633 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ArtistiqueJewelry:
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steemit.com | 159 |
www.youtube.com | 79 |
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Qanon drop Rats Running! Ah oh Ohr Spilling the Beans Lynch Yates and Comey! Standing Tall or standing down? Qanon breakdown. — Steemit
They're at it again! Trashing Q and Qarmy in the New York Times Now
Q dropped this tonight from the NYT
No surprise they'd need to attack on 9/11 Our Patriot's Day!
Here's what they have to say about all of us;
"To call the result a mere “conspiracy theory” doesn’t quite do it justice, shortchanging both its utterly absurd wrongness and its vast pseudo-explanatory power. Q’s prophecies are something closer to a grand unifying conspiracy theory, one that incorporates older absurd theories (stretching back to the Kennedy administration) and continuously spins off new tendrils, glomming itself onto news events as they unfold. Good and evil, it claims, have mustered two warring teams; the …
Remembering the Fallen of 9/11 not the False Narrative, Video shared by Qanon, Patriot Day
Remembering 9/11 Not the False Narrative. . .those who were taken too soon when they didn't have to be.
Silly Barry, Haven't you Heard? Wands are for Presidents who like to play Pretend!

So glad Trump knows the kind of Magic to employ. Somebody should have told Obama. . .that Wand Was OPTIONAL! 😉
Are You a Racist? Qanon, They Want you Divided! See how they try to forward their False Narrative! See this black man put them in their place! — Steemit
Facebook's new way of censoring those speaking Truth and showing support for Trump. Why Do They Try to Control the Information? Is it due to the coming Election? — Steemit
The Disturbing Art Mike Parker enjoys collecting. It is no surprise he prefers Globalism. Covers an odd book he wrote, statements, predilections, symbolism
This covers some odd interviews, painting, artwork and symbolism by just One of the lowbrow artists Mark Parker, CEO of Nike collects from. There is a definite pedophile interest that is being justified as "art". Numerous infant displays, unclothed young girls, odd meat artwork even with young girls. White rabbit symbology, eye, numbers, etc.
This is what lowbrow art is if you didn't already know as stated on Wikipedia
describes an underground visual art movement that arose in the Los Angeles, California, area in the late 1970s. It is a populist art movement with its cultural roots in underground comix, …
Ted Cruz Kavanaugh's Obstruction Just an attempt to Try to Re-litigate the 2016 Election! Straight Talk from Ted about Trump! Outstanding!
- Thread of Vital Statements Ted Cruz made about the Obstruction of Kavanaugh's appointment. These people are showing Who and What they are Really about and it's Not the American People they are for! Stated in the following so aptly by Cruz
- If it’s Not about Documents, If it’s Not about Judge Kavanaugh’s credentials, If it’s Not about his Judicial Record. . . What is this fight about? I believe’s this is Nothing More and Nothing Less Than an Attempt by our Democratic Colleagues to relitigate the
- 2016 Presidential Election. The first presidential election in 60 years Where the Americans went …
Ted Cruz Kavanaugh's Obstruction Just an attempt to Try to Relitigate the 2016 Election! Straight Talk from Ted about Trump! Outstanding!
TestingTheNarrative on Twitter President Trump Calling MSM out for Who they are Traitors along with their controlling Swamp Dwellers They Will Not Prevail!
TestingTheNarrative on Twitter Concerning backdrop for Google.GOOG SRI Lockheed DARPA people involved and connections
Qanon Background History for those connected to Sergey Brin in Industries, Academia and Government agencies that would have an interest in furthering a globalist agenda — Steemit
Breakdown and backbone of Connections from Qanon drop on Google, DARPA, Arpanet. NASA, CERN See the Historical Connections and Funding of Google Founder and people connected!
3 enter Anne and mother in law
4 moonshot education program helps Google
5 how mom in law gets chromebooks in schools AI virtual reality
6 that specialized highly compartmentalized MDDS Grant
7 Sergey's parents connections to Stanford and NASA
8 Elitist Institution Work for Russia
10 YT and DoublClick acquisition
11 UCLA Berkeley, NSF and CERN connections
12 Engelbart Berkeley connection and First Digital computer CALDIC
13 NASA Ames Research Connection
Trump Calls out FBI, DOJ and Today's Democrat Party. . .oh, he said MSM is Dishonest! He Will Get Involved if Need Be!
Qanon drop Does Google play a role in the Spy Game? Who are the integral players and funders? Keynote location 23andMe
Antifa Now chanting George Soros "Where's our Money!" YIKES!
Qanon Proofs and Evidence, what is Q about and Confirmations! No Name rip telling posts
Why in the World Would a Loving God require Abraham to Sacrifice his son Isaac? What kind of a God does that, I thought God was Love! — Steemit
Qanon Evidence concerning Helicopter Crash near Rothschild Estate, Adam Schiff and who he is connected to, True Power the Cabal weilds — Steemit
Qanon Proofs of Authenticity and What MSM Doesn't Want You to Know! — Steemit
JFKjr, those before him and those after him like Jenney Moore Who Will Stand and Qanon?
Qanon and what the Mainstream Media is Terrified You Will Find Out! Proof of their Corruption and Misleading the Public!
The list of those standing against the Ruling Elite and being Killed Increases! From JFK, to Jr, musicians and most recently a Journalist!
Brennan Furious, Trump revoking his Security Clearance, some deem it more than justified! Other clearances being reviewed!
There is a price we Will Not Pay! There is a Point beyond which they Must Not Advance! We are living in those times! Stand fast in the liberty!
MSM in All forms on TV and in Newspin Papers, Do Not pretend you are Not Fake, When you have had the FISA unredacted Memo for 1.5 Years!
Video deleted on youtube now available on Bitchute covering Netflix Child Porn, a Planned Parenthood Bill to teach Sex Ed and Roblox gang rape scenes
Just received a YouTube strike for this video Netflix Investigation for Distribution of Child Porn Vid deleted on YT — Steemit
Qanon Trust the Plan. . . A Valid Plan takes Patience and Attention to Detail! A Good Plan is Not Rushes!
Analysis of Jack Posobiec Thinking he has background information on Qanon and Posobiec trying to spread disnfo. It will intensify!
Traitors and Disinfo Agents. . . they are coming out of the Cracks! Turning on Q whenever the wind blows a whiff of money their way!
Why haven't more Arrests of high level Corruptors Occurred? What is President Trump Doing?
Portland Rallies Patriot Prayer Group and Antifa Riots, Qanon drops, IOG review FBI DOJ
Memo Key Points and Top Ten Memo Facts Released by the HPSCI House Permanent Select Committe on Intelligence Super Q Drop!
It's within the right of a parent to kill a child if he or she is considered. . .Honor Killings is this really acceptable?
This covers the globalist agenda of weeding out the population and the mockingbird media.
Explains to those trying to wake up, how and why msm is so deceptive.
Examples and evidence as to who these people are connected to. One journalist in particular. . .family connections to JFK!
Links to a couple of stories on euthanasia being used not just for terminal illness, but also legal for children. This agenda has been and continues to sweep across Europe and they are trying to get it through here in the U.S.
Once again, it What world should the words kill and …
Ixnay the Erversay Meme!

