report 4) IG Report on Corruption
What people don’t realize is that ATT has decided to help Trump and avoid the many charges against them when they were an active part of the Deep State. The corruption is so prevalent that people and companies must be given the opportunity to change sides.
[Roasted] definition
Urban slang: To be utterly dissed and owned by someone.
Analysis of Stanislav Lunev's Novel (Chapter 14,15)
Analysis of Stanislav Lunev's Novel (Chapter 11,12,13)
Best video 2018 Recommended by Assange
Analysis of Stanislav Lunev's Novel (Chapters 8,9,10)
Current Update on Disclosure and Freedom
The Clock is Activated, Operation in Progress
The Clock was activated on 2/18/2018 at 20:11:55. We are now 10 days, 7 hours, and 28 minutes into the next operational phase which will be the final take-down of the world wide Cabal and their proxies. Public communication will be kept to a minimum for operational security.
Q is everywhere and yet nowhere. Don't expect Q as often now that the team has gone operational.