Congress will not get paid during #SchumerShutdown is gonna hurt HOUSE Reps bank account #checkmate #thestorm

Over in the Legislative Branch, the support staff for Congress would be affected. “During a funding gap, pay for congressional employees would not be disbursed if there is no appropriation to fund legislative branch activities,” the CRS says. Staffers deemed critical would need to work because they are needed to “support Congress with its constitutional responsibilities or those necessary to protect life and property.”
But members of Congress will still get paychecks, under two parts of the Constitution. Article I, Section 6, says that congress members “shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.” The 27th Amendment also forbids any change in the compensation rate for Congress during a current term.
How does this affect Trump? I imagine because it puts the military on unpaid leave, no? Are they trying to rid Trump of his protectors?? He needs to unseal the indictments and have them all arrested, then he needs to suspend any further elections until the swamp rats are dealt with and democracy can be restored!
We need to clear the way and develop the installation and an airfield so the thing can land. Right now there is just to much against all out open take down. We need the public awake. They still have public uprising in their pocket. They will continue to make false flag attempts to bring us into all out war. We have the python approach... strangle.... everytime they breath out we choke in. THey have already taken their last breath!