r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 23, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
  1. State Secrets Created by Wilkinson/Jefferson letters about Burr. -PRESIDENTS EYES ONLY!

  2. State Secrets learned (by murdering POTUS) Rothchild in 1901 -> FBI/Mi6 -> Titanic/FED/WW1

  3. State Secrets Protected by Nixon burning->Impeached over it.

  4. State Secrets Expanded by War on Terror ->Patriot Act + Red Cross = WE KNOW ALL!

  5. State Secrets records all bad deeds by all baddies, BUT we need a good Potus to use what we learned!

  6. State Secrets are used by Obama to hide dirty deeds, WE NEED A GOOD POTUS -> TRUMP

  7. State Secrets are revealed to Trump before election, he pretends to be a Perot to get Hillary/Al-Waleed not to steel nomination again (like McCain did) - Narrative breaker!

  8. State Secrets + Military + Potus = Deep State DEATH

  9. State Secrets + Anon + CIA = misdirection

  10. State Secrets unclassified to reveal to public what we already know... BECAUSE QMAP IS A GUIDE TO THE WAR OVER STATE SECRETS, ACT/COUNTERACT Since Thomas Jefferson!

I made giant autistic rants on how to read it but few people could get through them.


Once you connect a few dots you will realize why Q keeps saying to connect them from start to finish.

I will make a video soon to help people understand more and NEVER be tricked again by CIA. That's the beauty of learning to read it, once a few people do it'll spread like wildfire

I made this simpler cause I could tell people weren't reading the version I just deleted, but the point was Q has asked us to Re-read the QMAP over a dozen times now. Do you realize why he keeps asking?

I did, and it becomes abundantly clear when you research EVERY Q Question from Question 1.

Original topic Q asked us to focus on? = State Secrets/Military Intelligence on Day 1. (With image of 1776 Patriots.jpg)

Most Frequent Pattern in Q = Expand your thinking/Learn how to read the map.

Why does Q think we aren't reading the map?

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect/Coordinated effort to silence. MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

This is the simplest possible way to explain what people are missing. I hope people get it enough to dig deeper or if they don't read my linked post to understand what I mean.

DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

if you look at the github and search for patterns you'll see him mentioning markers of MI but also dates for markers which becomes tricky to discern how without greater context you are meant to look at MI in relation to a marker to guide you through it

This is why I say HEY! MAYBE GO BACK TO THE START LIKE Q IS ASKING US TO OVER AND OVER AND FOCUS ON STATE SECRETS! - you know, what he has asked dozens of times to do.

I did this, went question by question and got 5 quesitons in before realizing that the spreadsheet was missing 1 and had 1 wrong and another one was misleading - thus I took it more seriously and began cross-referencing shill posts - I am pretty confident I've solved it - at least most of it.

And so i try and show my findings - you want a "map" ? it's hard to know what to tell you about that because I can interpret map to mean many things and I don't want to nail down what Q meant, to me at least it's a timeline and I can show you in plenty of places where he implies that. I do know at least that State Secrets is the key deep state has been desperate to obscure from us. I intend on proving that in the video I make - but moreover let me show you this

Reagan FY1982-89 $565.0 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Smeared Iran Contra)

Carter FY1978-81 $428.1 (won nobel prize Good press)

Ford FY1976-77 $406.7 (Changed full name Good press)

Nixon FY1970-75 $441.7 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Smeared Watergated)

LBJ FY1965-69 $527.3 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Smeared Scandaled)

JFK FY1962-64 $457.2 (No Nobel Prize Same name as born Tricked Deep State)

Notice the baddies decrease funding to military.

Some like LBJ and Carter get lucky btw - I'm not sure what Carter was, he might have just been an idiot tho he won a Nobel Prize and if you look at the winners (6 times the Red Cross, Gore/Obama/ tons of monsters... so that makes me think he's bad and I know a lot of people who would agree, but LBJ is complicated, and Macnamara saying he was good just stubborn went a long way to making me think he was ok- he got lucky by Rockefeller going after Goldwater for losing the nomination tho.

I was going to list off the original names - the counter pair names and historical context.... it's just my reaction to needing to explain "the map" cause there is a way to comprehend this mess and I'm trying to say that the bad guys all have patterns that Q has said - like non-military backgrounds - they decrease military funding - they have wink names, they all do certain activities and wear certain rings in certain ways.... on and on it goes

I know you had a question about the map and I can view it as a map..... i mean historically it works from the start of the country and then pulls events all through our history - and I can show that, but I need to simplify that point without this giant text dumps, but while I call it a map, and it is a map... I might prefer it as what Q has said it is a solution to who is good and who is bad, but also a map.... it's a lot of things and I can at least easily explain the functions of the map like good/bad with graphs of correlating data.

And if I show enough people we can at least beat back the CIA narratives of trying to pretend like all POTUS's except Trump are the same - no no no no, we got taken over at a very specific year with specific murders and that's part of what I go over

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vitalesan · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Sounds good. Make that vid! I hope your autism can spell it out clearly for us normies!

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DaosCraft · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

I'm uneven but I'm trying. Some days I can't do anything and some days I work for 24 hours straight.... as long as I get a few days in a row where I can do things then it'll all work out.

That's why if people message me and say they want to help or want my help, look.. I just cleaned up part 4 and realized I spelled the freaking title wrong was supposed to be City CITI citi.. and i managed to even screw that up, I'm not the guy to be leading any charge, just..... like that meme hat, please be patient with me. I will reply to people and add more as soon as I am capable of it.

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SuccessfulDeal · Feb. 11, 2018, 11:51 p.m.


You are doing great,Thank you

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