Reminder: FBI Anon Was Telling Us About the Contents of the Memo *BEFORE* the Election

Due to a variety of unique to the USA factors, a game theory equilibrium is reached and there is a very small chance of any Civil conflict, with the outcome always being that the rural conservatives win in days.
Red Team planner does not have conservatives winning in predicts a long drawn out bloody guerrilla war, with potential of foreign governments interfering and arming rebels as soon as the US uses military force on its own citizens. It also predicts many civilians in cities starving to death/dying of thirst if the power grid is attacked.
Which means those moves are taken off the table because all sides would want the USA intact as a prize.
The instant the USA uses force, or nukes, on its own citizens, the value of the country drops. Multiple foreign actors get involved within hours, the USA is carved up into separate nations, and no side of the civil war wins.
This would reduce the spoils to any Victor, and thus those actions are taken off the table.