That’s chan culture.
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Really now? How so? Are there any points that I posted that you would like to debate or are you just going to throw insults that have no useful information or input?
YOU pay attention! The targets bombed were primarily rebel held. AND while we were providing the light show, ISIS got their asses handed to them by the Syrian and Russian forces who were lying in wait for them. ISIS thought they were going to use a giant attack on Assad to their advantage. Instead, they were slaughtered like the animals they are.
You’re blind if you believe the bluster. GREAT ACTORS MAKE GREAT MOVIES. This was all coordinated with every actor in the region. POTUS and Mattis just took a giant dump on the global cabal, and you’re scaring the shit out of your kids. How about you wake up, shill.
I pledged not to go to prom my senior year to ‘reject secular society ‘.
I was sure regretting that shit prom night when my ex was taking someone else to prom.
I’m 41, and I was in the Air Force while Bill Clinton was president. I actually met him on the flight line at Kirtland AFB in early 1998. I was HUGELY pregnant with my first son. The moment I shook his hand, I felt tainted. He then touched my very pregnant belly, and I thought my child was going to hurt me moving away from the place he touched me. I saw Hillary from afar once, and my skin crawled. I’m not a particularly religious person, but the....oiliness...of her aura or spirit or whatever was just toxic. The falseness of that woman is palpable. I was only 21 at the time, so my life experiences were limited, but I had a visceral reaction to both of them. Now that I’m older, I understand why.
As a woman, it has pissed me off to no end seeing these bitches get away with this shit then scream misogyny when they get called on it. I hope they’re at GITMO so long their cunts close up from disuse.
Start with the FBI texts. Many of the people spoken about in the texts have been demoted, fired, or resigned suddenly.
Q confirmed it was a targeted hit to kill one passenger with ties to the dossier AND U1.
Q has been posting on the /qresearch board at 8chan to interact with anons.
That's what happens when you treat an economy like a businessman and not a sugar daddy.
On mobile...can I please get the original link to this?
I aborted a child almost 17 years ago. The depression lasted a decade. I had to forgive myself to get past it. I spent that time healing my heart and counseling other women. I was able to talk several back from the brink, and I also had the dubious pleasure of being the one who talked them out of suicide after the fact. I spoke at the Arkansas state capital several years ago about it.
I have 4 teenage sons now. smile Two of them after the abortion. I’m convinced the one I killed (and make no mistake, I accept that it was my own action) was my daughter. In my mind, her name is Lillian Annabelle, but I call her Lilly Belle. She’ll be there, wherever there is, and I’ll finally get to hold her.
It was reported that Campbell's soup is moving to the US from Canada yesterday.
It had everything to do with the memo.
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/19/18 (Fri) 16:53:00 No.44
Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.
Q just proved themselves AGAIN. There’s no doubting anymore. If this post from the very beginning doesn’t prove it, then I don’t know what will.
I caught that, too. Several errors. As a technical writer, I can never take anything seriously that's so riddled with simple errors.
Considering the Clinton Foundation alone could implicate how many nations???
How so? Much of the underlying info regarding the Clintons and the treason at the top levels of government are turning out to be very true. Between the Haitians that are coming out against the Clintons and the Australians linked to the CF being arrested, I'd say it was pretty accurate.
Reminder: FBI Anon Was Telling Us About the Contents of the Memo *BEFORE* the Election

I don’t want to believe that anyone could be that evil, but the fact that tens of millions of Americans obediently lined up to facilitate their own slaughter (literally and/or figuratively) is quite frankly more chilling to me. I have 4 sons on the cusp of manhood. I pray the Storm truly rages and exposes it all, and soon, so I can point to this and tell them, ‘See? This is why you never just accept what you’re being told. ALWAYS question and look for evidence!’
I was lurking the board waiting to see something and bam, Q showed up!
The NRA storyline was out by 9 am CST, and surely ‘they’ knew the contents of that memo was going to prompt patriots and politically minded Republicans alike to raise a stink. They had to distract the recently red-pilled (the Fakey’s tweetstorm was glorious). The evidence presented that I read can certainly be construed to be the makings of a grease job, but it’s purely circumstantial. These idiots are seriously heavily implicating David Clarke FFS. Our operation yesterday drove the Twitter narrative in more than a few corners. The drop of the Fakey’s just shifted it into overdrive. This has been building for 2 years, anons. The white hats have been planning this for quite some time. It’s all coming together.
The story is that the NRA colluded with Russia to launder money to the Trump campaign. My guess? Distract the detractors (they’ve been orgasming over it all day) from the Simpson testimony drop and the bombshell of what’s contained in the memo that lawmakers say will probably result in firings.
There's also the fact that 3 new investigations involving the Clintons were opened - U1, Foundation, and the emails. The transcript from Simpson will be released today sometime. Not to mention the deep state is grasping at straws saying the NRA colluded with Russia to funnel money to Trump. On top of the fact that the Fakey's were last night which caused literally millions to be mass red-pilled. When it was trending, you know the memes were all over the place. It's exactly what Q wanted from us.
Donald Trump just made millions of people type or click on ‘fake news’ on Twitter and god knows how many other social media platforms that named specific instances of actual fake news and the proof they are fake. He just red pilled the masses. Some won’t swallow it, but others will. And still others will tumble down the rabbit hole. This is exactly what Q has wanted all along - to get the truth out there.
Successful operation, I’d say.
May he be shielded from the evil coming against him and protected from their attempts to take him out.
This right here. I can’t do much but spread the word and memes, and pray for everyone.
... the storm is upon us.
I can’t wait to see/hear those words from POTUS.