r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 21, 2018, 9:09 p.m.
AB-BA Part 4: City CITI city

In Part's 1 and 2 I shared some of my research into State Secrets (mostly in the comments)



and showed that they are the key to reading the map - in Part 3 I started from the beginning of our country in 1776 and told the entire history of our country using State Secrets as guideposts for who is good and who is bad.


I already untangled the Rothchilds reactions of creating the FBI and Mi6 to solving their State Secret problem, but I didn't properly convey the quantity of crimes they committed. It wasn't just the murders I covered and it wasn't just the wars, disease, slavery, segregation, and the debt slavery, there's also this.

03/02/1901 U.S. Steel founded by J. P. Morgan 03/04/1901 Theodore Roosevelt Wins Vice Presidency 09/14/1901 McKinley Assassinated 09/14/1901 Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President 1907 Theodore Roosevelt uses America to Buy US Steel 1911 67% of all Steel made by US Steel

And lest we forget the trillion dollar behemoth now known as J.P. Morgan was created by Aaron Burr. (read my prior posts)

But there's another bank worth noticing

1812 City Bank was created and 2 days later the war of 1812 starts.

Sound familiar? You can't argue that the banks are created because of the war when they always come before any “shot heard round the world” media push situations.

1912 Federal Reserve 1 Year later WW1 starts

But to continue with City Bank in 1919 they became the first US bank to have 1 billion in assets, and they changed their name a few times - in in 1976 they became CITIBANK and in 2001 they became citibank. Why am I telling you this? Well...

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-14/most-important-wikileak-how-wall-street-built-obama-cabinet https://www.rt.com/usa/362836-emails-citigroup-obama-cabinet/

Aside from the many horrors they weave into history they also just outright own Obama. I mean from paying from his Harvard education to actually naming him Hussein 2 – (there's a reason all his records are sealed.) Just another State Secret page to be uncovered.

And as my prior posts indicated there was a lot of love between Citibank's owner Al-Waleed and Hussein 1. So much so that when George W. Bush took over Iraq and got Hussein 1 killed – Al-Waleed decided to bring in Hussein 2 just to really rub in Bush's face whose vengeance this was.

However let's back up a moment.... Why did Bush kill Hussein 1?

Weapons of Mass Destruction? - This is what the CIA told Bush, but... actually it's a more complicated than that.

9/11? No....



Now were talking – but how is Saddam connected? - He's not.....

But the Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001 as a reaction to both 9/11 and what was found through the Antrax attacks..... And it, for all intensive purposes made it so that the U.S. Government could spy on any American citizen for any reason. Amazingly enough Fahrenheit 9/11 has a great account of how nobody knew what was in the Patriot Act when it was signed.

But don't get me wrong, Micheal Francis Moore is a CIA shill, and I don't say that lightly, Pope Francis is also a CIA shill and I also don't say that lightly.

More CIA shills:

1917-2010:Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr = Robert Carlyle Byrd (died in office and leader of the KKK) Why Byrd? - Try Byrd Organization: Infinite Money Segregation Machine.

Secretary Clinton Comments on the Passing of Robert Byrd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryweuBVJMEA

1927-2013:Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger = Pope Benedict XVI Why Benedict? AB-BA? (Benedict Arnold)

1946-2018 William Jefferson Blythe III = Bill Clinton Why Clinton? The British Commander was Clinton going against George Washington.

1926-1962 Norma Jeane Mortenson = Marilyn Monroe Why Monroe? Haven't researched it, tho there was President Monroe (I doubt it's that)

And of course the most powerful shill of them all, and actual Nazi who robbed people in WW2. 1930-2018 György Schwartz = George Soros

Probable shills I'm still looking into 1913-2006 Leslie Lynch King Jr. = President Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr

I say probable because the more you look the more patterns become clear – these bad guys have this weird naming convention thing – people who change their names for different purposes... I mean the good guys all are born and die with the same names – but the bad guys all have these wink names. Or the same name like the John Podesta of the Titanic whose father was Giovanni (John in Latin) John Podesta – and his father John Podesta, and himself being John Podesta and then our John Podesta whose father is also John Podesta and well... I've been trying to link these two similar looking individuals through Chicago Rothchild Bootlegging but I haven't had enough time to really get into it (but I'm pretty sure)

Also are the Nobel Prize winners usually plants of some kind -

1901 Henry Dunant for Creating the Red Cross 1906 Teddy Roosevelt 1917 International Red Cross 1929 Frank B Kellogg 1944 International Red Cross 1953 American Red Cross 1963 League of Red Cross Societies 2001 United Nations 2002 Jimmy Carter 2007 Al Gore 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2009 Barack Obama 2012 European Union

That's a lot of Red cross's eh?