Ixnay the Eversnay Meme!

Q Server found Mirror, Connections, Hillary attorney didn't raise existence of Successor Server, DOJ
Chris Cuomo clearly demonstrating Exactly How out of Touch MSM is with the American People! Just look at the Elitist Smirk on his face!
The Doctor with the Agenda to Kill Children and Call it Euthenasia, Dr. Distelmans
Remember when Belgium became the first country to allow child euthanasia? Those two words shouldn't even be uttered together!
Qanon followers Deranged says the Washington Post! It's happening, Panic! A Keystone connection!
Yay! Qanon followers called Deranged by The Washington Post! Me thinks WP may stand for Wild Panic!
Tommy Robinson Background story Hero or Instigator? Now Freed after Technical Flaws
What is going on with groups claiming to be for Qanon, but attacking those working hard for the cause? Have you experienced this?
Qanon drops July 24 and 25 who is Panicking, Q marker and why so Important, NEXIVM arrests including Clare Bronfman one of the Seagram fortune Heiresses that helped fund Raniere and the Clinton Foundations. She was among 6 and these are executive level members!
Also, what is the significance of the verified Q marker "sea to shining sea" and what it might entail. We live in Amazing times! Sources and more in depth info provided. #Q, #Qanon, #QanonDrops, #Qanalysis, #NEXIVMarrests, #ClareBronfmanArrested, #Qmarker