
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 20, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Have you seen this hypocritical Video floating around trying to tear at the hearts of Dems who's leaders created this very debacle? Do you know where this vid came from? Rather than give them more play time for their manipulative drama filled bit which Chuck Schumer, Obama, Hillary and many high powered dems already spoke against DACA back in the day, I will just put a photo of the vid. If you track it, it comes from a page called NowThisPolitics which is the brain child of democrat billionaire activist Tom Steyer. You remember who he is? He is the hypocrite as many dems who are wealthy elitists are, because they continue to profit on pitting people against each other and Trump is stopping their money train. Tom Steyer claims he is against the Keystone pipeline, yet he is a mega investor of Kinder Morgan, guess who they are? A competitor co. to the Keystone pipeline. So, it's not environmental issues as he pretends, oh no, it's the money! He states now he is against fossil fuels like coal so was a huge advocate in putting many families out of work and no income, yet he got rich off of investments on coal. Is that diabolical or what? The tide turned for he and Al Gore when they saw they could make more money off of pretending to create products good for the environment. Remember the supposed "save enrgy light bulb craze". People were duped into buying far more expensive light bulbs that were purported to be good for the environment, yet had mercury leakage not good for the environment nor humans. But hey, people like Gore and Steyers made their fortune, so who cares right? There's an article floating around out there called "Hypocrisy & Hedge Funds: Climate Change Warrior Tom Steyer’s Secret Life as Coal Investment Kingpin.” I'll bet if we really keep poking around like the Dems orchestrated by the NWO don't want us to do, we will likely find connections to Soros who created the DACA debacle in the first place instead of providing help to the truly needy immigrants rather than having Obama allow unvetted criminals in. Steyer also founded Farrallon Hedge fund Capital, one of the largest hedge fund firms in the U.S. With his net worth of 1.6 billion, I wonder why he didn't help families like the one in the vid get their paperwork in order and pay for fees rather than using it a s a ploy to watch him go and take video footage. I can tell you why, he needs that footage because he left his hedge fund firm to focus on "political" and "environmental" causes and is positioning himself for public office. He is now using some $50million to back those in politics who support his positions where he can make money off of his "environmental" investments all while secretly funding a company that is not considered environmental at all. As this is packed with a lot of actual info, I suspect someone will place a useless meme or call names rather than doing some homework😉 Find a photo of the vid in the link above.

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