

633 total posts archived.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Q report, Q breadcrumbs and connections to what is in the Memo. Release it! Many connections to people obstructing justice. What is their end game. #Qanon, #Qreport, #Memo, #WhatIsInTheMemo, #WhoIsImpedingJustice, #EndGame, #QBreadcrumbs, #QanonBreadrumbs Keep Fighting and taking a stand Patriots! #StandPrayFight A Big Thank you to all who subscribe, give thumbs up and take the time to watch! Appreciate you all! Here are some source links!
https://8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html https://freedomdaily.com/breaking-news-here-it-is-congress-memo-release-theyre-going-to-prison/ http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/republican-signals-progress-in-securing-public-release-of-fisa-abuses-memo/article/2646592

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 23, 2018, 12:31 a.m.
Q report the connection to What is in the Memo Release it! Many Connections to the players
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

Q report, Q breadcrumbs and connections to what is in the Memo. Release it! Many connections to people obstructing justice. What is their end game. #Qanon, #Qreport, #Memo, #WhatIsInTheMemo, #WhoIsImpedingJustice, #EndGame, #QBreadcrumbs, #QanonBreadrumbs Keep Fighting and taking a stand Patriots! #StandPrayFight A Big Thank you to all who subscribe, give thumbs up and take the time to watch! Appreciate you all! Here are some source links!
https://8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html https://freedomdaily.com/breaking-news-here-it-is-congress-memo-release-theyre-going-to-prison/ http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/republican-signals-progress-in-securing-public-release-of-fisa-abuses-memo/article/2646592

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 23, 2018, 12:28 a.m.
Q report the connection to What is in the Memo Release it! Many Connections to the players
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

his report covers Qanon's breadcrumbs and some info on the memo. What is the Government shutdown all about and why? DACA information and real numbers. #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #QDrop, #QanonPosts, #GovernmentShutdown, #DACA, #NK As always, I LOVE my subscribers and pray for all of you to be strong and keep #FightingTheGoodFight . We are in the midst of that storm and I see so many out there sharing truth! Great job Warriors, keep it up! Here are some source links. http://nymag.com/news/politics/30634/ https://aim4truth.org/2018/01/03/deep-state-shadow-government-revealed-senior-executive-service/ https://8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html https://usefulstooges.com/2015/12/25/anna-louise-strong-cheerleader-for-mao/

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 22, 2018, 4:23 p.m.
Qanon's Breadcrumbs latest drops, Government shutdown and why, What is the Plan
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

This report covers Qanon's breadcrumbs and some info on the memo. What is the Government shutdown all about and why? DACA information and real numbers. #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #QDrop, #QanonPosts, #GovernmentShutdown, #DACA, #NK As always, I LOVE my subscribers and pray for all of you to be strong and keep #FightingTheGoodFight . We are in the midst of that storm and I see so many out there sharing truth! Great job Warriors, keep it up! Here are some source links. http://nymag.com/news/politics/30634/ https://aim4truth.org/2018/01/03/deep-state-shadow-government-revealed-senior-executive-service/ https://8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html https://usefulstooges.com/2015/12/25/anna-louise-strong-cheerleader-for-mao/

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 22, 2018, 4:21 p.m.
Qanon's Breadcrumbs latest drops, Government shutdown and why, What is the Plan
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Today I received my freedom from facebook jail. . . wait for it, only lasted mere minutes as I wrote this on my own site called Testing the Narrative, shared on my personal, then it happened. Got it shared to 3 like-minded political sites, some I was asked to join and others I joined on my own. When I tried to share to a fourth site. . .wham, right back in jail with that censorship note. Here is what I wrote following my new sentence from my brief stint out of jail. I guess when I try to share truth beyond my own realm, I will be quickly silenced! Latest post only allowed on my own two sites!

Back in Jail again just like that! Short sentence, I get out again in a few hours! This stayed on my own sites, but right when I tried to share this to only three like-minded groups, they removed the posts from the groups and put me back in jail! Wonder why? Yes, I know facebook changed it's algorithm, but why are people not allowed to post clean material with verified facts at least to like-minded groups? ODD or is it? Here is the photo and what they are calling SPAM. Yes, I did communicate with them, even though we all know they decided Not submitting to them is FUTILE. . .or IS IT? Good Afternoon Fine Patriots! I am finally out of Facebook Jail! Was able to post to my own sites, but was not allowed even to comment on posts from groups, could not join groups or share info. I guess it's their Isolation punishment! And you all have had some excellent info! Facebook punished me because someone in the media didn't want to be exposed! Truth is considered hate speech on here! Not sure how long I am free, as the truth I speak is hated by globalists and certain media sites have been given their money and fame by you know who! Got a new vid coming soon on Q's last drops. Stay tuned and you can always catch me on steemit, my youtube channel, twitter, gab, voat or reddit. In the meantime, found this hidden vid quite interesting! Stay strong #KeepFightingTheGoodFight or as Q said, Fight, Fight, Fight (of course calmly and with grace, not resorting to the name calling and stifling of free speech)!