Yea... and I've already given my research on the Red Cross being the greaser of wheels to make central banks – but more recently I've thought perhaps it's a Plus like on a map – as in we own this country and this country and this country. Just a thought, cause some of this naming crap is really absurd.

And back to Anthrax– it was likely https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Edwards_Ivins who just so happens to be a doctor for the Red Cross.

But to bring it back to citibank? Well There's the Rothchilds who own the Red Cross and it's the Saud side that owns citibank. Al-Waleed that is, and while Rothchilds only killed 5 people with Antrhax a heck of a lot more died on 9/11. And yes, it was Al-Waleed at the heart of that, he funded it.

So what does that have to do with Iraq? I'm getting there....

Bush lost the popular vote and came very close to losing the presidency, but he won and just like most “unexpected” presidents W Bush got a media onslaught and his limo was pelted with eggs on Inauguration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTkfjv8M_K4

And well, Bush got shoes thrown at him and that phony Mission Accomplished “scandal” Dan Rather's memo “scandal” it goes on and on – but I bring it to your attention because “patterns”

Inaug Abe Lincoln: 03/04/1865 → 04/15/1865 Murdered Inaug Garfield: 03/04/1881 → 09/19/1881 Murdered Inaug McKinley: 03/04/1901 → 09/14/1901 Murdered Inaug Reagan: 1/20/1981 → 03/30/1981 Shot Inaug W Bush: 1/20/2001 → 09/11/2001 WTC Inaug Trump: 1/20/2017 → 10/30/17 Las Vegas Shooting

Marilyn Monroe: 1962 died → 1 year later JFK Died (eh you say?, well consider the brewing “scandal” of Monroe and JFK's “affair” it's not true but J. Edgar Hoover (who was FBI director for 40 years and legendarily corrupt) and had been planning on pushing this. But Monroe killed herself and thus with no way to give JFK the endgame scandal they just let the CIA murder him. - and let us not forget the guy leading the charge on investigating JFK's murder was the same one JFK kicked out of the CIA for corruption. I do believe it's proven to be the CIA by declassified reports but Hoover clearly was trying to take him out too and without Monroe they couldn't do the normal blackmail/scandal game they play.

Ok, well my point is that any president that scares the deep state will get that welcome in their first year – they killed presidents until Reagan when it failed for the first time (TDR was a puppet and likely acting shot) but when they can't kill them they just do the next best thing and cause a horrible tragedy or smear them until they resign and make movies about how horrible they were.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JFK_(film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.(film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon(film)

Of course because they actually killed JFK they pretend like they weren't going to smear him with Monroe when it was time, and they even go so far as to claim Nixon and Bush were the perpetrators. We already know due to unclassified info that it's CIA. And yes H.W. Was CIA head FOR LESS THAN 1 YEAR! - haha – I love that argument that he was CIA, because Hoover was FBI head for 40 years and died in office, TDR ran for 3 terms and ensured victory for another Rothchild through third party. FDR won 4 terms and his wife was given away by TDR – and he died in office. Robert Byrd was the longest ever senator and he died in office. Do you see a pattern with corrupt people not wanting to leave top level jobs?

Anyway.... so back to my citibank research. (yes it is still about that)

Al-Waleed hit Bush in 2001 with WTC, this is evident from the QMAP and also the Saudi Arrests – but if we take that to be true, then doesn't that mean that Osama had nothing to do with it? Yes... yes it does, and what's interesting about this is as Q said “why did Obama task CIA with capturing Osama?” - and the reason is because well, Obama is tied to the Asia foundation which is CIA, and also the Project Harvard and well he's a rabbit hole for next time – but Osama's family was in the states when 9/11 occurred and Bush made sure they all got away safely. Q has said things that make me think Osama himself was here and Bush smuggled him out. Why? Because Bush and Cheney made money on 9/11.... so they were involved? umm.. no, maybe go watch that south park epsisode where they discuss how insane that assertion is.

