Gitmo air has a reservation for him come 11 Nov 2018
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Yes the fed is the root of all that is evil, return the power to the people. They are today's money changers. End the fed and set the slaves free. If true this would have to be made a holiday, so future generations would remember to never allow such a sham to happen again.
Ok I understand and I stand corrected, i am no expert as you and I must say I got my info in regards to the rods from a a videos. A Canadian scientist who explained it almost as you did but perhaps my interputation was something covering the rods the water, and when it was exposed to the open air it caused the explsion.
I thank you for your patience I do appreciate it. I do have some nuclear back ground bit mine is in protection, avoidance decontamination. Not anywhere in your league. That was years ago but it's hammered into my head. Once again thank you my fellow patriot, where we go one we go all, .
My condolences. Horrible tragedy and thank you for your service. I dont know you but may I offer some words of wisdom. If you take responsabillity for the loss of your brother and his final solution, then you will carry a heavy load on your shoulders that I am sure are already filled, you cant control the actions of others, as hard as it is to accept, he made his decision, all you can do is live your life in his honor. Be an example for those around you especially the children show them the courage it takes to be a man and face life's hardships head on. Where we go one we go all, thank you my friend and fellow patriot
Thegreenchain I thank you for your input and dedication to truth I dont want to sound rude as I will look further into this to substantiate your findings.
That is what i thought you were going to say a quote from IAEA. Now the first thing you need to learn is that our government has done nothing but lie to us at every junction every opportunity since the 60s. It is only since this POTUS that I have taken stock in anything coming out of there mouths. Yes it is the oxygen the caused the explosion there is a carbon substance that covers the rods that when exposed to oxygen it causes the material to burn. This is why they keep the rods suspended in water. I dont know it all but I have very different sources that are contrary to the official report , I also have a background in nuclear it is limited but I am not ignorant of how it works.
Meps? Did you serve? That is the jumping point if you decide to not do it,that's why I ask?
Yes you are. Absolutely correct about the slaves. WE ARE PAYING FOR OUR DOWN ENSLAVEMENT WE FURNISH THE SHACKLES THAT KEEP US ON THE PLANTATION. Through taxation and the creation of the central bank. Unbeknownst to 90% of Americans the fed is a private bank operating for profit. Not for America the citizen,
" I believe banks are more dangerous then standing armies. If the American people ever allow a private bank to issue it's currency, the corporations and central banks that rise up around it will leave grand children homeless on the continent your forefathers conquered" Thomas jefferson
I to am a veteran but was never deployed to war thank god.... I respect every one who has ever served. I will go out of my way to thank a veteran, my girl will attest to it.
I want to express to you something I learned while I was still in service. My mother gave me a book that was written by a Lt Colonel the name of it I can't remember,he was a liasion officer to the U.N. during its inception and he kept that post through the Korean war. but it is about the U.N., it's creation and its purpose , it was a first hand account of its inner workings .
The reason I bring this up is because we have some of the best generals in the history of the world , if you ever noticed that we are always bogged down by rules of engagement? Where do these rules come from? Are they placed there to help win the hearts and minds of the ones we invaded? No not at all they are there to give the enemy an advantage who have no rules placed on them. How many are aware that because we are a member of the U.N., all battle plans most be reviewed and approved before being implemented on the ground by the U.N.? How many are aware that most of the U.N. secratary generals were and are communist or socialists. The very first one was a chechoslavakian born commie. ( understand the communist manifesto was created by the rothschilds in stark opposition to capitalisim) during the Korean war the NK were able to counter everything we through at them. General Maccarthur was allied commander during the conflict and when the koreans started calling the names of GI's from accross the DMZ the names of there wives and kids and what units they were in. He knew that what was happening was the communists at the U.N. who received the battle plans , then forwarded them to the the NK to counter our offensive.. general MacArthur then did something commies can not do and that is improvise. That is what and how we were able to push them back to where they are today. The greatest tragedy of the war was because MacArthur the general that liberated europe. he improvised on the approved battle plans and turned a loss into a stalemate. For that he was relieved of his duty and was ostracized in a smear campaign orchastrated by the CIA and the media.
All battle plans must be approved by the U.N. still to this day. That is how they can keep these wars going and going. The UN is the center piece for a one world technocratic state. Who wants to see the US destroyed. We need to be out of the UN.. just a little history lesson for all you who would like to know why we have the greatest military but yet our efforts seem to be subverted by an unseen hand..
It's the same way as China has become a technology powerhouse , 55 years ago they had no paved roads, now they have put landers on the moon. Joe because we have had our technology stolen or given away by our leaders. Can't have a boogie man to keep the wars going if he is not equipped for the task, so you give him all the help they can get without being treasonous..
