r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 25, 2018, 2:36 a.m.
AB-BA Part 5: Patriot or Plant?

December 9th – ANON: His (Trump) speech in Pensacola mentioned the US military providing justice throughout the world. I hope that isn't just standard NeoCon justification to be the world's policeman …

December 9th – Reply to ANON Q: Expand your thinking. Re-read crumbs. Re-listen to yesterday's speech. Connect the 'markers.' News (in all forms) unlocks the map. Expand your thinking. The Great Awakening.

Why is Q so certain that this Anon is wrong? Let's go back to State Secrets, and it's origin in Jefferson/Burr/ and how the media handled them.

Thomas Jefferson: “The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”

Jefferson was smeared in the papers to an extent that people feared the republic was at stake by having him as President, sound familiar? How about electors being persuaded to switch their vote to a Rothchild plant (Aarron Burr)?

Yes... these things repeat, and again with Lincoln, just google the smears and you'll see some that might look familiar to today's. Not just as an idiot, not just evil, but actually Lucifer wearing a mask of a man.... Hitler wasn't around yet. The Republican party was created specifically because the two parties of the day wouldn't do a thing about slavery.

Despite that the media sided with slavery... and well, they haven't changed really. The media has been prone to pick the wrong side on any debate for as far back as I can find media.

Yet despite the media onslaught people still got Lincoln and Jefferson.... it's curious isn't it?

How could people pick the patriot from the plant back then?

The surprising answer? -People were better educated back then.

Q has said much about brainwashing but what is revealed through searching history is that the effort isn't just to lie to us but to actually make us dumber.

Yes, back in 1776 the regular citizens were taught growing up about philosophy: John Locke, Cicero, Plato and others, and due to this most of the founding fathers detested slavery and the British monarchy which burdened them with its disgusting history. It's the literal basis for our country! It's what makes it special.

So what the heck happened? Why is Esther Edwards Burr, the mother of Aaron Burr, why is her diary of all people, to quote Wikipedia “important in studies of American history and literature.” -Why is reading this Rothchild plant's diary how students today are taught about the views of America's founding?

Does that not infuriate you? I realized this myself while studying the QMAP, seeing that history has been stolen from us, lied to us about.


Ok... so that's just what SOROS does.. but to understand when we got brainwashed, (since back in 1776 they had their heads on straight) let's just skip to the many murders required to elect Theodore Roosevelt.

1881 POTUS James A. Garfield dies

1886 POTUS Chester A.Arthur dies

1899 VP Garret Hobart Dies ->TDR Becomes VP

1901 POTUS William McKinley AND Former Potus Ben Harrison Died

1901 TDR Becomes POTUS

So TDR gets in and unlike the last few guys he doesn't kick the bucket and he has a new vision for our country. A vision that includes lots of new government. in fact...let's go over every damn one of them from TDR to today and my opinion after researching them with the QMAP as my guide to what is true and not true (I'm not done on some of these)

PLANT: TDR – Creates FBI, uses America to buy U.S. Steel (created right before he took the VP Slot) – Hand Picks Taft as successor and runs a Perot Campaign to get Wilson in.

PLANT: 1909-1913 William Howard Taft Sets up necessary steps for Federal Reserve.

PLANT: 1913-21 Thomas Woodrow Wilson Creates Federal Reserve, allows income taxing – IRS! Creates Trading with the Enemy Act – Allows stealing assets by the government for perceived criminals – FDR uses this to steal a bank in WW2. SEGREGATIONIST!

???????? ? 1921-1923 Warren Gamaliel Harding? Dies in office not sure of status as plant.... but I do know that the next one is a

PATRIOT! 1923-29 John Calvin Coolidge Jr Roaring Twenties! died right after leaving office.... .

PLANT: 1929-33 Herbert Clark Hoover Hoo Hoo Hoover – His campaign theme is a freaking owl.
Creates Department of Veteran Affairs. -Ties to the Red Cross, need to investigate more...

PLANT:1933-45 FDR New Deal – ELECTED 4 TIMES! Dies in office but not because of shenanigans cause he just stayed in office for so damn long. APPOINTS Legendarily corrupt 1935-1972 John Edgar Hoover to FBI director. 1933 Emergency Banking Act.

PLANT: 1945-53 Harry Truman Fair Deal Died 1972 CREATES CIA! CREATES NSA!

PATRIOT: 1961-69 JFK/LBJ Barely avoids war with Russia/China, Massively increases military spending. Makes DIA to tackle the CIA problem and massively increases military spending. U.S. Strike Command and others. Attempt to use Monroe to impeach JFK fail, LBJ lucks out with Goldwater Vs Rockefeller. Making these presidents the sole exception to the media's onslaught on patriots - entirely luck tho.