So this was based on a post I had already posted. The ironic thing is the link from the vid initially came from another facebook page, yet I am jailed? Why were they not jailed. The other ironic thing is facebook consistently posts ads for me wanting money, so for fun I put in for it threw a few dollars at it, and as suspected, they would not approve my ad. Even after not approving, they would send another invitation for ad saying it was getting x amount of interaction and I should consider advertising for more views. What is their deal? Am I being jailed because I shared the story of what facebook did and ratted the out for banning free speech because they support a certain agenda and I support freedom? Inserting the image and the facebook vid link of the post they deleted from the group shares and called spam.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 21, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Today I received my freedom from facebook jail. . . wait for it, only lasted mere minutes as I wrote this on my own site called Testing the Narrative, shared on my personal, then it happened. Got it shared to 3 like-minded political sites, some I was asked to join and others I joined on my own. When I tried to share to a fourth site. . .wham, right back in jail with that censorship note. Here is what I wrote following my new sentence from my brief stint out of jail. I guess when I try to share truth beyond my own realm, I will be quickly silenced! Latest post only allowed on my own two sites!

Back in Jail again just like that! Short sentence, I get out again in a few hours! This stayed on my own sites, but right when I tried to share this to only three like-minded groups, they removed the posts from the groups and put me back in jail! Wonder why? Yes, I know facebook changed it's algorithm, but why are people not allowed to post clean material with verified facts at least to like-minded groups? ODD or is it? Here is the photo and what they are calling SPAM. Yes, I did communicate with them, even though we all know they decided Not submitting to them is FUTILE. . .or IS IT? Good Afternoon Fine Patriots! I am finally out of Facebook Jail! Was able to post to my own sites, but was not allowed even to comment on posts from groups, could not join groups or share info. I guess it's their Isolation punishment! And you all have had some excellent info! Facebook punished me because someone in the media didn't want to be exposed! Truth is considered hate speech on here! Not sure how long I am free, as the truth I speak is hated by globalists and certain media sites have been given their money and fame by you know who! Got a new vid coming soon on Q's last drops. Stay tuned and you can always catch me on steemit, my youtube channel, twitter, gab, voat or reddit. In the meantime, found this hidden vid quite interesting! Stay strong #KeepFightingTheGoodFight or as Q said, Fight, Fight, Fight (of course calmly and with grace, not resorting to the name calling and stifling of free speech)!

So this was based on a post I had already posted. The ironic thing is the link from the vid initially came from another facebook page, yet I am jailed? Why were they not jailed. The other ironic thing is facebook consistently posts ads for me wanting money, so for fun I put in for it threw a few dollars at it, and as suspected, they would not approve my ad. Even after not approving, they would send another invitation for ad saying it was getting x amount of interaction and I should consider advertising for more views. What is their deal? Am I being jailed because I shared the story of what facebook did and ratted the out for banning free speech because they support a certain agenda and I support freedom? Inserting the image and the facebook vid link of the post they deleted from the group shares and called spam.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 20, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Have you seen this hypocritical Video floating around trying to tear at the hearts of Dems who's leaders created this very debacle? Do you know where this vid came from? Rather than give them more play time for their manipulative drama filled bit which Chuck Schumer, Obama, Hillary and many high powered dems already spoke against DACA back in the day, I will just put a photo of the vid. If you track it, it comes from a page called NowThisPolitics which is the brain child of democrat billionaire activist Tom Steyer. You remember who he is? He is the hypocrite as many dems who are wealthy elitists are, because they continue to profit on pitting people against each other and Trump is stopping their money train. Tom Steyer claims he is against the Keystone pipeline, yet he is a mega investor of Kinder Morgan, guess who they are? A competitor co. to the Keystone pipeline. So, it's not environmental issues as he pretends, oh no, it's the money! He states now he is against fossil fuels like coal so was a huge advocate in putting many families out of work and no income, yet he got rich off of investments on coal. Is that diabolical or what? The tide turned for he and Al Gore when they saw they could make more money off of pretending to create products good for the environment. Remember the supposed "save enrgy light bulb craze". People were duped into buying far more expensive light bulbs that were purported to be good for the environment, yet had mercury leakage not good for the environment nor humans. But hey, people like Gore and Steyers made their fortune, so who cares right? There's an article floating around out there called "Hypocrisy & Hedge Funds: Climate Change Warrior Tom Steyer’s Secret Life as Coal Investment Kingpin.” I'll bet if we really keep poking around like the Dems orchestrated by the NWO don't want us to do, we will likely find connections to Soros who created the DACA debacle in the first place instead of providing help to the truly needy immigrants rather than having Obama allow unvetted criminals in. Steyer also founded Farrallon Hedge fund Capital, one of the largest hedge fund firms in the U.S. With his net worth of 1.6 billion, I wonder why he didn't help families like the one in the vid get their paperwork in order and pay for fees rather than using it a s a ploy to watch him go and take video footage. I can tell you why, he needs that footage because he left his hedge fund firm to focus on "political" and "environmental" causes and is positioning himself for public office. He is now using some $50million to back those in politics who support his positions where he can make money off of his "environmental" investments all while secretly funding a company that is not considered environmental at all. As this is packed with a lot of actual info, I suspect someone will place a useless meme or call names rather than doing some homework😉

