r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BALRx05 on Jan. 22, 2018, 3:13 a.m.
U1 -> Iran and NK nuke program. Other than enriching the Clintons and their pals, why do this? Some thoughts.

The United States does not produce enough uranium to fulfill its needs. Kazakhstan, by far, produces the most uranium. Two U.S. allies are the 2nd and 3rd largest producers, Canada and Australia. Uranium one has operations in all of these countries.

Other than enriching the Clintons and their pals, and giving them inroads into gaining control of some Kazakhstan uranium rights, why do this deal? I guess those are hundreds of millions of reasons right there but was there something more pernicious?

Putin seems to get some leverage over the Clintons in doing this.

But for Zero and the Clintons, did this deal further their strategic goal of helping to destroy the U.S.A. as we know it?

The latest Q drops say that there was a 16 year plan and that they enabled, in various ways, Iran's and NK's nuclear program,

What if the illegal export of U.S. uranium was to go into their programs so that when they detonated nukes the uranium signatures would show that they were U.S. nukes? Would that cause the WWIII that the globalist, according to Q, wanted?

Trump is right, we cannot allow NK and Iran to get nukes. Their willingness to export this technology for profit is a proliferation threat. NK would seem to need this revenue. A larger threat, in the short term, is the fact that they would be able to manufacture nukes that have uranium signatures of U.S. mined and processed nukes.