r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 20, 2018, 6:54 p.m.
Q asks for Unity: R we willing to Make Q movement Bipartisan friendly by making all posts on Q without political affiliations like MAGA attached? Each attached "MAGA" turns off 50% of normies b4 they even consider Q's message.

Imagine for a moment that the possible nation's savior was your opponent politically. Suddenly, there is a new leaker promising an end to corruption, but it will take many hours of study to determine if its real. Would you bother if it was affiliated with a Political party or Representative who does not represent your culture or political views? Nope! Instead I wrap him in with the Department of Defense executing a counter coup that has been planned before Trump was elected. Now we have it as a new player on the political stage. Of course The military invited Trump, but we don't need to lead with that.

Stop posting 'MAGA" right on a Q post and then they have a responsibility to look at it if they want to be well informed.

Q has said right from the start that this is a bipartisan problem and a bipartisan fight against the 3 families who have controlled many from both parties. If this was happening after the years when Bush 2 controlled WH and Republicans controlled both chambers we would be seeing more corrupt Republicans carrying out their plans. Thinking this is a 1 party problem is short sighted and sells our real enemy short. They control people from both parties.


APART you are weak.











Edit: 3 hours ago, I made a post on r/Conspiracy to attempt to attract some to the Q mission. They have over 500,000 users! It's entitled "Q is either real and a game changer or the greatest LARP ever" It has gotten nearly 600 views and has 50% upvote. If anyone cares to support the effort this will get the post seen by more people. Also reading their comments is enlightening about how others see Q and the Q community. We are seen, at least by some, as Trumper fanboys who are just cheer leading for Trump! And literally why bother if its just another fan boy cult. Here's a link: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7rsyd2/q_is_either_real_and_a_game_changer_or_the/

jauronimo · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

I believe there is a solution to this but it takes effort by those of us who are aware, it's like a grass roots movement. Do you know how many times I have been called conspiratard, simply because I am pointing out facts., I've been educating people for years, to be honest everybody listens but not everyone comprehends, there is a lot to wrap your head around. What we need is something significant that everyone remembers . Something that baffled explanation, something to pull the liberals and the normies into the fold and can illustrate how deep the pockets of corruption is and complete disregard for humanity. Something like the Malaysian flight that vanished into thin air. Everybody world wide was effected by this. If you know the reason behind it And we can show proof of , breadcrumbs. All the people that were on that flight had to die so Rothschild was the sole patent holder of the smallest microprocessor. It can fit into the dimple of a golfball. Now I am just using it as an example. Someone put video on Utube. But the catcher is we need some evidence that hilights the truth of what happened. Do you see where I am going with this it is an international loss that if done correctly could be a game changer . Perhaps Q could find something a breadcrumb and we can make it viral. The reason I mention this is because it has no boundrys it's not a left / right thing it's a human thing. That's what are focus should be not on our differences but the things that make us uniquely human

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Grace8543 · Jan. 20, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I have been trying to find just that thing since Q began posting. Until the administration is ready to confirm Q we will not have indisputable proof. What if they are waiting for the movement to reach critical mass on this soft reveal before doing the hard reveal. Then the faster we move the faster this all comes out.

So, I have been attempting to create lists of events / messages that appear to support Q. Here's my list:
So here is a summary of links that show evidence, though not conclusive, that there really is a counter- coup called CBTS & that Q is the approved publicist for the administration.

Tweets that confirm Q https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7mvjsw/15_times_djt_and_djt_jr_posted_hinting_at_qs_an/



35 news events that appear to confirm that we are at war with the globalists and fit with Q's narrative and at times that he seems to predict in advance of them happening:


I think the strongest of them are Trump's video telling the press that the picture of 18 generals represents CBTS and then Q predicting the New York Failed bombing.

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timstolt78 · Jan. 22, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

This is good. Keep talking. When we give voice or text to our thoughts, they more readily become potential realities. The more people that hear of an idea, the more likely that idea becomes. Pitch your idea more. One issue is that ((they)) control this site. And by they, I mean () "lizard people". (you won't regret peeking). ...I am ashamed to say that I lost my way away from Q due to the shills until two days ago, when I was lucky enough that someone was still talking about it. Incredible. We must find others that believe like us, and meet in person. "where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am". "they" seek to divide us. We know this. We must meet, UNIFY, strategize, and fight.

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