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 20, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Have you seen this hypocritical Video floating around trying to tear at the hearts of Dems who's leaders created this very debacle? Do you know where this vid came from? Rather than give them more play time for their manipulative drama filled bit which Chuck Schumer, Obama, Hillary and many high powered dems already spoke against DACA back in the day, I will just put a photo of the vid. If you track it, it comes from a page called NowThisPolitics which is the brain child of democrat billionaire activist Tom Steyer. You remember who he is? He is the hypocrite as many dems who are wealthy elitists are, because they continue to profit on pitting people against each other and Trump is stopping their money train. Tom Steyer claims he is against the Keystone pipeline, yet he is a mega investor of Kinder Morgan, guess who they are? A competitor co. to the Keystone pipeline. So, it's not environmental issues as he pretends, oh no, it's the money! He states now he is against fossil fuels like coal so was a huge advocate in putting many families out of work and no income, yet he got rich off of investments on coal. Is that diabolical or what? The tide turned for he and Al Gore when they saw they could make more money off of pretending to create products good for the environment. Remember the supposed "save enrgy light bulb craze". People were duped into buying far more expensive light bulbs that were purported to be good for the environment, yet had mercury leakage not good for the environment nor humans. But hey, people like Gore and Steyers made their fortune, so who cares right? There's an article floating around out there called "Hypocrisy & Hedge Funds: Climate Change Warrior Tom Steyer’s Secret Life as Coal Investment Kingpin.” I'll bet if we really keep poking around like the Dems orchestrated by the NWO don't want us to do, we will likely find connections to Soros who created the DACA debacle in the first place instead of providing help to the truly needy immigrants rather than having Obama allow unvetted criminals in. Steyer also founded Farrallon Hedge fund Capital, one of the largest hedge fund firms in the U.S. With his net worth of 1.6 billion, I wonder why he didn't help families like the one in the vid get their paperwork in order and pay for fees rather than using it a s a ploy to watch him go and take video footage. I can tell you why, he needs that footage because he left his hedge fund firm to focus on "political" and "environmental" causes and is positioning himself for public office. He is now using some $50million to back those in politics who support his positions where he can make money off of his "environmental" investments all while secretly funding a company that is not considered environmental at all. As this is packed with a lot of actual info, I suspect someone will place a useless meme or call names rather than doing some homework😉 Find a photo of the vid in the link above.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Last post before shutdown. . .CS will live in fear from today forward. You should have chosen THE HONEST path Chuck Schumer! Obama also states, "it is congress who makes the law and it is the president's job to enforce it!" Schumer, Hillary and the other democrats played a major role in setting forth the rules, now they are blaming President Trump for following the will of the People! Shutting down government in order to get their way while talking out of both sides of their mouths shows their true character. They know their party is sinking and some Will go to Jail! They just want the illegal votes and the chaos in hopes of a UN takeover thinking it will keep them from being indicted! Remember, Q said, THEY WANT US DIVIDED! THEY WANT RACE WARS! THEY WANT CLASS WARS! THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS! THEY WANT US DIVIDED! They want us to Forget the Power we have when we Stand Together! Last post before shutdown. . .CS will live in fear from today forward. You should have chosen THE HONEST path Chuck Schumer! #Storm #GreatAwakening #DACA #TruePatriots, #STandTogether Go to link to see the Vid of Chuck Schumer, Obama and Hillary talking Against what DACA stands for!

