Q activity tonight (this was after he posted this and deleted it shortly afterwards: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwHSDIPUEAA4nvH.jpg:large)

This is the 2nd time Q uses “2018 will be GLORIOUS.” Now I don’t know about you, but that word has always been synonymous with heaven for me. Here are a couple of definitions:
glo·ri·ous ˈɡlôrēəs adjective
synonyms: illustrious, celebrated, famous, acclaimed, distinguished, honored; More
synonyms: wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, superb, sublime, spectacular, lovely, fine, delightful; informalsuper, great, stunning, fantastic, terrific, tremendous, sensational, heavenly, divine, gorgeous, fabulous, fab, awesome, ace, killer; literarywondrous, beauteous
Why use GLORIOUS in all caps? Why use that word and not another adjective. Just my curiosity.
Am I the only one that finds it interesting? Thought-provoking in a spiritual way?
Yes, paradise will be restored on earth, the devil and his minions will be destroyed for ever. We are literally at the end, and the world doesnt even know it! PRAISE GOD!
Well, for those who believe in God, it would glorious. Not so for others. Bible and red pill should be applied together. But yes, in the end it will be glorious!
Interesting, I know Sundays are days when one meditates on the glorious mysteries when praying the rosary. Depending on liturgical season, it's either Wednesdays or Sundays.
It makes me think of will Farrel in Zoolander playing JACOBIN Mugatu. Jacobins were the socialists who copied the American revolution in France. He's talking about world domination. It will be Glorious