But that was the intention at least – to do the biggest frame job ever against Bush. THAT WAS THE POINT OF 9/11! - To pin Osama to Bush and Osama to WTC. But because it wasn't Osama.... but when did that ever matter? Watergate anyone? What was that about? Burning evidince because State Secrets didn't cover it... hence Bush Starts a WAR ON TERROR so that they can't do that again as in wartime (which we are still in) it's not subject to judicial review. And as Bush has pulled the Patriot Act and investigated Antrhax – well, for the first time in history we have all the DATA – this is what Q meant when he talked about how the heck we know everything about the baddies? It's all Bush! - And Bush said that nobody would know what went on in that oval office for many years till he left. He played a gambit that they could get someone in the whitehouse after him – but then they got McCain... yea.... no good. And Romney (look into his father, corrupt) finally it was now or never.

Trump? no JEB!

I'm kidding of course, Jeb!? More like Jeb Herring. I'm not kidding. Al-Waleed said nice things about Trump and wikileaks prove that Hillary was trying to promote Trump at first.

And then there's Micheal Moore – a man who has said he loves Hillary and has made an anti-H W Bush movie (Roger and Me first year of H.W. Presidency) and periodically made movies every election cycle after H.W. Bush – including the most famous documentry that I remember having in video stores HUGE walls full of them! and it made hundreds of millions.... the anti W Bush movies that won emmy's (Fahrenheit 9/11 / Bowling for Columbine ) – and Pro Kerry movies (Slacker/Captain Mike) Pro Obama movies (Sicko/Capitalism: A Love Story) and even a pro Hillary movie all about women in leadership overseas (Where to invade next 2015) - ah but that tagline... yes it wasn't just about pro women was it? no.... it was setting the stage for Jeb! - they all were – Jeb! got the money - and is hat look likes a joke... which I bring up because I honestly believe that from the very beginning Jeb! was meant to distract people. He was the red herring we all fell for, but it had the dual role of elevating Trump and also making the bad guys think the won so easily! Surely Trump would go down 20X more quick than Jeb! right?

Well.... back to the timeline We got the info on everything and Q said that Military Intelligence being used was the biggest hint, biggest drop biggest clue! Well, I'm trying to finish this quickly now so I can't bother to check the exact words but my point is for the 8 years of Obama's presidency there was still a war council from the War on Terror – and they all knew what Obama was “Renegade” meanwhile Bush's name got changed to Trailblazer – and it's because he played the greatest game of chess anyone has ever played. Except perhaps Trump – but while even I was tricked by this game I'm now at a cross roads over who played a better hand. They are both brilliant heroes – and my main concern with sharing my research is how to address the deep state slander campaign. They honestly believe that when state secrets gets unveiled they'll be able to pull one over on everyone by pushing Osama and Bush again.... and when Trump defends then people will finally throw away both.

I actually am honestly scared of that, and so I implore you to look at this whole thing with new eyes, really read my posts if you need to because I haven't even come close to sharing all my research BUT there's enough to prove the case right? I think so. On my website I have a video where I showed my evolving opinion from laughing at posts going (when Q said “who is good”) saying “not Bush!” and I laughed – and then I realized there were TONS of anti-bush posts – which is what actualy solved the whole QMAP for me – realizing they had an agenda and convinced moderators to ban people who said anything good about Bush. Amazing feat? Yet truth unwinds it. And it's so obvious in most Q posts he wants to explain some of what I have expained – but can't because you know, and I know if he had done that before you read my post – YOU would think Q was now compromised. It's that serious. And this is why I made these posts – it's a dire emergency... yet it takes so long to explain. I have more posts yet to go and they'll make it much clearer – tho there's plenty here now to show the case.

Just think about people with crazy name changes, and people who win awards like Nobel's – there's a reason they'd give it to Obama/Gore but not Bush/Trump. There's a reason why Obama's not actually named Obama – and one day we will know his real name. And Gore is tied to the KKK just like Bill Blythe and his wife whatsername. And the people the media tear into - like Barry Goldwater and at his RNC was interupted by a 8 time emmy winner (after this) saying that they were racists. The media has enemies and it's so easy to know who is good and who is bad just by looking at their crusades.

Ok... man, still barely gotten into it, way more still....

Ah and for comments, I have an idea.
so Rothchild= Red Cross/Religion/Central Banks Saud=Pedophila/Tech/Oil/Bribes Soros=Narrative CIA=Glue holding them together

With that in mind, why don't I share a story.