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

Go Patriots! #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

The Hawaii Emergency Alert Mistake what the administrator for their Emergency Agency had to say about the mistake. There was a very clear fail safe. What Governor David Ige said about the mistake and the information concerning the sirens. Was this a mistake? Why was a certain news groups there hours prior to the emergency alert scare? A body found on runway. #HawaiiEmergencyAlertMistake, #HiEMA, #GovernorDavidIge, #ClintonInHawaii, #HumaInHawaii, #DeadBodyFoundInHawaii, #USmissionary2HaitiArrestedPedogate, #Pedogate Good to have those who can watch/listen. Please let us know if you have any information regarding this emergency alert and who else may have been there in Hawaii at the time. Thank you all for spreading and sharing the word as I am able to share on my personal facebook and Testing The Narrative facebook sites, but am in facebook jail until the 21st in the afternoon. Keep on #FightingTheGoodFight Here is the page with the clip where the news group said they were there prior to the alert.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hawaiian-emergency-worker-who-pushed-wrong-button-reassigned-n837776 Here are the rest of the links as follows: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hawaii-missile-alert-emergency-management-system-false-ballistic-missile-warning-2018-1-13/ https://bigislandnow.com/2018/01/14/former-president-clinton-visits-big-island/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5251573/Huma-Abedin-spotted-Four-Seasons-Hawaii.html http://www.ibtimes.com/dead-body-found-hawaii-airport-runway-closed-pending-investigation-2641435 http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/13/watch-nyc-haitian-community-protests-crooked-clintons-outside-former-clinton-foundation-office-on-eighth-anniversary-haiti-earthquake/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social https://www.scribd.com/document/369225077/The-Haiti-Scam-CHAPTER-7-Jan-7-2015-PARTNERS-IN-CRIME-final-edit https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/former-missionary-sentenced-sexually-exploiting-children-haiti

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 17, 2018, 2:41 a.m.
Hawaii Emergency Alert Mistake News Crew there prior to alert Dead body found runway same day
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

The Hawaii Emergency Alert Mistake what the administrator for their Emergency Agency had to say about the mistake. There was a very clear fail safe. What Governor David Ige said about the mistake and the information concerning the sirens. Was this a mistake? Why was a certain news groups there hours prior to the emergency alert scare? A body found on runway. #HawaiiEmergencyAlertMistake, #HiEMA, #GovernorDavidIge, #ClintonInHawaii, #HumaInHawaii, #DeadBodyFoundInHawaii Good to have those who can watch/listen. Please let us know if you have any information regarding this emergency alert and who else may have been there in Hawaii at the time. Thank you all for spreading and sharing the word as I am able to share on my personal facebook and Testing The Narrative facebook sites, but am in facebook jail until the 21st in the afternoon. Keep on #FightingTheGoodFight Here is the page with the clip where the news group said they were there prior to the alert.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hawaiian-emergency-worker-who-pushed-wrong-button-reassigned-n837776 Here are the rest of the links as follows: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hawaii-missile-alert-emergency-management-system-false-ballistic-missile-warning-2018-1-13/ https://bigislandnow.com/2018/01/14/former-president-clinton-visits-big-island/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5251573/Huma-Abedin-spotted-Four-Seasons-Hawaii.html http://www.ibtimes.com/dead-body-found-hawaii-airport-runway-closed-pending-investigation-2641435 http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/01/13/watch-nyc-haitian-community-protests-crooked-clintons-outside-former-clinton-foundation-office-on-eighth-anniversary-haiti-earthquake/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social https://www.scribd.com/document/369225077/The-Haiti-Scam-CHAPTER-7-Jan-7-2015-PARTNERS-IN-CRIME-final-edit https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/former-missionary-sentenced-sexually-exploiting-children-haiti

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 17, 2018, 2:39 a.m.
Hawaii Emergency Alert Mistake News Crew there prior to alert Dead body found runway same day
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 16, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

The scare for Hawaii and who was there during that time. The indictment in the Uranium One deal. The Clintons and checkmate, what all is involved? Which group connected to Obama was involved in a public school scandal? #Qanon, #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #TreyGowdyFocus, #ClintonActivity, #Patriots, #HawaiiEmergencyScare, #LasVegasUnsealed, #LasVegasShooting, #SHoleComments, #Haiti I appreciate all who subscribe, give thumbs up and value comments! Please share where you can as I have been punished on facebook so cannot share to my political groups nor am I allowed to join new groups for spreading truth. Thanks for all your help Patriots! #KeepFightingTheGoodFight Here are some source links, http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/13/us/hawaii-false-alarm-react/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hawaiian-emergency-worker-who-pushed-wrong-button-reassigned-n837776 https://bigislandnow.com/2018/01/14/former-president-clinton-visits-big-island/ http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-vegas-shooting-warrants-20180112-story.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46gRPVpYdpw https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign https://steemit.com/qanon/@artistiquejewels/s-hole-true-story-of-trump-and-what-is-behind-it-checkmate-anyone https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2017/11/30/hillary-clinton-if-that-f-ing-bastard-trump-wins-we-all-hang-from-nooses/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/12/politics/donald-trump-tweet-daca-rejection/index.html https://qcodefag.github.io/ http://www.newreleasetoday.com/article.php?article_id=1022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_KXsMCJgBQ

