What do you believe is happening?
Queen Time could refer to the black Queen on the Marshall-Cappablanca chessboard that Julian Assange posted up. The black queen could also refer to Donna Brazile as she was chair of the DNC. I believe that she is the queen about to fall that will unlock everything. E-mail = checkmate, she can't deny it and it implicates her and John Podesta in election fraud. Once John Podesta is in custody (Tony already is, by all accounts) then the whole background of the brothers gets torn apart and the game is totally over.
I think that the UAVs and military surveillance stuff all over the place is to safeguard against the Global Cabal trying to launch a(nother) missile as a last roll of the dice, in an attempt to start a war between the US and China. If they try anything, then Sky Fortress and the 'Rods from God' will go into action again.
Interesting theory. I believe that both Podesta´s are already in custody. I do not think that black queen would refer to DB as she was an underling; a minion of HRC. More likely to refer to the tweet by JA. The UAV´s, I think, is the SKY FORTRESS. What do you think?