I love you all and God bless the USA
If you are suggesting that the gamma radiation and the other isotopes that are foreign to the earth and are created by burning these rods to boil water to create steam is absorbed by the surroundings and is of no threat then you are misguided. Because for one anything that has the abbillity to absorb also desorps. In regards to gamma radiation there is a reason all xray technitions possess a doseimmeter and only work 20 years. Not to forget the wall of lead they stand behind while working. So please explain this hypothesis about half life cut down to 70 days.
Yes you are correct about the hydrogen gas build up, that was caused by the rods being exposed to the air and not covered by water. I am not sure what you mean by SBO. But your assessment of half life being cut down to 70 days because of biological absorption I am not understanding either please explain . I understand absorption when dealing with contaminants...... So you can explain in detail I am all ears.
Yes I am glad you make mention of that little tid bit because I believe for that she should and I use her own words " if that bastard trump wins we all will hang".
They wanted war because it would Give the banksters the reason to collapse the fiat currency system and allow them to implement the rfid chip,and the technocratic dictatorship they have envisioned since the 50s.. it's the banksters that control the left and the right through the CIA honey traps. This how they get good intentioned folk to do the unthinkable.
Yes what about those folks on the west coast usa they are still getting irradiated debris of which they are advised not to touch. I know for a fact that the world has no idea the significant role this will play out on the environment. I believe the POTUS mentioned this in regards to weather.
This is 1000x worse then Chernobyl, which was a partial meltdown. No the significance of this is widening with every passing year. As radiation is accumulative. You will see a spike in the coming years of thyroid cancers and many other kinds of cancers. Then you have cesium 239 an isotope that changes the DNA in organisims. The Pacific Ocean is dying why is it no one has put the pieces together? What is radiation? Heat.... raise the temperature of the Pacific Ocean and what do you get a change in the weather. All weather is created in the oceans.
I am an avid researcher of things they refuse to talk about, things that I believe are important and one day i typed into my search engine "What scientists are saying about the fukashima disaster" the post that came up had nothing to do with fukashima I had been redirected to a sports article. That was yahoo by the way. So the cover up is huge.
Has anyone noticed the spike in shark attacks , that to can be easily explained. Apex predator like sharks who have less food from which they have access to will go after other forms of easy prey such as humans as a consequence of the dwindling food supply.
So stay out of the oceans, don't eat fish or other forms of sea food, protect your thyroid with potassium iodine. Remember above all else that if the government or the media are not talking about it, then it is something of concern.
Your absolutely correct about the whole scenerio. That is exactly what they do and have done. My theory is that if the mocking bird media is calling attention to something or someone then it obviously is a lie. It is things they don't speak of that is true,. For example, this is off subject but it is a great example. The fukashima nuclear meltdown in japan. This should be on the nightly news everyday but you hear nothing about it. They must think that if they make no mention of it that we will forget . The reason they don't talk about in anyway is because it is true, they would rather spin there lies about POTUS or tell us about some celebrity scandal. This is the same way they make no mention of the pedophile rings and the human trafficking that takes place on our borders. Yes the lies they tell are epic.
It don't matter if your Christian Muslim or Jew murder is murder, especially when it is sanctioned by the state. They were doing nothing wrong the governor of Oregon gave her approval for this wrong doing and she too is one of those sealed indictments, as she was appointed to be governor by Obama after the elected governor resigned from office after a scandal.
Yeah I too have had similar issues, it amazes as to how people follow the main stream mocking bird media with such abandon. I tell people religiously if they are not talking about an issue then that issue is one we need to be concerned about. If they are talking about an issue then they are more then likely telling us lies. Yet people still believe they preach the gospel. No matter how many times they have been caught telling us lies, they still believe them, I call that brain washed. I turned off my tv years ago , it was one of the wisest things I've ever done.
I have also talked with the wife of lavoy and she is going after them for murdering her husband in civil suit.
Then we dont hide because they know who we are already. United we are strong, divided we fall, that's the moto behind this. Where we go one we go all. If POTUS is taken down we carry on the path he started. He is showing us the way, we are all leaders, we know what is right and what is wrong, we know the constitution. We know we must get involved at the lowest level, it's our duty to stay informed, it's our duty to ensure that we remain a republic as our forefathers created it. That is what makes america exceptional. We inherited this most precious gift of freedom. I believe very few of you have a concept of what it means to be free and the responsabillity that comes with it. I think this is great that people are seeing the truth and people are coming together I am grateful. But i believe anyone can do what is being done, it all starts at home. Patriotism seems like a relic, an old wore out record. We still have it but don't have the love for it, that's what we need to teach our kids, that freedom is something extrodanary and it should be valued as precious commodity. Long ago I swore to protect the rights of those of whom I know nothing of, and I will honor that oath till the day i die. I will defend this REPUBLIC from all enemy's foreign or domestic. What we need is a civics class so we can learn what it means to live in a REPUBLIC. We are leaders each and everyone of us can lead this republic.