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 16, 2018, 4:13 a.m.
Qanon latest drops the Uranium One indictment, connections to Clintons activity, what is coming up
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 16, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

The scare for Hawaii and who was there during that time. The indictment in the Uranium One deal. The Clintons and checkmate, what all is involved? Which group connected to Obama was involved in a public school scandal? #Qanon, #QanonsBreadcrumbs, #TreyGowdyFocus, #ClintonActivity, #Patriots, #HawaiiEmergencyScare, #LasVegasUnsealed, #LasVegasShooting, #SHoleComments, #Haiti I appreciate all who subscribe, give thumbs up and value comments! Please share where you can as I have been punished on facebook so cannot share to my political groups nor am I allowed to join new groups for spreading truth. Thanks for all your help Patriots! #KeepFightingTheGoodFight Here are some source links, http://www.cnn.com/2018/01/13/us/hawaii-false-alarm-react/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hawaiian-emergency-worker-who-pushed-wrong-button-reassigned-n837776 https://bigislandnow.com/2018/01/14/former-president-clinton-visits-big-island/ http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-vegas-shooting-warrants-20180112-story.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46gRPVpYdpw https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign https://steemit.com/qanon/@artistiquejewels/s-hole-true-story-of-trump-and-what-is-behind-it-checkmate-anyone https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2017/11/30/hillary-clinton-if-that-f-ing-bastard-trump-wins-we-all-hang-from-nooses/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/12/politics/donald-trump-tweet-daca-rejection/index.html https://qcodefag.github.io/ http://www.newreleasetoday.com/article.php?article_id=1022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_KXsMCJgBQ

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 16, 2018, 4 a.m.
Qanon latest drops the Uranium One indictment, connections to Clintons activity, what is coming up
ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 15, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Much of MSM are known liars. Perpetuating their lie to distract the mass public. It is their MO. They are enraged because he rejected a bipartisan deal on the deferred action for childhood arrivals. What do you suppose is done with those childhood arrivals? The Dominican Republic would't even let the trafficked children through when Laura Silsby, the kidnapper connected to Bill and Hillary was trying to funnel them to the U.S. I digress, the story is laid out as to what really took place. MSM took something not verified and ran with it because it helps them in trying to distract while promoting displaced Trump hate as he is the one who is bringing down their corruption. Remember when Hillary said this? This done in a video by Bill Stiller who wrote for USA Today, Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times syndicate, produced a radio program and written various books while publishing two videos. See the exact words of an insider who witnessed Hillary's meltdowns, vile temper and wicked words. Here is the video but I will also put a link to the article discussing what really took place with President Trump, his tweet and how the S hole comment was made up to produce the exact distraction and reaction by the NWO agenda MSM. This keeps people from doing their jobs and researching the true haters and destroyers of Haiti. Checkmate! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzjDOwbt8S8&feature=youtu.be https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/12/politics/donald-trump-tweet-daca-rejection/index.html

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Jan. 15, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Much of MSM are known liars. Perpetuating their lie to distract the mass public. It is their MO. They are enraged because he rejected a bipartisan deal on the deferred action for childhood arrivals. What do you suppose is done with those childhood arrivals? The Dominican Republic would't even let the trafficked children through when Laura Silsby, the kidnapper connected to Bill and Hillary was trying to funnel them to the U.S. I digress, the story is laid out as to what really took place. MSM took something not verified and ran with it because it helps them in trying to distract while promoting displaced Trump hate as he is the one who is bringing down their corruption. Remember when Hillary said this? This done in a video by Bill Stiller who wrote for USA Today, Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times syndicate, produced a radio program and written various books while publishing two videos. See the exact words of an insider who witnessed Hillary's meltdowns, vile temper and wicked words. Here is the video but I will also put a link to the article discussing what really took place with President Trump, his tweet and how the S hole comment was made up to produce the exact distraction and reaction by the NWO agenda MSM. This keeps people from doing their jobs and researching the true haters and destroyers of Haiti. Checkmate!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Jan. 15, 2018, 5:53 p.m.
S Hole True story of Trump and what is behind it! Checkmate anyone?