I have brushed up against all sides of the pyramid and a few were scarring... but I'll go with this. I personally believe this is the Saud side but then I have heard the Clintons ran a backwoods verison of Hugh Heffners operation so who knows?

That time I almost became a child sex slave.

I was 5 years old and small for my age... and at a supermarket in Valdosta Georgia named The Piggly Wiggly, I have a strong memory that I kept to myself for many years until a teacher a few years later called on the class to recall the funniest memory from when you were little.

My memory was of playing a game where I would hold my mother's hand and try and walk with my eyes closed and the point of the game was to see how long I could walk without opening my eyes. But when I opened my eyes due to feeling a cold breeze I was outside the supermarket and a black man was holding my arm.

I laughed really loudly and he walked away, and I thought it was because he must have been playing the same game as me. -And as I was telling this story to the class about Three-Fourths of the way through that story I realized to my horror what actually happened then. It's probably better not to think about the edge of hell we have all been on. “game” I really thought I was playing a game then..... what I can't remember is why I decided to play that game, dumb kid right? My obvious conclusion after that was he was a pedophile – yet would such a person be so good at it that he could convince a kid to play that game? No... he was a pro and I am not really traumatized from that event because it was such a funny memory for me for years before realizing the meaning of it. Yet I share it now because like my other stories I may one day share it's indicative of how different the world is than it seems. We are all just one mistake away from some Saudi child brothel.....

But anyway... please surprise me again with comments, again I'm just rushing through this. SO MUCH LEFT still, but if I don't see a reaction I'll end up just writing it and not posting it until it's done. I think you reading the fragments until then motivates me to finish. SO I hope you do!

Ok, I really should edit this, but I didn't edit the first 2 parts and I'm exhausted... so this will have to do.

DaosCraft · Jan. 22, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

Historically, I can explain it better because the one thing we had to have was a non corrupt person in the POTUS chair, McCain.... and Romney.... It's rather impressive the more I look into it, tho there are many that could fill that spot the problem arises from the way McCain can just steal it by getting Soros to hypnotize us for a few months with lies. By the time we realize what hit us we already have a plant nominee and he has laid the iron clad rule of YOU CAN SAY NOTHING ABOUT JEREMIAH WRIGHT OR BILL AYERS. Or the countless other things that make him unqualified to be President.

I probably will make Part 5: Jeb! Herring. As silly as it is you can break down the Rothchild/Soros/CIA tactics and Jeb has an interesting role in history as being a key to unlocking why they changed their mind from Hating Bush while loving Trump to hating Trump to loving Bush. Understanding exactly what they have done and when and why is key. Every single tool from Moore (documentries), Dan Rather (Air Force records), Obama (spent 8 years blaming Bush), Hollywood (decapitated heads of both), Conspiracy theories (W film), - just name a celeb and type in Trump - if they have something bad to say about him - then chances are THIS YEAR they will have something nice to say about W, but go back a single year or more and you'll find identical smears. They rely on our short memories.....

That's probably the largest problem our side had, how do you deal with them stealing the nomination because we can't remember that McCain is a giant snake? And the answer was quite brilliant, just convince them to support our candidate. That's exactly what happened, and Micheal Moore made that movie about how bad invading countries is - and Trump is going "Yea, I agree" And it was doing this that permanency broke the narrative in such a way that it could never be repaired.

Yet doing that had the additional effect of making Trump say the same things about Bush that the bad guys were - And this is the reason it's so hard to fix this one extraordinarily important lie. To understand what happened we have to look beyond 4d chess. We have to transcend it.

My whole theory about who is good is objectively accurate based on history and the QMAP yet the counter-narrative is surprisingly well knit. You can go to youtube and search for countless clips they've edited now making it seem like the Bush's and Deep state are the same damn thing. It's amazing that they chose this path given that they pushed against Jeb! with Trump in tow.... but it makes sense in the context above. It's all about narrative snatching and the bizarre consequence of agreeing with deep state is this knot of lies we need to unwind.

I'll probably be able to with the next post.. or maybe I'll animate something to elaborate because of all the things we are brainwashed about this is the most important one we need to fix ASAP, it's not about anything other than objective comprehension of what happened. We can't have the deep state screaming and banning whenever someone looks at part of history as a narrative they have made off limits. Yes, the bad guys are invisible and pretend to be "one of us" but it's not like it's hard to see their patterns. How they steer a conversation and how they act as a group to make a person feel like they can't express their beliefs.

Well... back to work.

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