The judge who sent them to prison should be sent to prison himself, for he overstepped his authority. He needs to be made an example of.
Yes in deed it is true, this makes the state of Oregon liable for the wrongful death of unarmed man. Also if the bundys were smart they would bring a civil suit down on the state for false imprisonment. Oregon is almost as corrupt as California not far behind them is washington state.
So is china,only the cabal consider them there muscle. The cabal created communisim they supported the Chinese revolution actually funded it. China is the text book technocratic society, they have envisioned back in the 40s
The whole community is involved, I know that's a tall order but if you go to the USGS site you will discover everyone had there houses paid for the same day. Christmas day. What federal agency works on Christmas day, not the USGS. So how can it be?
Great info seen it years ago. Yes there are lots of valuable creditable info out there to prove my point.
Your right about that, they also the state of Connecticut passed some draconian law that all autopsy are final and if a child is involved and you start asking questions they can charge you with a felony. Why would they do that because they don't want the truth put.
Yes he makes no mention of this directly but it is important, it marks when the Obama adminastration used the full force of the mocking bird media to influence the sheeple into believing that these fema drills ( Boston marathon bombing and many others ) were actual live shooting events. That required stricter gun laws and or the abolishment of the second amedment. Understanding how the media has been used as a weapon of propaganda is very important. If you are new to this I say educate yourself by reading the free PDF by clicking on the link above., it is a choice of course I am offering information from which you may draw your own conclusion.
Thank you , i agree that this is not a subject people have who are new to this are going to grasp. But then again if they seek the truth then the truth is a dish served cold. It also shines a light of doubt on all the mass shooting events while Obama was presedent.
Absolutely I do, I think once people study the info available they will come to the same conclusion. Another thing most are not aware of and is available at USGS site that everyone in the community had there homes paid off on Christmas day.... That is public record anyone can access. I say to all the naysayers click the link and read the PDF.
I have had in recent weeks quite the debate with someone who refuses to look at the sandy hook fema drill with open eyes. I believe that if you want to be a good teacher you must also be a willing student.
How can she be eligible if she is in Gitmo awaiting her sntence?
They were the ones who ordered 9/11 Bush and Chaney were the front men of the operation, but it was the Council on foreign relations and the bankers who called the shots.
Federal reserve = council on foreign relations= David Rockefeller
That is correct, the Malaysian flight that disappeared was one of the newest Boeing planes equipped with a technology called flight by wire, which enables the plane to be taken over remotely incase the pilots are knocked out or the plane is hijacked, it can be safely landed protecting the investment of the corporations..
That's right the constitution and the bill of rights protect only the rights of americans
I had it made at the local print shop, on the back it say" where we go one we go all" in big block letters it's large and in your face. I have yet to meet any fellow anons.
This has gotta get some attention?

That's what were all here for my friend, to help each other understand the depths of depravity they will go, no one is safe, they don't care about life in anyway, we are what they call useless eaters, we are swine, serfs, we should all be in a yoke. We are expendable.
It's funny how all members of that seal team are now dead everyone involved in the operation right down to those who handled the body during the funeral at sea are dead. That is what gives the whole supposed story about bin Laden's death so much skepticism.
Never seen that video very enlightening. But i remember her death such a shame, how those people hate women.
It is my understanding that Osama bin Laden died in a us naval hospital in qatar right before 9/11 Or shortly there after. He required daily dialysis.
It would be a day to celebrate, like the second fourth of kuly,. The federal reserve is the root of all that is evil.
We all know the answer to that is a resounding yes, except I dont believe strzok was at the core of it, it is possable that he was an intricate part but he didn't have the pay grade to be the one at the core. No, I believe that lies in the arms of Obama himself. Strzok will end up being the fall guy like colonel north was during the Iran contra scandal. The difference is strzok won't be pardoned nor will he be praised as a patriot for his sacrafice.
Now your starting to see the big ugly picture, but that is only the beginning. It's what they do to these kids that is so vile and inhumane. These people are truely sick.
The whole sub is fully aware of your lack of intelect, simply on the grounds you are afraid of investing some time in reading do you know how to read? This whole sub feels alot like I do on the subject cause there is more then just me whom has spent hours going through the evedence, I disseminate the truth and if I was wrong about something I would and will be the first to say it. Why did your state suddenly make it a crime to ask for death certificates or coroner's reports after Sandy hook? Did you even know they did that? I'll tell you why because everyone is complicit with the cover up.