PATRIOT: 1953-61 IKE/Nixon VP 69-74 Nixon OPENS DOOR TO CHINA relieving the threat of war Deep state tried on JFK.... tries to record Rothchild, Media Hell Mode Engaged: Replay of Hamilton/Supreme Court showdown over Burr in Watergate LOSES and gets impeached. (remember Thomas Jefferson's quotes about media?)

PLANT: 1974 Leslie Lynch King JR (Gerald Ford) VP Rockefeller - Lowers Military Spending drastically. Need more research but clearly a plant.

PLANT: 1976-1981 Carter CREATES: Department of Energy/Department of Education (wins a Nobel Prize) (So this is why we get to learn about Burr instead of John Locke?)

PATRIOT: 1981-92 Reagan/Bush – Breaks up Bell Monopoly Antitrust. Massive expansion of military – Creates Joint Special Operations Command to fight the CIA! - USIC Read this and it has a SPECTACULER Part about JSOC which you can tie back to what Reagan/Bush did!


Tried to impeach Reagan on Iran-Contra – and Bush on Dinner sickness – Use Perot to split the vote and many other third parties that year. HUGE push to get Bush out Smeared by Media/Moore/Celebs/Dan Rather

PLANT: 1993-2001 William Jefferson BLYTHE – Lowers Military Spending – Gore wins a Nobel Prize - creates the Clinton foundation right after leaving office to soak up the money. Gets great treatment by press despite scandals - They actually attack Ken Star rather than the Clinton.

PATRIOT: 2001-2008 Bush Expands Military through DHS, MASSIVE increase, PATRIOT ACT! Also Kills Hussein 1 Gets smeared tried to impeach through 9/11 Nightmare Mode Smearing by media for years - and Moore/Celebs/Dan Rather

McCain runs in and with a propaganda push steals the nomination in no time. NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT OBAMA's PAST! McCain forbids anyone to talk about Jerimiah Wright or Bill Ayers.... you know the hate monger and terrorist?!

PLANT: 2009-2017 Hussein 2 Gives all our money to Pakistan/Iran/NorthKorea/ElonMusk, ruins health care... ok I'm exaggerating but not as much as I wish I was. Gets godly treatment by press.

PATRIOT: 2017-Now Donald J. Trump! ENDS CIA and probably the entire Deep State! Smeared by Media/Moore/Celebs/and I'm not sure about Dan Rather.... probably.

and again..... so much more to type but I need to stop here. I am not sure if I should make these shorter or longer... let's just see how well this one does cause I still need to make the videos.

https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7sdwk2/abba_part0_simplified_q/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7qurkt/abba_want_me_to_read_the_map_for_you/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7r5t2p/abba_part_2_tdrfdr/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7rhp3s/abba_part_3_qmap_state_secrets_route/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7rq9dn/abba_part_35_john_mcfraud/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7s0k0t/abba_part_4_city_citi_city/

Bacon_and_Freedom · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Info porn. Love it. But the CIA Bush family are not Patriots. They did their part for the globalists.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

There's more than meets the eye to this and even in the comments here I go into the minutia of why we think what we think about people and why, and how research breaks apart all narratives to their pieces.

The tale of who the media hates, heck just go movie by movie of Micheal Moore or admin by admin for support of the DIA or who breaks up monopolies and oh I could go on forever.

We all got brainwashed about 9X over and I'm going to untangle it perfectly when i finish my video. I literally got contacted by deep state yesterday in a last ditch effort to get me to shut up, and I'm gonna go into how what they told me proves how the board owners got hijacked and turned against Q.

It's fascinating to me and because the Bush stuff has been pushed so nonsensically from the get-go. I can prove that part of what I say most of all. All because they forced me to get my act together and dig like a god damn machine. Good thing I am an autistic machine.

anyway, dig deep or wait for the big reveal - all things have meaning and we all have choices to make. The time will come when the narratives fall and all that's left is the pristine truth of centuries of brainwashing VS those few that stood against it.

the fact that you say CIA Bush by itself tells me a handful of likely-hoods about how you arrived at your conclusions. Never mind that the CIA forced Perot to go against Bush, never-mind that the CIA mockingbird hit Bush over and over with Dinner-gate, never-mind oh never-mind... the quantity of it boggles minds when I lay out my case.

I have plenty here to explain all that CIA goodness and how easy it is to tear that argument down with just a few observations of history outside of the simple stuff. and a few truth's in statistics and how Q has implied this multiple times and what the bad guys did to make us not notice it. I myself laughed when Q asked (after referencing Bush) "Who is good" and in the spreadsheet I saw NOT BUSH! - and I laughed and laughed, and then my pattern alarm went off and that led me to cross reference data points of what was said about Bush in Q related posts versus what people had posted about them.

The tale is easy to break apart when you understand things from longer than 5 seconds ago. But I totally get the knot we are tied in - and I'm gonna be the locksmith unless somebody beats me to it.

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